A letter from Guido de Basochis ()
Guido de BasochisReceiver
HadewichTranslated letter:
… with cornfields, meadows with flowers, bushes with fruits, woods with harmonies of birds caress the eyes of onlookers, stroke the ears, arouse [from] torpor, exhilarate spiritis, lessen cares, repair health, invite dreams, evoke color, provoke appetite. This place is useful or delightful or both to all. Here the people is kept busy in common play: some alternately lean on shoulders with their hands and fight with their feet; others battle with chests and arms joined and strength cancelled on both sides by wit; [in] one place, spikes of a wooden and half hidden instrument strike and punish delays with repeated striking of natural weight; not a few hit a thrown ball with a stick a distance and follow to a certain goal.(1) There military arms reflect the sun with golden brilliance and the glory of peace exults under the image of battle, while a lance borne skillfully with upper arm joined to the side with a shield threatens and spares. Happy youth of both sexes adorns another place joyfully with the beautiful melody and precious crown of society that a flowing wandering chain brings together with the leading of hands equal to the whiteness of snow and beauty of flowers with ivory fingers glowing with gold and radiant with the astral brilliance of jewels. Softness of grass sports with playing feet and the crystalline foot frisks in emerald leaf. With all zeal, the face worked by painting nature and the proud armor of multiple beauty captivate the young hearts of the light crowd and carry off the spoils of the inner man by the conquered gates of the eyes. The delicious loveliness of those singing sweetly, by whom it is enclosed, shuts off the bitterness of anxiety and equally the silence not speaking cares rewards those working with the desired end. But truly the ranks of separate clerics like the ordered battle line of domesticated animals(2) in swarms either walk through the crowds along the shores of the river with those looking and smiling or they recline with gesture and gait equally presenting the face of simplicity of the dove no less in garments by quanity as much as quality professing the study of virtue and diffusing a motive of honesty and offices of discipline. Their instruments sing sweet sounding songs, in which the modulation of the wandering voice runs moving through the limit of first placement in song through related consonants with artful smoothness. On one hand, they dance by metrical law, some walk in prosaic freedom, not a few color the satiric thorn with rhetorical flower and the pungent art of speaking claims favor for the speakers. Others run on with varied speech and they torment with multiple dispute the natures of things, the secrets of heaven, passions of the air, depths of the sea, bosoms of earth, sites of cities, customs of peoples, rights of kingdoms, decrees of pontiffs, laws of emperors, deeds of kings and ancient princes, and the universal disciplines of the liberal arts. I have thought it worthwhile to describe this place since with the multiple ornaments of nature for which our city is considered to excell, this one is recognized not humble of praise to which inhabitants as well as visitors from outside attribute beauty of amenity and grace. In order for the site of the said city to be set better in the mind and imagined more clearly with inner eyes, it is agreeable to show which cities are coterminous with it from which parts of the world and in which provinces. Therefor, it has the province of Trier in the east, the dioceses of Verdun to the southeast, of Toul from south extending southward. Its boundaries from the south touch Senones, which is another Lyonnais, and in the west border on the bishopirc of Troyes and the western properties and in the north carrying to the right/south of the Soissons territory as if a certain knob between the province of Reims on the maternal side, which is the Belgian primacy (prima?), and connects to the regency of its metropolis. Saint Memmius(3), confessor and glorious pontiff of Christ, by Saint Clement who ruled the Roman church third after the apostle Peter, was the first sent to disburse to the Gauls seeds of the divine word and first honored this city and its church with the merits of sainthood, decorated it with the grace of miracles and lifted it with the glory of a pontifical see, at which time the tenth from Caesar Augustus, Trajan, administered laws of the Roman principate. The venerable and desirable treasure of the most sacred body of this confessor, very precious beyond gold and jewels, after many revolutions of years after the days of the king and emperor Charlemagne was suspended hanging in air about four fingers from earth in that church dedicated to his name by the miracle of divine power. Also two holy disciples and spiritual sons of this most reverend priest, Donatianus serving in the office of deacon, Domitian as subdeacon, came with him, as the arms of justice from right and left to make their claim among nations reproaching them for their idols. The pontiff beloved of God recalled Domitian, that is his subdeacon, in that pious journey of pilgrimage from death to life redeemed from the supreme debt of nature by precious prayers and the price of merits; indeed both after the death of that glorious father one after another adorned the see of the Chalons church by the zeal of virtues and works worthy of God. To these three fathers holy and beloved of God, after they established the first foundations of faith to build the house of God and extend the worship of religion, three other heirs of their true dignity and sanctity succeeded them. The first among them and the fifth sacred and reverend bishop after them Alpinus shone forth in the town of Chalons territory, which is called Bavay, born of an illustrious line. At the time of the Vandal persecution, at which the just severity of divine judment handed the power of the Gauls into captivity and the beauty of the Roman empire into the hands of the enemy, though he was preserved by the Lord for the salvation of his people since he was prepared to give his life for his sheep, he was not deprived of the rank of martyrdom, since as the Lord preserved him for his people so he preserved his people for the Lord unharmed by the barbaric incursion of savageness.(4) He flourished also in the time of Theodosius the younger, who was son of Archadius governed the empire after his uncle Honorius and admonished by the instigation of divine revelation to the defense of the Gauls, whom the storm of barbaric cruelty vexed at that time, he sent the arm of the most blessed protomartyr Stephem to the church of Besancon. From which then through the omnipotent power of supernal mercy the purest blood also flowed, which made purple our Chalons church with many other churches consecrated to the blessed protomartyr. After this most blessed man was translated from the course of temporal life to lasting joys, the celebrated king of upper France, Sigebert, son of Clothar appointed the venerable brothers and most holy fathers from the province of Aquitaine and the city of Limoges, the ninth [bishop] Elaphius and the tenth Leudomirus to the governance of the church of Chalons motivated by higher disposition. Clothar was son of Clovis, who first took the Gaul of the Frankish kings from the empire of the Romans and subjected himself with his people to the king of kings and the emperor of all, taking the baptism of Christ from Saint Remigius, archimandrite of Reims. Thus in these six fathers, namely the forementioned and the three noted subsequently by us, the rank and reverend antiquity of the Chalons church consists, since the first three founded the origins of religion and faith there, the remaining three adorned the home of God built by the preceding [three] with sacred doctrine, examples, and miracles. This also that most noble of contemporary virtues with the titles and privileges of graces, Haimo the thirty-seventh bishop, briefly and most elegantly caught in two verses written on the tablet of the principle altar, holding six images of them depitcted with shining gold. Of these verses, the first describing the first three says: These were the first planting of our faith. The second thus distinguishes the following three: These cultivated the plant of the faith with virtues. This Haimo was the very celebrated brother of my father, my dearest uncle and glory of our line, who brought me up in divine service, from boyhood, dedicated from the womb of my mother, seized from your chambers, under his wing, had me filled with letters and after by the holy imposition of pontifical hand, with the mystic discarding of hair, baring my mind from the superfluity of secular life showed me to be destined to the Lord as he was, my lot and hereditary portion, and extended the splendid cords to me within boundaries. He indeed was promoted to the bishopric with the harmonious acclamation of the clergy and the people since before God and men, what is uncommon in the many, he showed himself as gracious in the affluence of natural goods as glorious in the eminence of spiritual gifts and was almost at the height of perfection when he was prevented by the envy of death carried off from us in that flower of age and honor and, as we believe, translated to better things; but the most sweet scent of his virtues remains and sweetly breathes in us, diffused far and wide, and his scented vapor of pious memory still elicits tears from the eyes of many. Because of such memory, what wonder if my eyes flow with tears when others weep? Behold that for his memory my heart glowed within me and fire burned in my meditation and since my grief was renewed, it is pleasing to be mute and silent, since the multiplicity of things to be said requires a whole other letter and the end of the present. Truly since this is our common grief, dissimilar in both, since you much desire to hear many things about him and I can not obey, yet I satisfy as much as I can for comfort, what is in the catalogue of Chalons bishops, life and death, that is customs, time and day of his dormition in Christ [death], putting down a few verses and ending with infinite praise of such a man.Original letter:
. . . . segetibus, prata floribus, uirgulta fructibus, auium silua concentibus intuentium oculis blandiuntur, demulcent aures, torporem excitant, exhilarant animos, curas mitigant, reparant sospitatem, inuitant sompnos, colorem reuocant, prouocant appetitum. Locus hic nobilis omnibus utilis aut delectabilis uel utrumque. Hic populus ludis uulgaribus exercetur: quidam alternatim super humeros manibus innituntur pedibusque pugnant; alii consertis pectoribus et brachiis per mutua latera cancellatis uiribus ingenioque contendunt; pars instrumenti lignei et semisepulti rostra percuciunt et naturalis ponderis moras iterata percussione castigant; non nulli pilam manumissam baculo procul pellunt et certam usque subsecuntur ad metam. Illinc aureo fulgore militaria solem arma reuerberant et gloria pacis exultat sub imagine preliandi, dum ducta docente lacerto et maritata lateri lancea clipeo minatur et parcit. Partem aliam letabunda sexus utriusque iuuentus canore societatis speciosa simul et preciosa corona gratanter exornat, quam fluctuans ductu multiuago manuum cathena cohercet par candori niuium et decori florum eburneis digitis auro rutilantibus et sidereo radiantibus ardore gemmarum. Pedibus ludentibus mollities alludit herbarum et in smaragdino cristallina gramine planta lasciuit. Omni studio nature pingentis elaborata facies et uenustatis superba multiplicis armatura leuis inmatura turbe corda captiuant et interioris hominis spolia triumphatis oculorum portis absportant. Deliciosa suauitas dulce canentium, a quibus includitur, amaritudinem anxietatis excludit pariterque silentia curis indicens optato fine remunerat laborantes. At uero seorsum agmina clericorum uelut acies ordinata castrorum gregatim siue per cuneos secus littora fluminis intuentibus arridentis deambulant aut discumbunt gestu pariter et incessu simplicitatis faciem preferencia columbine nec minus indumentis tam quantitate quam qualitate professis uirtutis studium et propositum honestatis et discipline redolentibus officinas. Horum cantilenis citharizant ora dulcisonis, apud illos prime limitem inpositionis in cantu uage modulatio uocis obequitans consonantias per cognatas artifici lubricitate discurrit. Pars metrica lege tripudiant, quidam libertate prosaica spatiantur, non nulli colorant spinam rethorico flore satiricam et pungitiua dicentibus ueniam uendicat ars dicendi. Alii uero uario sermone percurrunt et multiplici disputatione fatigant naturas rerum, secreta celi, passiones aeris, profunda pelagi, sinus terrarum, situs ciuitatum, mores populorum, iura regnorum, decreta pontificum, leges imperatorum, gesta regum et principum antiquorum et uniuersas liberalium artium disciplinas. Hunc ego locum describere tantopere dignum duxi, quia de nature multiplicibus ornamentis, quibus nostra ciuitas inuenitur excellens, hoc unum esse dinoscitur cui non humile laudis, amenitatis et gratie decus attribuunt tam incole quam deforis aduentantes. Vt autem melius prefate ciuitatis situs menti sit insitus et euidentius interioribus oculis supponatur, ostendere libet, quas a quibus mundi partibus et in quibus prouintiis sibi conterminas habeat ciuitates. Treuerensem igitur habet ab oriente prouintiam, per Virdunensium ab euro, Tullensium ab austro dyoceses adusque in meridiem pertingentem. Excipit a meridie fines eius Senonensis prouintia, que est altera Lugdunensis, quos episcopatum collimitando Trecensem in partes occidentis et fauonii iura perducit, et septemtrionis ad dextra transmittens territorii Suessionensis quasi quadam fibula mediante tanquam materno lateri Remensi prouincie, que est Belgica prima, et regimini metropolis eius annectit. Beatus Memmius, Christi confessor et pontifex gloriosus, a sancto Clemente, qui tercius post apostolum Petrum Romanam rexit ecclesiam, ad uerbi diuini semina Gallorum populis eroganda directus primus hanc urbem et in ea primus ecclesiam sanctimonie meritis honorauit, miraculorum gracia decorauit et pontificalis gloria cathedre sublimauit, quo tempore principatus amministrabat iura Romani decimus a Cesare Augusto Traianus. Confessoris huius sacratissimi corporis thesaurus uenerabilis et desiderabilis super aurum et lapidem preciosum multum post tot reuolutiones annorum in diebus Karoli Magni regis et imperatoris in ipsa ecclesia suo nomine dedicata miraculo est diuine uirtutis inuentus quatuor circiter a terra digitis in aere pendere suspensus. Huius quoque reuerentissimi sacerdotis duo sancti discipuli et filii spiritales, Donatianus ei scilicet in diaconatus, Domitianus in subdiaconatus officio ministrantes, tanquam a dextris et a sinistris arma iusticie ad faciendam uindictam in nationibus, increpationes in ydolis cum eo uenerunt. Quem Domitianum, subdiaconum uidelicet suum, dilectus Deo pontifex in ipso pie peregrinationis itinere redemptum a supremo nature debito precibus preciosis et precio meritorum de morte reuocauit ad uitam; quippe ambo post gloriosi patris excessum unus post alium ecclesie Cathalaunice cathedram uirtutum studiis et Deo dignis operibus ornauerunt. Tribus his sanctis ac Deo dilectis patribus, postquam prima fidei fundamenta iecerunt, ad domum Dei superedificandam et cultum religionis ampliandum ueri dignitatis eorum et sanctitatis heredes tres alii successerunt. In istis primus et quintus ab illis sacer et reuerendus enituit antistes Alpinus apud uillam Cathalaunici territorii, que Baga dicitur, preclaris natalibus oriundus. Hie tempore Wandalice persecutionis, quo diuini iuditii iusta seueritas tradidit in captiuitatem uirtutem Gallorum et in manus inimici pulcritudinem imperii Romanorum, quamuis ob salutem populi sui sit a Domino reseruatus, quia tamen paratus fuit animam suam ponere pro ouibus suis, non est martirii dignitate priuatus, quia sicut eum Dominus populo suo sic ipse Domino populum suum a barbarice conseruauit incursu feritatis illesum. Floruit autem temporibus Theodosii iunioris, qui filius Archadii post patruum suum Honorium imperium gubernauit et ammonitus diuine reuelationis instinctu ad defensionem Galliarum, quas tunc temporis barbarice crudelitatis procella uexabat, beatissimi prothomartyris Stephani brachium ecclesie Bisonticensi direxit. De quo tunc etiam per omnipotentem clemencie superne uirtutem sanguis purissimus emanauit, qui cum multis aliis ecclesiis beato prothomartyri consecratis nostram quoque Cathalaunicam ecclesiam purpurauit. Post hunc autem beatissimum uirum de cursu uite temporalis ad gaudia permansura translatum uenerabiles fratres et sanctissimos patres ex Aquitanie prouincia et Lemouica ciuitate nonum ab eodem Elaphium et decimum Leudomirum ad regimen ecclesie Cathalaunensium superne disposicionis asciuit instinctu rex inclitus superioris Francie Sigebertus, filius Clotharii, filii Clodouei, qui primus regum Franchorum Galliam abstulit imperio Romanorum et secum gente sua regi regum subdidit et imperatori cunctorum Christi babtismum suscipiens a beato Remigio, archimandrita Remorum. In sex ergo patribus istis, predictis uidelicet et tribus annotatis subsequenter a nobis, Cathalaunensis ecclesie dignitas et antiquitas reuerenda consistit, quoniam primi tres inibi religionis et fidei primordia fundauerunt, reliqui uero tres a prioribus edificatam domum Dei sacris doctrinis, exemplis et miraculis ornauerunt. Hoc etiam nobilissimus contemporalium uirtutum titulis et priuilegiis gratiarum Haimo tricesimus et septimus ab his episcopus breuiter et elegantissime comprehendit duobus uersiculis in tabula principalis altaris continente sex eorum imagines depictas auro scintillante conscriptis. Horum uersuum primus tres primos exprimens ita dicit: Hii fidei nostre plantatio prima fuere. Secundus tres subsequentes ita distinguit: Hi fidei plantam uirtutibus excoluere. Hic Haimo fuit patris mei germanus ille clarissimus, carissimus patruus meus et nostri generis decus, qui me diuinis obsequiis dedicatum matris ab utero, tuis a puero raptum e thalamis educauit sub ala lateris, litteris imbui fecit et postmodum sacra pontificalis manus impositione, depositione mistica capillorum, mentem a secularis uite superfluitate denudans tam me sortitum Domino quam ipsum esse sortem meam et partem hereditatis ostendit et funes michi preclaros extendit in fines. Ipse quidem in episcopum consona cleri et plebis aclamatione promotus cum apud Deum et homines, quod est inter multos inuenire perrarum, exhibuisset se tam gratiosum affluentia naturalium bonorum quam donorum spiritalium eminentia gloriosum et pene foret in culmine perfectionis inuentus, preuentus mortis inuidia in ipso flore tam etatis quam honestatis ablatus a nobis est et, ut credimus, ad meliora translatus; sed permanet et dulce respirat in nobis uirtutum suarum suauissimus odor longe lateque diffusus, et fumus aromatum eius adhuc pie recordationis elicit lacrimas ab oculis plurimorum. Cuius ob memoriam quid mirum, si michi lacrimis oculi fluant, cum alii fleant? Ecce quia pro eius recordatione concaluit cor meum intra me et in meditatione mea exarsit ignis et quia dolor meus renouatus est, obmutescere placet et silere, cum et iam dictorum terminare presentem et aliam epistolam totam expostulet multiplicitas dicendorum. Verum quamuis sit utrique nostrum dolor iste communis, quia est in utroque dissimilis, cum et tu multa de eo multum audire desideres et obedire non possim, quantum possum pro solatio satisfacio tamen, in episcoporum Cathalaunensium cathalogo quotus extiterit, uitam et mortem, id est mores, tempus et diem dormitionis eius in Christo paucis intimando uersiculis et faciendo finem in tanti uiri laudibus infinitis. Cathalaunorum meritis antistite primo Enituit quintus et quinquagesimus Haimo, Qui licet ad summos iuuenis uenisset honores, Maturos habuit et dignos presule mores, Cui speciem licet egregiam constaret inesse, Virtutum titulis studuit spetiosior esse. Sanguine clarus erat sed honeste gratia uite Plus ornauit eum quam gloria stirpis auite. Sol erat in signo duodenus habente sagittam, Cum pater insignis meruit post funera uittam. Antepenultima lux, nox dici digna, Nouembris Inuidit capite sublato gaudia membris.Historical context:
Guido writes to his mother from the city of Chalons enthusiastically describing the town and its church and the history of its bishops, ending with his paternal uncle and mentor. He adds verses at the end about that uncle. Haimon, bishop of Chalons, 1151-53. The beginning of the letter is missing.Scholarly notes:
1 The editor suggests this may be longue-paume, an early version of lawn tennis or handball.
2 Castrorum may refer to castrated animals.
3 Memius is venerated as the first bishop of Chalons sur Marne.
4 Alpinus offered himself to Attila to save his people and persuaded him to be merciful to them. He was not martyred, but deserved the rank by his offer of self-sacrifice. For the life of Alpinus see Acta Sanctorum 43.86 (September 3).
5 4th kalends of December.
Printed source:
Liber Epistularum Guidonis de Basochis, ed. Herbert Adolfsson, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, 18 (Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell, 1969), 126-29, ep.30.