A letter from Ermentrud of Orleans (847)
Ermentrud of OrleansReceiver
Pardulo, bishop of LaonTranslated letter:
In the name of the only and omnipotent God, Irmintrud queen by divine grace ordaining, to the venerable bishop Pardulo, greetings. New things, about which you said you could write nothing except what you have already sent through Robert, we desire to hear that they have come out prosperous with the abundant grace of God. We shall be sure to mark the solemn day of your ordination with our prayers and those of our people for you, would that they be useful. Further the gifts which you sent us were welcome; and the labor of the stole which you imposed we shall willingly undertake to try and, following your suggestion, with God's favor, who made us and bestowed such goods on us, we shall be zealous to avoid harmful idleness. We shall be helped by your always efficacious prayers: since you will never offer us anything that we will not have anticipated from your proved loyalty. We wish to obtain from your kindness that you humbly entreat God’s mercy for those who gave up their souls in defense of the fatherland and you assist their survivors however you can.
Original letter:
In nomine Dei solius et omnipotentis Irmin[drudis] divina ordinante gratia regina vener[ando] P[ardulo] episcopo salutem. Res novas, super quibus vos nihil posse scribere significastis, nisi quod per Rhotb. iam mandaveratis, prosperas exuberante Dei gratia provenire cupimus et audire. Diem vero vestrae ordinationis nostris et nostrorum precibus vobis utinam profuturis sollemnem facere studebimus. Praeterea quae misistis munera grata nobis fuerunt; et stolae cuius imposuistis laborem libenter experiri curabimus, et secundum vestram suggestionem propitio Deo, qui nos fecit et tantis bonis cumulavit, noxium studebimus otium evitare. Vestris tamen semper efficacibus iuvemur orationibus: quia nihil unquam nobis praestabitis, quod non de vestra probabili fidelitate praesumpserimus. Hoc a vestra benignitate impetratum volumus, ut pro his, qui in defensione patriae suas posuerunt animas, Dei clementiam suppliciter flagitetis et superstitibus eorum hominibus auxiliemini, quanticumque vobis possible fuerit.Historical context:
The queen, answering the bishop, assures him of her prayers, thanks him for gifts, promises to make the stole he requested, and asks his prayers for those who died in battle and aid to their survivors.Printed source:
MGH, Ep. Kar. Aevi 4, Lupi Abbatis Ferrariensis Epistolae, ep.89, p.79-80.