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A letter from Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders (1256, October 15)


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

To all who will view the present letters, Margaret countess of Flanders and of Hainaut, [sends] greeting and knowledge of the truth. We desire that notice reach all your (society) through the sense of the present (letters), declaring directly and publicly that the command of the renowned man lord Henry duke of Lothringen and Brabant, concerning tolls to be paid by our merchants from Flanders in Holland and in Zeeland, as promised both by our side and by the side of lord Floris defender of Holland by consenting agreement of each of us, just as is contained more fully in letters prepared concerning the plan of general peace, according as the same command exists published in the letters of the same duke prepared concerning the same command, the sense of which word for word is this: (note referring to letter 1109); we, on behalf of us and on behalf of Guido, count of Flanders, our well-beloved son, and on behalf of our heirs, approve, promising to observe firmly, in good faith, on behalf of ourselves and our heirs, the command itself or judgment in perpetuity. In testimony of our declaration we have thenceforth caused the present document to be written and secured by our seal. Granted at Brussels on the Sunday after the feast of blessed Dionysius, in the year of the Lord 1256.(1)

Original letter:

Universis presentes litteras inspecturis Margaretha Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa salutem et cognoscere veritatem. Ad universitatis vestre noticiam cupimus pervenire tenore presentium simpliciter et publice protestantes quod dictum illustris viri domini Henrici ducis Lotharingie et Brabantie super theloneis a mercatoribus nostris de Flandria in Hollandia et Zelandia persolvendis, in quem tam ex parte nostra quam ex parte domini Florentii tutoris Hollandie ex concordi utriusque nostrum consensu, quemadmodum in litteris super forma generalis pacis confectis plenius continetur, extitit compromissum, prout idem dictum in litteris eiusdem ducis super eodem dicto confectis publicatum existit, quarum de verbo ad verbum tenor est iste: (nr. 1109), nos tam pro nobis quam pro Guidone comite Flandrie, predilecto filio nostro, quam pro nostris heredibus approbamus, promittentes ipsum dictum sive arbitrium bona fide pro nobis et nostris heredibus in perpetuum firmiter observare. In cuius promissionis nostre testimonium presens scriptum exinde conscribi et sigillo nostro fecimus communiri. Datum Bruxelle die dominico post festum beati Dyonisii, anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo sexto.

Historical context:

The countess affirms an agreement established by the duke of Lotharingia on tolls to be paid in Holland and Zeeland by Flemish merchants. Floris wrote affirming the agreement, ep.1120.

Scholarly notes:

1 The translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 3.53-55, ep. 1119.


1256, October 15