A letter from Hincmar of Reims (end of 848 or 851)
Hincmar of ReimsReceiver
Ermentrud of OrleansTranslated letter:
Whence he also admonishes the queen that she strive to exhort the king to honorable conversation/intercourse fitting for a king.Original letter:
Unde reginam quoque admonet, ut regem ad honestam et regi congruam studeat exhortari conversationem.Historical context:
Hincmar sent a letter to Irmintrud’s husband Charles (ep.43), about a planned meeting with his half-brother Lothar, instructing the king how to behave before God and men. Hincmar also wrote to the queen telling her to exhort the king to proper behavior. The editor suggests that the meeting was probably the one in Peronne in January 849. Only summaries are given of both letters.Printed source:
Ep.Kar Aevi, 6 (Berlin: Weidmann, 1939), Hinkmar von Reims, ep.44, p.25, also Regesta Flodoardi Historia Remensis Ecclesiae, MGH, SS 13, p.506.