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A letter from Emma, queen of the Franks (980's)


Emma of Italy


empress Adelaide, her mother

Translated letter:

To Adelaide, mother, empress always imperial, Emma, queen of the Franks, greetings. Though there is great distance between our lands, yet I ask for help as a daughter from her mother. Duke Hugh has by his plots turned not only the princes of our kingdom away from loyalty to us, but tries even to turn my brother Otto against us; that is why he went to Rome. Lest he exult in the success of his desire, I, daughter, beseech [you] mother, to keep such an enemy from returning. And if it is possible, either hold him captive or let him not return unpunished. But lest the evader elude you by his tricks, I have taken care to indicate all the inseparable accidents of his form. [Emma listed various particulars of Hugh’s physical makeup, eyes, ears, tongues, teeth, and nose, but this passage is not quoted by Richer.]

Original letter:

Adelaidi matri, imperatrici semper augustae, Emma Francorum regina salutem. Licet multo terrarum interstitio semota, tamen a matre auxilii rationem filia peto. Hugo dux insidiis non solum regni nostri principes a nostra fidelitate amovit, sed et fratrem meum Ottonem a nobis conatur avertere; inde et Romam illum adiit. Ne ergo penitus sui voti colmos glorietur, peto supplex filia matrem, ut in revertendo tantus hostis impediatur; et si fieri potest, aut captus teneatur, aut impunis non redeat. Sed ne vos suis dolis tergiversator evadat, totius formae illius inseparabilia accidentia vobis indicare curavi.

Historical context:

The letter Richer cites, written while Emma’s husband was still alive, asks her mother to intervene to capture duke Hugh [Capet] on his way back from Rome where he had met with the emperor Otto II and the pope.

Printed source:

MGH SS 3, Richeri Historia Libri IIII, 3.87, p.626, dated 980's.

