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A letter from Wolfert of Malstede (1248, August 21)


Wolfert of Malstede


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders

Translated letter:

I, Wolfert, knight, lord of Maalstede, wish to make known to all who will view the present letters that, since I have resigned the fief which I held from the renowned lady Margaret countess of Flanders and of Hainaut to her, and I have paid my homage to her, finally she herself, through the mediation of upright men and my friends, has rendered to me the abovesaid fief and has received me as her retainer on it, such that I and Gerald, my heir, have promised to the aforesaid lady countess with faith pledged and bodily oath of sacrament that we will never in the future challenge her or her successors, the counts of Flanders, neither her rights nor those of her successors, the counts of Flanders, but against any man who might live or die we will defend her rights and those of her successors, the counts of Flanders with all our strength; we will protect in Zeeland and everywhere, and expressly those rights which their ancestors in Zeeland held and possessed, as is expressed in the letters concerning the plan of agreement and of peace which once was made between the renowned men Philip count of Flanders and Floris count of Holland and as is also contained in the charter of the renowned man lord William chosen as king of the Romans, count of Holland. And if by chance it should happen, God forbid, that we act against the aforesaid in anything, we have conceded and we concede to the same lady countess that all my land and whatever I Wolfert have or possess or will possess in the land of Hulst and in the land of Saaftinge [?Chauetinghes] without any other judgment will be totally in the hand(s) and will of the aforesaid lady countess and her successors, counts of Flanders; if it were established summarily to her through her word and that of two of her vassals that I acted in anything against the aforesaid, I also wish that she possess and hold my land and my aforesaid properties as if completely her own until at her word I will have both satisfied her will and emended the wrongdoing; and in similar fashion I oblige myself in every way and promise that I will serve the successors of the aforesaid lady countess, the counts of Flanders, after her death, and for all the aforesaid I oblige my successors in posterity. Also Gerald, my heir, has sworn that he will protect all the aforesaid for the aforesaid countess and her successors, the counts of Flanders, after her death, obliging himself completely to all the aforesaid as I have. In testim ony of the aforesaid I have handed over the present document protected by the affixing of my seal. And I Gerald, son and heir of the aforesaid Wolfert, have promised that I will surely protect all the aforesaid, by faith pledged and bodily oath of sacrament, obliging myself and also my successors completely to all the abovesaid according to the aforesaid plan, and in testimony of the aforesaid I have protected the present document by impression of my seal Granted in the year of the Lord 1248, sixth holiday after the Assumption of the blessed Virgin.(1)

Original letter:

Ego Vlfardus, miles, dominus de Malstede, notum fieri volo omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis quod cum ego feudum quem tenebam de illustri domina Margareta Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa, ipsi resignassem et ei meum homagium reddidissem, ipsa tandem mediantibus probis viris et amicis meis michi reddidit supradictum feudum et de eo in suum hominem me recepit, ita quod ego et Gerardus, heres meus, promisimus predicte domine comitisse fide interposita et corporali prestito sacramento quod nos nunquam de cetero erimus contra ipsam aut eius successores, comites Flandrie, nec contra iura sua aut eius successorum, comitum Flandrie, veniemus sed contra omnem hominem qui vivere possit et mori iura sua et successorum suorum, comitum Flandrie, pro nostris viribus defendemus et conservabimus in Zelandia et ubique, et expresse iura illa quesui antecessores in Zelandia habuerunt et tenuerunt, sicut expressum est in litteris de forma compositionis et pacis que olim facta est inter illustres viros Philippum comitem Flandrie et Florentium comitem Hollandie et sicut etiam in carta illustris viri domini Willelmi Romanorum in regem electi, comitis Hollandie, continetur. Et si forte contingeret, quod absit, quod nos contra predicta in aliquo faceremus, nos concessimus et concedimus eidem domine comitisse quod tota terra mea et quicquid ego Vlfardus habeo seu possideo aut possessurus sum in terra de Hulst et in terra de Chauetinghes sine aliquo alio iudicio sit totaliter in manu et voluntate predicte domine comitisse et eius successorum, comitum Flandrie, si ei de plano constet per dictum suum et duorum hominum feudatorum suorum quod ego fecerim in aliquo contra predicta, et volo quod terram meam et bona mea predicta possideat et teneat totaliter tanquam sua donec ad dictum eius et voluntatem satisfecero et emendavero forefactum; et simili modo obligo me omnino et promitto me servaturum successoribus predicte domine comitisse, comitibus Flandrie, post decessum ipsius, et ad omnia predicta obiligo meos in posterum successores. Predicta etiam omnia iuravit Gerardus, heres meus, se servaturum predicte comitisse et eius successoribus, comitibus Flandrie, post ipsius decessum, ad omnia predicta se obligans totaliter sicut ego. In predictorum autem testimonium presens scriptum tradidi sigilli mei appensione munitum. Et ego Gerardus, predicti Vlfardi filius et heres, predicta omnia promisi me firmiter servaturum fide interposita et corporali prestito iuramento, me ad omnia supradicta secundum formam predictam totaliter obligans et meos etiam successores, et in testimonium predictorum presentem litteram sigilli mei impressione munivi. Datum anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quadragesimo octavo, feria sexta post Assumptionem beate Virginis.

Historical context:

Wolfert of Malstede confirms the terms by which Margaret reinstated him in his fief, promising perpetual loyalty to her and her successors from himself and his heir and successors.

Scholarly notes:

1 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 2.426-27, ep.774.


1248, August 21