A letter from Imma, wife of Einhard (before 836)
Imma, wife of Einhard
Translated letter:
To her lord and venerable and loveable son, N., Imma your faithful[mother/grandmother] eternal salvation in the Lord.(1)
After your faithful messenger N. came to us and brought me your letters, whatever I was able to identify of utility, I endeavored to do willingly. It is for you to weigh carefully and consider that those things which you intend to do among yourselves are found to be not only useful but also honorable in every way, and no fault be found with those that are just, who announced what was done because of many, to do what I see can happen so at last, if it is done in its time, as you well know, according to Solomon those things have such success and are rightly done which are done in their time.(2) I wish you always to be well in Christ, dearest son.
Original letter:
Domino et filio venerando ac diligendo N. Imma fidelis [?avia] vestra sempiternam in Domino salutem.
Postquam fidelis missus vester N. ad nos venit et mihi litteras vestras reddidit, quicquid in his [utilitatis] cognoscere potui, libenter facere certavi. Vestrum [perpendere est et con]siderare, ut ea, que inter vos agere disponitis, non solum utilia, sed etiam honesta ex utraque parte inveniantur, et quod [iusta eorum non sit] reprehensio, qui ob multorum profectum id, quod agere ... os .. pronunciatus. Quod ita demum fieri posse video, si suo [quicquid tempore] fiat, quia, sicut vos optime nostis, iuxta Salomonem [ea tantum profectum] habent et ea rectae fiunt, que in suo tempore fiunt. Opto te semper in Christo bene valere, fili carissime.
Historical context:
There are lacunae or difficult readings in the text of a letter which in any case avoids specifics. Imma has been asked to do some things which she could do, others not, and she seems to be worried about the nature of what N. proposes to do.
Scholarly notes:
(1)The reading "avia," grandmother is uncertain.
(2)The editor suggests an echo of Eccl.3:1.
Printed source:
MGH, Ep Kar 3, Einharti Epistolae, ep.37, p.128-29.
before 836