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A letter from John VIII, pope (878, January to May)


John VIII, pope


Angelberga of Italy

Translated letter:

To his most beloved daughter Angelberga august Empress. Remembering all your goodnesses we daily give thanks to our God who struck your spirit with a spiritual kindling of flame from the beginning with such sollicitude for devotion to the holy Roman church. But now, my dearest daughter and devoted to Christ, I ask you to bring your strength of most acute wit sollicitous with accustomed goodness in this inopportune time so that the good begun brought to the consummation of the work may receive the rewards of the eternal requiter. I ask also that you hold the bearer of the presents, Peter our cardinal priest, commended in all things and dispose with your most prudent counsel his journey with accustomed piety, so that he may come back to us safe with God as guide. Dated as above.

Original letter:

Dilectissime Filie Angelberge Imperatrici Auguste. Reminiscentes omnium bonorum vestrorum cotidie Deo nostro gratiarum actiones referimus, qui vestrum animum tanta sollicitudine circa devotionem ab exordio sancte Romane ecclesie spirituali flamme adustione percussit. Sed nunc, filia mea karissima et in Christo devota, queso vires sollicita ingenii acutissimi et in hoc inoportuno tempore solita bonitate concurre, quatinus ceptum bonum usque ad consummationem operis perductum eterni retributoris premia recipere valeat. Latorem quoque presentium, Petrum cardinis nostri presbyterum, queso, in omnibus habeas commendatum vestroque consilio prudentissimo iter illius solita pietate disponite, quatinus Deo duce ad nos possit redire incolomis. Data ut Supra.

Historical context:

The pope asks the empress to do something for the church which was presumably specified orally by the trusted bearer of the letter, Peter.

Printed source:

MGH Ep. Kar. aevi 5.98-99, Iohannis VIII Papae Epistolae, ep.106


878, January to May