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A letter from Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders (1257, April)


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

We Margaret countess of Flanders and of Hainaut and Guy, her son, count of Flanders, make known to all both present and future that our beloved prefect, aldermen and the whole community of our city of Lille/Rijsel, at our command and request, on behalf of themselves and their townspeople, have granted their letters in this form: “To all who will see and hear the present letters, the prefect, municipal officials, and the whole community of the city of Lille/Rijsel, greetings. By the sense of the present we declare simply and publically that we have promised simply in good faith for all and each of our fellow townsmen present as well as future, that we will not by counsel, help or consent be involved in violating or opposing the peace which our illustrious lady Margaret, countess of Flanders and Hainaut or our lord Guy, count of Flanders, her son, or any of their heirs entered upon for therselves and their heirs, the counts of Flanders, with lord Floris, protector of Holland and his nephew Floris, for themselves and their heirs, as that peace brought about in letters of our said lady countess about the said peace was fully expressed in its articles, or oppose anyone or any articles of said peace; and if, perhaps, let it not be so, that lady our countess or our said lord count or any of their heirs should violate or oppose said peace or anyone or any articles of that peace, we will not offer counsel, help, nor consent to him in this or for this in any way; and we obligate ourselves to this in good faith. In witness of said promise and obligation, we append the seal of our city to the presents.”

In testimony of this deed we have caused our seal to be affixed to the present letters. Granted in the year of the Lord 1256 in the month of April.

Original letter:

Nos Margareta Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa et ego Guido, filius eius, comes Flandrie notum facimus universis tam presentibus quam futuris quod dilecti nostri respector, scabini totaque communitas ville nostre Insulensis ad mandatum et requisitionem nostrum pro se et cooppidanis suis dilecto et fideli nostro, viro nobili domino Florentio tutori Hollandie suas dederunt litteras in hac forma: Universis presentes litteras inspecturis et audituris respector, scabini totaque communitas ville Insulensis salutem. Tenore presentium simpliciter et publice protestamur nos pro universis et singulis cooppidanis nostris tam presentibus quam futuris bona fide simpliciter promisisse quod nos nec in consilio nec in auxilio erimus nec etiam in consensu, quod illustris domina nostra Margareta Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa vel dominus noster Guido comes Flandrie, filius eius, vel aliquis heredum suorum pacem quam dicta domina nostra comitissa pro se et suis heredibus, comitibus Flandrie, et suis cum domino Florentio tutore Hollandie et Florentio nepote ipsius ac eorum heredibus et suis inivit, prout in litteris dicte domine nostre comitisse supra dicta pace confectis eadem pax cum suis articulis plenius est expressa, violet vel veniat contra eam aut contra aliquem aut aliquos articulos dicte pacis; et si forte, quod absit, ipsa domina nostra comitissa vel dictus dominus noster comes aut aliquis ex suis heredibus violaverit dictam pacem aut venerit contra eam aut contra aliquem vel aliquos ipsius pacis articulos, nos et nullum omnino in hoc vel ad hoc prestabimus consilium, auxilium nec consensum; et ad hoc nos bona fide presentibus obligamus. In dicte promissionis et obligationis nostre testimonium sigilli oppidi nostre presentibus appendimus. Datum Insulis anno Domini M° CC° L° sexto, mense martio.

In cuius rei testimonium sigilla nostra presentibus litteris duximus apponenda. Datum anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo sexto, mense aprili.

Historical context:

The countess and her son make public the agreement of the burghers of Rijsel/Lille to abide by the peace between the counts of Flanders and Floris of Holland.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 3.150, ep. 1153; the text cited within the letter is 3.144-45, #1146.


1257, April