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A letter from Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders (1250, May 19)


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

Margaret, countess of Flanders and of Hainaut, to all present and future who will view the present document, greeting. Since disagreement had arisen between us on one side and on the other the most serene lord William renowned king of the Romans and his brother, the nobleman Floris, over jurisdictions, incomes, usages, and certain rights which our ancestors, the counts of Flanders held from antiquity on the islands of Zeeland between Schelde and Hesdin, and over a certain sum of money which the same king and his brother, through their letters, owed to us, and over certain arrears in which they themselves were bound to us, and (over) certain other things, finally with the venerable lord father P[eter] mediating, bishop of Alban, legate of the apostolic see, it was agreed between us and the said king and brother according to the plan written below: first, the same king both on behalf of himself as well as his successors, the counts of Holland, has recognized to us and our successors, the counts of Flanders, that what he has in the islands of Zeeland between Schelde and Hesdin he holds in fealty from us, and he has recognized to us and to our successors, the counts of Flanders, on behalf of himself and his successors, the counts of Holland, all rights which our ancestors, the counts of Flanders held in the said islands, and whatever is contained in the plan of peace which once was made between Ph[ilip] of good memory, count of Flanders and Floris, his great-grandfather, count of Holland, which the said lord king approved and confirmed and strengthened by protection of his seal and has also promised that he in good faith will protect perpetually, as is contained more fully in his other letters prepared concerning this, the sense of which is as follows: (cites letter 766). But because a question arose between us and the said king regarding certain articles, concerning these it has been agreed and the articles are declared in this way: The first article was concerning jetsam. For the same king was saying that said jetsam, coming within the above-written borders, was and should be his, but we on the contrary were saying and asserted that it should belong to us just as the land adjacent to it is held in fealty. Concerning this article we wish, recognize, acknowledge and testify that the said jetsam, in whatever things will come forth, when it arrives, must be equally divided perpetually between us and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, and the said king and his heirs, the counts of Holland, and thus the said king, on behalf of himself and his heirs, the counts of Holland, has promised that he will observe (this) and we, on behalf of us and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, have promised that we will observe (this) perpetually. The second article of dispute was concerning requests, whether for boon payments or common gifts needing to be made by men of the said land, or if property without a legitimate heir [should happen] was arriving there. The same king was saying that he could reserve these things specially for himself, contrary to us asserting and stating that, since all things which come from the aforesaid land must be common, he could not specially reserve the aforesaid things or anything of the aforesaid, even if those things were donated specially to him, as we also could not do. Concerning this it is thus ordered that all the aforesaid things, whatever they come from boon payments, requests, or common gifts or property without legitimate heir, both in regards to movable and immovable things, are to be equally divided between us and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, and the said king and his heirs, the counts of Holland, even if the above-said common gifts are specially donated to anyone, and thus on behalf of us and our successors, the counts of Flanders, we promise to observe this perpetually. The third article of dispute was concerning the holding of pleas in the land of Zeeland, about people under the ban riding around, concerning the exercising of jurisdiction and justice. For the same king was saying that he himself held pleas, escorted people under the ban, exercised jurisdiction and justice in the land of Zeeland, but we were saying that he could not do this without us or our bailiff. Concerning these things it is ordered and agreed that he himself and his heirs, the counts of Holland, are bound to hear pleas, escort people under the ban and exercise all jurisdiction and justice in the land of Zeeland within the above-written terms with us and with our heirs, the counts of Flanders, or our bailiff, nor may he himself do it without us or our bailiff nor (may) we (do) those things or anything concerning the aforesaid without them. Likewise he may not tax fines or property without legitimate heir or forgive wrongdoings or make agreements concerning these things without us or our heirs, the counts of Flanders, or our bailiff, nor (may) we (do this) without them, but everything (i.e. revenue) that proceeds from this sort of thing or from anything else, will be equally divided between us and himself and his heirs, the counts of Holland; and thus the said king on behalf of himself and his heirs, the counts of Holland, has promised that he will observe (this), and we on behalf of ourselves and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, have promised that we will observe (this), perpetually. Further we objected that the same king had made some free towns there, although he cannot do this because in the whole aforesaid land a free town should not exist except Middelburg which was free from antiquity. The same king recognizes, consents and acknowledges that he cannot construct or build there free towns nor can he bestow freedom or liberty on things made or built, nor even can we or our heirs, the counts of Flanders, do this, because we well recognize that no free town can exist there except Middelburg, which has held freedom from antiquity; and if the king himself has bestowed freedom on any towns or any town, he has fully revoked it insofar as it exists in itself, and likewise we have revoked, nor is it permitted for them to make use of freedom granted to themselves. Although the said king owed to us six thousand pounds in the money of Flanders and certain arrears estimated at the value of 10 thousand pounds in the same money, as we were prepared to prove, at the requests of the said legate and on account of reverence for the apostolic see we have deferred and suspended the reclamation of the said 16 thousand pounds, such that neither us nor our heir, the counts of Flanders will be able to reclaim the said sum of money from the said king or from his heirs, the counts of Holland, unless he himself or his heirs challenge the said peace; but if, God forbid, the said king or his heirs, the counts of Holland should challenge the aforesaid peace, we or our heirs, the counts of Flanders will be able to reclaim that money, and the said king has professed and professes that he himself or his heirs, the counts of Holland, are bound to render to us and to our heirs, the counts of Flanders, the said 16 thousand pounds and to make amends in full concerning these same things. But because we desire that this peace be observed perpetually and inviolably, we wish, consent, and request to the said legate, placing ourselves under his jurisdiction and the power also of the venerable fathers .., bishops of Tournai and Cambrai, to whom he himself has committed this with our consent, that if we or our heirs, the counts of Flanders, challenge this peace or any article of the peace, and (if we are) sued in our court of Bruges or of our heirs, the counts of Flanders, (and) we do not wish, with respect to our men, peers of the count of Holland, that they judge or compensate for this, that the said prelates, either one of them if the other were not present or were detained by legitimate impediment, may place the land of Flanders and of the said Zeeland under ecclesiastical interdict if within forty days after the warning of them or one of them we have not caused it to be corrected, and we and our heirs are bound to escort a messenger or messengers who will be sent to put in place the interdict. Moreover, the said lord king renounces in all these things on behalf of himself and his successors, the counts of Holland, to every right, canonical or civil, which belongs or could belong to him, for any appeal to any court, for any privilege possessed or to be possessed. And the said prelates likewise will have power that, if the said king or his heirs, the counts of Holland, should challenge the aforesaid peace or anything of the aforesaid and once sued do not wish to stand trial before us or to compensate for what had been done against the peace through the judgment of our men, their peers, in our court at Bruges, they, or one of them as expressed above, may place under ecclesiastical interdict the land of the king himself, namely Holland and Zeeland, if within 40 days after the warning of them or of one of them, they have not caused to be corrected that which was done against the peace, nor will the interdict be lifted until it will have been corrected, and we renounce in all these things on behalf of ourselves and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, to every right, canonical or civil, which belongs or could belong to us, for appeal to any court, for any privilege possessed or to be possessed. The same king has promised on behalf of himself and his successors, the counts of Holland, that he will protect in good faith perpetually and inviolably in everything and individual things, this peace as written above and the charters made or granted by the king himself and his predecessors concerning this, renouncing expressly to every right, every charter, every privilege granted by anyone or to be granted, which belongs or could belong in the future to the said king or to his heirs, the counts of Holland, in the aforesaid land of Zeeland, against the aforesaid and anything of the aforesaid contained in this peace; and we likewise on behalf of ourselves and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, have promised that we will protect in good faith perpetually and inviolably in everything and individual things the said peace and charters made concerning this, renouncing expressly to every right, every charter and every privilege granted by anyone or to be granted, which belongs or could belong in the future to us and our heirs, the counts of Flanders, in the aforesaid land of Zeeland against the aforesaid and anything of the aforesaid contained in this peace. With the special mandate of the king himself, master Arnulf, his prothonotary, has sworn, touching the sacrosanct Gospels, on the soul of the king himself in his presence, to keep faithfully the peace itself and the above-said charters and not to challenge it and to observe it inviolably and perpetually; and likewise with our special mandate, master Adam Toutere canon of Soignies, has sworn, touching the sacrosanct Gospels, on our soul in our presence, to keep faithfully the peace itself and the above-said charters and not to challenge it and to observe it inviolably and perpetually; and we have requested that this peace be confirmed by the above-said lord legate, and we beseech the lord Pope that he might deign to confirm it. The heirs or successors of the king himself, the counts of Holland, will be bound to affirm all and each of the aforesaid things both by our corporal oath and by affirmation of the king himself, to us and our heirs or successors, the counts of Flanders, with all their men whom we and our aforesaid heirs will have wanted to have, and (they are bound) to renew by their own oath the oath of peace that must be kept and protected, as often as we and our aforesaid heirs, the counts of Flanders, will want to have renewal of the aforesaid peace and of these agreements; but if the same king or his successors, the counts of Holland, should not wish, now or when we might wish to have renewal of the oath, to bring all whom we and our said heirs might designate, we or our aforesaid heirs will send our messenger under escort of the aforesaid king or his heirs and successors, the counts of Holland, so that they will take an oath in the presence of our messenger sent, which they should do in our presence and the aforesaid heirs or our successors. So that all these things and whatever is contained also in the charter of the said lord king and in the letters of his predecessors may remain and endure as unshakeable perpetually, we have strengthened this present document by the authority of our seal, and we have caused the witnesses who were present to be written below. The names of these are: the venerable lord fathers P. bishop of Alban, legate of the apostolic see, bishops Nicholas of Cambrai and P. of Chalons-sur-Marne, noblemen John of Avesnes, attorney Guido of Artois and John of Dampierre, our beloved sons, the abbot of Egmond aan Zee, abbot of Saint-Trond, Arnold of Diest, Giselbert of Amestella, Henry Buffels, Hugh of Cralingh, Henry of Striene, Simon of Zubburg, R. of Gavera, Arnulf of Cysonio, Arnulf of Maritan, John of Ghistell, William of Maldenghiem, viscount of Sas-van-Gent, Th. of Bever, Gerard of Rodes, Eustacius of Rodio, Henry of Hufalise, Baldric of Rosin and Baldwin of Bailleul, knights, and many others. Enacted at Brussels in the year of the Lord 1250, Thursday after Pentecost.(1)

Original letter:

Margareta Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa universis presentibus et futuris presentem paginam inspecturis salutem. Cum inter nos ex una parte et serenissimum dominum Willelmum regem Romanorum illustrem et nobilem virum Florentium fratrem eius ex altera super iurisdictionibus, proventibus, consuetudinibus et iuribus quibusdam que antecessores nostri, comites Flandrie, in insulis Zelandie inter Schaldam et Hedinezee habuerant ab antiquo, et super quadam pecunie summa quam nobis per suas litteras iidem rex et frater suus debebant et super quibusdam arreragiis in quibus ipsi nobis tenebantur, et quibusdam aliis discordia suborta fuisset, tandem mediante venerabili patre domino P. Albanensi episcopo, apostolice sedis legato, fuit compositum inter nos et dictos regem et fratrem sub forma inferius annotata: In primis quidem idem rex tam pro se quam pro suis successoribus, comitibus Hollandie, recognovit nobis et nostris successoribus, comitibus Flandrie, quod id quod habet in insulis Zelandie inter Schaldam et Hedinezee, tenet in feudum a nobis, et recognovit nobis et nostris successoribus, comitibus Flandrie, pro se et suis successoribus, comitibus Hollandie, omnia iura que antecessores nostri, comites Flandrie, in dictis insulis habuerunt et quecumque continentur in forma pacis que olim facta fuit inter bone memorie Ph. comitem Flandrie et Florentium proavum suum, comitem Hollandie, quam dictus dominus rex approbavit et confirmavit et sigilli sui munimine roboravit et promisit se bona fide in perpetuum servaturum, prout in litteris suis super hoc alias confectis plenius continetur, quarum tenor talis est: (nr. 766). Verum quia super quibusdam articulis inter nos et dictum regem questio vertebatur, super illis compositum est et declarati sunt articuli in hunc modum: Primus articulus erat de iactibus maris. Dicebat enim idem rex quod dicti iactus maris advenientes infra terminos suprascriptos eius erant et esse debebant, nos vero in contrarium dicebamus et asserebamus quod ad nos tanquam ad illam a qua tenetur terra in feudum, pertinere debebant. Super hoc articulo volumus, recognoscimus, confitemur et protestamur quod dicti iactus maris, in quibuscumque rebus provenerint, debent inter nos et heredes nostras, comites Flandrie, et dictum regem et heredes suos, comites Hollandie, cum advenerint, in perpetuum equaliter dividi, et sic in perpetuum dictus rex pro se et suis heredibus, comitibus Hollandie, promisit se servaturum, et nos pro nobis et heredibus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, promittimus nos servare. Secundus articulus dubitationis fuit de precibus sive precariis seu donis cummunibus faciendis ab hominibus dicte terre, vel si excantie ibi advenirent. Dicebat idem rex quod poterat sibi illa specialiter retinere, nobis contrarium asserentibus et dicentibus quod, cum omnia que de terra predicta proveniunt, debeant esse communia, predicta vel aliquid predictorum non poterat specialiter retinere, etiam si ipsi ea specialiter donarentur, sicut nec poteramus et nos. Super hoc sic ordinatum est quod predicta omnia, quecumque proveniunt ex precariis, precibus sive donis communibus sive excantiis, tam in rebus mobilibus quam immobilibus, inter nos et heredes nostras, comites Flandrie, et dictum regem et heredes suos, comites Hollandie, equaliter dividentur, etiam si alicui predicta dona communia specialiter donarentur, et sic pro nobis et nostris successoribus, comitibus Flandrie, promittimus nos perpetuo servaturos. Tercius articulus dubitationis fuit de tenendis placitis in terra Zelandie, de equitandis bannitis, de iurisdictione et iusticia exercendis. Dicebat enim idem rex quod ipse tenebat placita, equitabat bannitos, exercebat iurisdictionem et iusticiam in terra Zelandie, nos vero dicebamus quod hoc non poterat facere sine nobis vel ballivo nostro. Super hiis ordinatum est et compositum quod ipse et heredes sui, comites Hollandie tenentur audire placita, equitare bannitos et omnem iurisdictionem et iusticiam exercere in terra Zelandie infra terminos suprascriptos nobiscum et cum heredibus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, vel nostro ballivo, nec ipse sine nobis vel nostro ballivo potest facere, nec nos sine ipsis illa vel aliqua de predictis. Item emendas taxare non poterit nec excantias nec forefacta remittere vel de ipsis componere sine nobis vel heredibus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, vel ballivo nostro, nec nos sine ipsis, sed omnia que de huiusmodi vel aliis quibuscumque proveniunt, inter nos et ipsum et heredes suos, comites Hollandie, equaliter dividentur; et sic in perpetuum dictus rex pro se et suis heredibus, comitibus Hollandie, promisit se servaturum, et nos pro nobis et heredibus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, promittimus nos servare. Item conquerebamur quod idem rex fecerat ibi aliquas villas franchas, cum facere non posset quia in tota terra predicta non debet esse villa francha nisi Middelbourg que ab antiquo fuit francha. Idem autem rex recognoscit, consentit et confitetur quod ibi non potest construere vel edificare villas franchas nec factis seu edificatis dare franchisiam sive libertatem, nec etiam nos vel heredes nostri, comites Flandrie, possumus hoc facere, quia bene francha villa nisi Middelbourg que franchisiam recognoscimus quod non potest ibi esse aliqua habuit ab antiquo; et si aliquibus villis vel alicui ville ipse rex dedit franchisiam, eam quantum in ipso est, penitus revocavit, et similiter nos revocavimus, nec permittet quod utantur franchisia sibi data. Cum autem dictus rex nobis deberet sex milia librarum Flandrensis monete et quedam arreragia estimata ad valorem decem milium librarum eiusdem monete, sicut parate eramus probare, ad preces dicti legati et ob reverentiam sedis apostolice distulimus et suspendimus repetitionem dictarum sedecim milium librarum, ita quod nec nos nec heredes nostri, comites Flandrie, dictam pecunie summam poterimus repetere a dicto rege vel ab heredibus suis, comitibus Hollandie, nisi ipse vel heredes sui contra istam pacem venirent; si vero, quod absit, dictus rex vel heredes sui, comites Hollandie, venirent contra pacem predictam, poterimus nos vel heredes nostri, comites Flandrie, illam pecuniam repetere, et dictus rex professus est et profitetur quod ipse vel heredes sui, comites Hollandie, tenentur nobis et heredibus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, reddere dicta sedecim milia librarum et satisfacere integre de eisdem. Quia vero pacem istam cupimus perpetuo et inviolabiliter observari, volumus, consentimus et a dicto legato petimus, supponentes nos sue iurisdictioni et potestati ac venerabilium patrum .. Tornacensis et .. Cameracensis episcoporum, quibus ipse hoc de nostro consensu commisit, ut, si nos vel heredes nostri, comites Flandrie, contra pacem istam vel aliquem pacis articulum veniremus et requisite in curia nostra Brugis vel heredum nostrorum, comitum Flandrie, nollemus hoc p[rout] homines nostri, pares comitis Hollandie, iudicarent, emendare, quod dicti prelati vel alter eorum si alter non super[e]sset vel esset l[e]gitimo impedimento detentus, terram Flandrie et dicte Zelandie possint supponere ecclesiastico interdicto si infra quadraginta dies post monitionem ipsorum vel alterius eorum non duxerimus emendandum, et tenemur nos et heredes nostri conducere nuncium vel nuncios qui [m]itte[n]tur pro [interdicto ponendo]. Insuper renunciat in hiis omnibus dictus [dominu]s [r]ex pro se et suis successoribus, comitibus Hollandie, omni iuri quod competit ipsi vel posset com[petere], c[anonico] vel [civi]li, [appellationi ad quamcumque curiam, omni] privilegio obtento seu etiam obtinendo. Et dicti prelati habebunt similiter potestatem quod, si dictus rex vel heredes sui, comites Hollandie, contra predictam p[a]cem vel aliquod predictorum facerent et requisiti nollent coram nobis stare iuri vel emendare quod factum esset contra pacem per iudicium homin[um nostrorum], parium suorum, in curia nostra Brugis, possent terram ipsius regis, scilicet Hollandiam et Zelandiam, ecclesiastico supponere interdicto vel alter eorum, prout superius est expressum, si [in]fra quadraginta dies post monitionem ipsorum vel alterius eorum non duxerint emendandum quod factum esset contra pacem, nec relaxabitur interdictum donec illud fuerit emendatum, et renunciamus in hiis omnibus pro nobis et nostris heredibus, comitibus Flandrie, omni iuri quod competit nobis vel posset competere, canonico vel civili, [ap]pellationi ad quamcumque curiam, omni privilegio obtento seu etiam obtinendo. Pacem istam superius annotatam et cartas super hoc factas vel concessas ab ipso rege et suis predecessoribus promisit idem rex pro se et suis successoribus, comitibus Hollandie, bona fide in perpetuum et inviolabiliter in omnibus et singulis se servare, renun[c]ia[n]s expresse omni iuri, omni carte, omni privilegio a quocumque dato vel dando, quod dicto regi vel eius heredibus, comi[ti]bus Hollandie, competit vel in futurum competere possit in predicta terra Zelandie contra predicta et quodlibet predictorum in hac pace contentorum; et [no]s similiter pro nobis et heredibus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, promittimus dictam pacem et cartas super hoc factas bona fide in perpetuum et inviolabiliter in omnibus et singulis nos servare, renunciantes expresse omni iuri, omni carte omnique privilegio a quocumque dato vel dando, quod nobis et nostris heredibus, comitibus Flandrie, competit vel in futurum competere possit in predicta terra Zelandie contra predicta et quodlibet predictorum in hac pace contentorum. Et ipsam pacem et cartas supradictas tenere fideliter et non contravenire, de speciali mandate ipsius regis, tactis sacrosanctis ewangeliis, in animam ipsius regis, ipso presente, magister Arnulphus prothonotarius suus iuravit inviolabiliter et in perpetuum observare; et similiter ipsam pacem et cartas supradictas tenere fideliter et non contravenire, de speciali mandato nostra, tactis sacrosanctis ewangeliis, in animam nostram, nobis presentibus, magister Adam Toutere canonicus Sonegiensis iuravit inviolabiliter et in perpetuum observare; et petivimus pacem istam a domino legato predicto confirmari, et domino pape supplicamus quod eam confirmare dignetur. Supradicta omnia et singula tam nostra sacramento quam ipsius regis firmata tenebuntur firmare heredes vel successores ipsius regis, comites Hollandie, nobis et heredibus vel successoribus nostris, comitibus Flandrie, cum omnibus hominibus suis quos nos et predicti heredes nostri habere voluerimus, proprio iuramento et innovare iuramentum de pace tenenda et servanda quotiens nos et predicti heredes nostri, comites Flandrie, voluerimus innovationem predicte pacis et harum conventionum habere; si vera idem rex vel successores ipsius, comites Hollandie, non possent, modo vel quando vellemus innovationem iuramenti habere, adducere omnes quos nos et dicti heredes nostri nominaremus, nos vel predicti heredes nostri nuncium nostrum mittemus sub conductu predicti regis vel heredum et successorum suorum, comitum Hollandie, ut iuramentum faciant presente misso nuncio nostro quod in presentia nostra et predictorum heredum vel successorum nostrorum deberent facere. Ut autem hec omnia et quecumque etiam in carta dicti domini regis necnon in litteris predecessorum suorum continentur, inconcussa in perpetuum maneant et cons[i]stant, hanc presentem paginam sigilli nostri auctoritate corroborando munivimus et testes qui interfuerunt, subscribi fecimus. Sunt autem hec eorum nomina: venerabiles patres dominus P. Albanensis episcopus, apostolice sedis legatus, Nicholaus Cameracensis et P. Cathalanensis episcopi, nobiles viri Iohannes de Auesnes, Gvido advocatus Atrebatensis et Iohannes de Dampetra, dilecti filii nostri, abbas de Ekmunda, abbas Sancti Trudonis, Arnoldus de Diest, Giselbertus de Amestella, Henricus Buffets, Hugo de Cralinghe, Henricus de Striena, Simon de Zubburg, R. de Gauera, Arnulphus de Cysonio, Arnulphus de Maritania, Iohannes de Ghistelle, Willelmus de Maudenghem, castellanus Gandensis, Th. de Beuera, Gerardus de Rodes, Eustachius de Rodio, Henricus de Hufalisia, Baldricus de Rosin et Baldvinus de Balliolo, milites, et alii quamplures. Actum Bruxellie anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo, feria quinta post Pentecosten.

Historical context:

This is the text of the formal agreement between the countess and William of Holland, in full detail, over the disputed territory of Zeeland, which William’s family historically holds in fief from Margaret’s.

Scholarly notes:

1 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 2.499-508, ep.849.


1250, May 19