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A letter from Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders (1256, October 21)


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

We Margaret countess of Flanders and of Hainaut wish to make known to all who will view the present letters that we have given in fealty to the renowned man lord Floris defender of Holland, all the land of Zeeland situated between Hesdin and Schelde which was the domain of us and our ancestors, the counts of Flanders, for which he has paid homage as vassal to us in the presence of our men; however for that part of the land of Zeeland which existed in the domain of lord William of bright memory, king of the Romans, the brother of that lord Floris, and his ancestors, the counts of Holland, we have received for homage the aforesaid defender lord Floris, with the proviso nonetheless, for him and his successors, if anything in that part will belong to him by hereditary right, by due portion, even from that portion, if anything thus will have belonged to him, he himself and his successors will be bound to pay homage as feudal tenants, heirs, and vassals to us and to lord Guido, our son, count of Flanders. In testimony and protection of this deed we have caused the present letters to be strengthened by the impression of our seal. Granted at Brussels in the year of the Lord 1256, Saturday after the feast of blessed Luke the evangelist.(1)

Original letter:

Nos Margareta Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa notum fieri volumus universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod nos illustri viro domino Florentio tutori Hollandie totam terram Zelandie sitam inter Hedineze et Scaldam que de nostra et antecessorum nostrorum comitum Flandrie fuit demanio, dedimus in feodum, de qua nobis in presentia hominum nostrorum fecit homagium ut vassallus; de illa autem parte terre Zelandie que de demanio extitit clare memorie domini Willelmi regis Romanorum, fratris ipsius domini Florentii et antecessorum ipsius, comitum Hollandie, recepimus ad homagium tamquam tutorem dominum Florentium antedictum, salva tamen sibi et suis successoribus in illa parte, si qua eum iure hereditar[io] poterit contingere, debita portione, de qua etiam portione, si qua eum sic contigerit. ipse et sui successores tenebuntur nobis facere homagium ac domino Guidoni, nostra filio, comiti Flandrie, et eius successoribus, comitibus Flandrie, tamquam feodatarii hereditarii et vassalli. In cuius rei testimonium et munimen presentes litteras sigilli nostri fecimus impressione muniri. Datum Bruxelle anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo sexto, sabbato post festum beati Luce ewangeliste.

Historical context:

The countess declares that she has given in fief to Floris Zeeland which was in the domain of the counts of Flanders and received homage from him for the lands which were hereditarily his.

Scholarly notes:

1 The translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 3.72-75, ep. 1129


1256, October 21