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A letter from Adelaide of Turin and Susa (1081, May 16)


Adelaide of Turin and Susa



Translated letter:

In the year of the incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ 1081, sixteenth day of the month of May, fourth indiction, to the monastery of mother of God and inviolate virgin Mary, constructed in Pinerolo, where now lord Ardwin is seen to preside as abbot. I, Adelaide, countess by God’s providence, daughter of the late Manfred, marquis, who have professed to live from my birth under Salic law, offerer and donor of the aforesaid monastery, have said moreover that whoever has conferred anything from his property on holy and venerable places will receive in this world a hundred-fold according to the word of Christ, and moreover what is better is that he will possess eternal life. Therefore, I, as above Adelaide, countess, give and offer, from the present day to the same monastery, for reward and healing of my soul and the souls of my relatives, a plot, by name, with vineyard with the ground where it stands and together with a field also a holding with all buildings constructed on it, with my right that I understood to hold, in a certain villa of mine that is called Salazzo and that plot with the ground where the vineyard is with the aforesaid field all together is five acres and one-hundred seven plots which a path adjoins on two sides, on a third runs a river, and the fourth I reserve for my proprietary power by right. Further, I give and offer, as I said for the reward and healing of my soul and for the souls of my relatives, to the same monastery, from this day, completely that above-said plot with vineyard and also the field holding with buildings held on it by my right, together with accesses and rights of entry and with its higher and lower things, as read above, and through the present (charter) of offering I confirm it to be held there. Moreover by small knife, knotted straw, glove and piece of earth and branch of tree(1) to that monastery I thereby make legitimate transfer and investiture and I thereby have driven myself out, guaranteed and I have made myself absent and for the ownership of that monastery I relinquish it to be held, so that that monastery or to whomever the monastery will give (it), with proprietary name may do whatever they will without any contradiction or reclamation by me and my heirs and representatives of heirs. But if, which I do not believe will occur, I, as above Adelaide, God forbid, or any of my heirs or representatives of heirs or any person opposed will attempt at any time to go against this charter of donation or will seek to infringe it through any contrivance, then let us inflict on that party, against which we have thenceforth brought suit, great penalty, which is twenty ounces of pure gold, forty pounds of silver, and we will renew what we cannot vindicate. But let this present charter of donation remain and endure firm. And I, Adelaide, countess, as above, my heirs, and representatives of heirs, promise to defend for that monastery or for whomever the party of that monastery will give it the aforesaid plot with vineyard and field holding, as read above, completely from any man, which if we cannot defend or if we seek to withdraw through any contrivance anything from that monastery, then let us restore twofold that plot with the vineyard and field holding to the same monastery, as according to circumstance it will be improved or will be valued in judgment in a similar place, and I have embossed the parchment with ink from the earth and given it to Giselbert, notary of the holy palace and asked him to write and hand over the document, confirming which he offered it to be strengthened by witnesses. Enacted happily in the place of Caramagna. Sign by the hand of the above-noted lady Adelaide, countess, who requested that this charter of donation be made and to whom it was relinquished. Signs of Otto, Roger, Vualfred, witnesses living under Salic law. Sign by the hands of Peter, Agrard, Rodulf, Gosuin, witnesses. I, as above Giselbert, notary of the holy palace, writer of this contract of donation, completed and gave it, subsequently delivered.1 [To these the following are added. Adelaide and Agnes, countesses, made this investiture or offering on the 7th kal. of February of two stoles (manualiis), set in the town of Saluzzo, to the monastery of Pinerolo of the holy mother of God, always virgin Mary, for the remedy of their souls and of all their relatives. At this were present witnesses, namely D. Mauritius ... venerable bishops and also Roger, Aruin, knights, and Rambert, viscount.]

Original letter:

Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Ihu Xpi milleximo octuageximo primo, sextodecimo die mensis madii indictione quarta monasterio genitricis dei et intemerate virginis marie in pinariolo constructo ubi nunc domnus arduinus abbas preesse uidetur ego adeleida dei prouidentia cometissa filia quondam maginfredi marchionis que professa sum ex nacione mea lege uiuere salica offertrix et dottatrix predicti monasterii propterea dixi quisquis in Sanctis ac uenerabilibus locis ex suis aliquid contulerit rebus iusta auctoris uocem in hoc seculo centuplum accipiet insuper et quod melius est uitam possidebit eternam. Ideoque ego que supra adeleida cometissa dono et offero a presenti die in eodem monasterio pro mercede et remedio anime mee et animarum parentum meorum nominatiue sedimen unum cum uinea cum area ubi extat et campo in simul tenente cum hedificiis omnibus in eo constructis iuris mei quod habere uisa sum in quadam mea uilla que uocatur Salucie et est ipsum sedimen cum area in qua uinea est atque cum predicto campo in simul super totum iugeres quinque et tabule centum septem cui coeret de duabus partibus uia de tertia parte currit flumen de quarta in mea reseruo potestate proprietario iure. quod autem istum sedimen cum uinea et campo simul tenente cum hedificiis in eo habitis iuris mei superius dictum una cum accessionibus et ingressibus seu cum superioribus et inferioribus suis qualiter superius legitur in integrum ab hac die in eodem monasterio ut dixi pro mercede et remedio anime mee et pro parentum meorum animabus dono et offero et per presentem oblationis ibidem habendum confirmo. Insuper per cultellum festucam nodatam uantonem uasosonem terre atque ramum arboris in ipso monasterio exinde legitimam facio traditionem et uestituram et me exinde foras expuli uarpiui et absentem feci et ad proprietatem ipsius monasterii habendum relinquo ita ut faciat ipsum monasterium aut cui pars ipsius monasterii dederit proprietario nomine quicquid uoluerit sine omni mea et heredum ac proheredum meorum contradictione uel repeticione. si quis uero quod futurum esse non credo, si ego que supra adeleida quod absit aut ullus de heredibus ac proheredibus meis seu que libet opposita persona contra hanc cartam oblationis ire quandoque temptauerimus aut eam per quoduis ingenium infrangere quesierimus tunc inferamus ad illam partem contra quam exinde litem intulerimus mulctam que est pena auri optimi uncias uiginti argenti pondera quadraginta et quod repecierimus uendicare non ualeamus. sed presens hec carta oblationis firma permaneat atque persistat. Et ego que supra adeleida cometissa me meosque heredes ac proheredes in ipso monasterio aut cui pars ipsius monasterii dederit predictum sedimen cum uinea et campo simul tenente qualiter superius legitur in integrum ab omni homine defensare promitto quod si defendere non potuerimus aut de eodem monasterio aliquid per quoduis ingenium subtraere quesierimus tunc in duplum istum sedimen cum uinea et campo uno tenente in eodem monasterio restituamus sicut pro tempore fuerit melioratum aut ualuerit sub exstimatione in consimili loco et bergamena cum atramentario de terra eleuaui paginam Giselberlo notarii sacri palacii tradidi et scribere rogaui in qua subter confirmans testibusque obtulit roboranda Actum in loco Caramannia feliciter. Signum + manus suprascripte domne adeleide cometisse que hanc cartam oblationis fieri rogauit eique relecta est. Signa +++ ottonis Rogerii Vualfredi lege uiuentium salica testes. Signum ++++ manuum petri Agrardi rodulfi Gosuini testes. Ego qui supra Giselbertus notarius sacri palacii scriptor huius carte oblationis post traditam compleui et dedi. [Hisque haec subduntur. Hanc investituram, sive oblationem fecerunt Adelaida, & Agnes Comitissae 7. Kal. Feb. de duobus manualiis, positis in Saluciensi Villa, Pinarolensi Monasterio S. Dei Genitricis semper Virginis Mariae, pro animarum suarum mercede, omniumque suorum Parentum. Hi interfuerunt Testes, videlicet D. Mauritius .... Venerandi Episcopi, necnon & Rogerius, Aruinus, milites, & Rambertus Vicecomes]

Historical context:

The countess Adelaide gives to the monastery of St. Mary of Pinerolo property located in Saluzzo. At the end of the charter in Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye v.2 Preuves, p.20, there is an additional passage included here in brackets.  In the first sentence of the Muletti edition, the monastery is "consecrato," consecrated, rather than "constructo," constructed (Memorie Stocio-diplomatiche ...Saluzzo, 1.263.

Scholarly notes:

1. This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Manuscript source:

Archivio della Citta di Pinerolo, cat.1, m.1, n.3.

Translation notes:

1.  These are traditional symbolic objects handed over at the transfer of property.  I am grateful to Adam Kosto for this explanation.

Printed source:

Historia Patriae Monumenta, edita iussu Regis Caroli Alberti, Chartarum Tomus I (Augustae Taurinorum e Regio Typographeo, 1836), c.661-63, doc.394.


1081, May 16