A letter from Dirk/Theodore of Teylingen (1272, September 25)
Dirk/Theodore of TeylingenReceiver
Aleid/Adelaide of HollandPublic
Translated letter:
I Dirk/Theodore, lord of Teylingen, make known to all that I promise in pure faith to my renowned lady, lady Adelaide of Hainaut, to assist with all advice and aid and to promote the affairs of my renowned young lord, Floris, count of Holland. But if anyone should wish to injure or damage her in body or property, I will assist her in resisting such things with all advice and aid with all my power. Moreover I promise to her that I will work in good faith that harmony and friendship will endure between my said lady and the aforesaid count, always without violation of the pledges that she has promised and conscripted to me. In testimony of this deed I have delivered to her the present letter validated by the impression of my seal. Dated in the year of the Lord 1272, Sunday after the (feast of) the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew.(1)Original letter:
Ego Theodericus dominus de Teylinghe notum facio universis quod pura fide promitto illustri domine mee, domine Aleydi de Haynonia, astare omni consilio et auxilio et promovere in agendis illustris domicelli mei Florentii comitis Hollandie. Si vero quisquam vellet ipsam peiorare vel dampnificare in corpore vel rebus, ad resistendum talibus ei astabo omni consilio et auxilio pro omnibus viribus meis. Insuper prom[it]to ei quod laborabo bona fide quod concordia et amicicia permanebunt inter dictam dominam meam et comitem antedictum, salvis semper promissis que ipsa michi promisit et conscripsit. In cuius rei testimonium presentem litteram ei contuli sigilli mei inpressione roboratam. Datum anno Domini M° CC° septuagesimo secundo, dominica post Mathei apostoli et ewangeliste.Historical context:
Dirk (Theodore) of Teylingen affirms his support of the countess and the nephew for whom she was regent, Floris.Scholarly notes:
1 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.Printed source:
Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), ep.1613, 3.697-98.