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A letter from Hildegard of Bingen (1154-70)


Hildegard of Bingen


Eleanor of Aquitaine

Translated letter:

Your mind is like a wall which is covered with clouds, and you look everywhere but have no rest. Flee this and attain stability with God and men, and God will help you in all your tribulations. May God give you his blessing and help in all your works.

Original letter:

Mens tua similis est parieti, qui est in vicissitudine nubis, et undique circrumspicis, sed requiem non habes. Istud fuge et sta in stabilitate cum Deo et hominibus, et in omnibus tribulationibus tuis Deus adiuuabit te. Deus benedictionem et auxilium suum in omnibus operibus tuis tibi det.

Historical context:

Presumably the queen wrote asking Hildegard for advice or comfort but we have only Hildegard's response. Her response to Eleanor's husband, Henry II (ep.317), is considerably stronger, warning him not to listen to advice that would have him follow his own will rather than justice.

Printed source:

Hildegardis Bingensis, Epistolarium, ed. Lieven Van Acker and Monika Klaes-Hachmoller, CCCM, 91b (Turnhout: Brepols, 2001), 78, ep.318.

