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A letter from Bertha of the Obertenghi (1028)


Bertha of the Obertenghi
Ulric-Manfred, marques of Turin



Translated letter:

In the name of the lord God and our savior Jesus Christ, Conrad, by God’s grace august emperor, in the second year of his empire with God propitious, fifth kalends of June, eleventh indiction. We, in the name of god, Oldric, who by God’s mercy am named Manfred, marquis, son of the late Manfred, also marquis, and Bertha, with God assisting, countess, daughter of the late Otbert, also marquis, [we] spouses, have both declared that we live under Salic law, and with that spouse of mine consenting to me and confirming below, we wish to say to those present how we desire, through our testament, to direct and dispose certain things of ours, and how we establish Almighty God, to whom all visible and invisible things are subject, as our heir concerning those things, so that for love and fear of him we wish to construct a monastery of girls and to appoint an abbess in it, who should pour forth prayers to our creator day and night both for us and for lord Adelric, bishop of the holy church of Asti and lord Adelbert, also marquis, our fellow brothers, and sons, daughters and our other relatives, and for all faithful living and deceased, so that he, on account of his mercy, might forgive our crimes and might cause us to persevere in good deeds and might make us sharers in eternal life with his saints. We know truly that Christ and the church are one person; those who are of the church are of Christ, and whatever things are offered to the church are offered to Christ. This is included in the holy scriptures according to the word of Christ: whoever has conferred anything from his property on God or on his saints will receive a hundred-fold in this world. Moreover what is better is he will possess eternal life. And therefore let it be known to all that we possess and hold for our property a basilica which was constructed in the place and estate of Caramagna within the castle of this same place, where now four altars have been consecrated. The larger is in the name of the lord savior and also his mother the virgin Mary and of St. John the apostle and the evangelist and all the saints. The second is in honor of St. Peter, prince of the apostles and the other apostles and St. John the Baptist, the forerunner. The third is in honor of St. Stephen the first martyr and St. Laurence and the saints Cosmas and Damian. The fourth is in honor of St. Archangel Michael, and in that basilica relics are preserved of Saints Osterius, Longinus, Blaise and Demetrius and Abundius the martyr and also St. Maurus and Saint Caesarius and Saints Vitus, George, Maurice, and we wish and judge and through this our testament confirm that now and in the future and eternally it be made a monastery of girls, in which, with Christ assenting, those nuns who will be ordained there according to the rule of St. Benedict will happily lead a blessed life, providing divine offices. Concerning this we have even now chosen a certain virgin devoted to God, by the name of Richilda to be consecrated as abbess, who from infancy, following a life of religious teaching, well-instructed and nourished in in it. And we establish for the use and expense of the nuns in that same monastery, the aforesaid castle from our property entirely in the same place in Caramagna where the aforesaid basilica is constructed, as that castle is encircled and surrounded by a ditch with a bridge. And we concede half of the same court in Caramagna and its appurtenances in that territory with whatever places and names belonging always to that half of the court, and to the same a monastery together with the gift of the aforesaid basilica and its courts everything completely and half of the servants and handmaids who are now inhabitants in the same Caramagna, together with half of all those things that belong to the same court in the place and territory of Polenzo which are seen to be of our right, and in the places that are called Colonne, Casale, whence half of the same court and its appurtenances, except concerning the aforesaid church and the aforesaid castle, we reserve in our property half of another court and its appurtenances, that is located near the sea in the county of Albenga which is called by two names, of the same we concede the monastery (in) Pradarolio (Pairola?) and Carmagnola with half of a castle and chapels constructed in that tower, whence the remaining half is seen to belong, moreover, with the monastery of the aforesaid St. Mary and of St. Martin, confessor of Christ which is constructed on the island that is called Gallinaria and a third part of the court and a third of its appurtenances which is called Salucia, except concerning a castle which is located in that same place, as surrounded by a ditch with a bridge, and set apart those things given that we hold in another part, which (is) that castle with two parts in the court of the same. I, who (am) the above Bertha, countess, reserve for my property also our portion of the church of St. Hilarius and with all the houses, plots, and other things belonging to the same church, which (church) is seen to be constructed near Vico which is called Revello, and the church of St. Vitus constructed in the territory of Vico Cauallario (Cavallermaggiore), which is called Witbert with all things belonging to it, and all those things that are called of St. Maurice located in the same place of Cauallario and in its territory and also a church that was constructed in honor of the same St. Mary in the same territory of the aforesaid Cavallermaggiore, that is called Pece with all things belonging to it and also half of that half of houses and all other things, which now we now hold and possess in the valley that is called Magrana (Valle di Macra) in places and estates and territories of Zurzano, St. Damian, Pagliero, Stroppo, Prazzo, St. Michael, Acceglio, Paderno, Rocabruna. Moreover a piece of land held above with a building for salt located within the city of Turin near the forum of the same city, which was of the right of the late Guido, subdeacon, son of late Pedelprand, according to measure and things bordering which are in the charters of purchases as we possess them, and all those things located in places and estates of Ciuicioni, Cambiano, that were of the same late Guido, subdeacon, of his right, as they are declared in those charters, which they sent to us from the woman Boniza and also from the woman Agitruda. And also ten properties with all things belonging to them located over the river Tanaro in a place that is called Mombarcaro as they are now governed and worked by those tenant serfs, whose names and appellations are Ruffinus from Turre Salsa/Salla, John Bataglia, Geso of Monterodundo, Albert Boxo, Richizo who is seen to live next to it, also John Bruno and Bono the son of his maternal cousin, Peter Asgod, and John Auzello, Andrea Calvo, and they are with all those things that we concede to the same monastery for use and expense of the aforesaid nuns are according to the measure over the whole in those same places and territories, which, read above, among plots, castles, grounds, churches and other plots and vineyards with their grounds, arable lands, meadows, grasses, woods both larger and smaller with their grounds, ten-thousand acres, and if more things will be found that we hold, small or large, in our right at the aforesaid half of those two courts in Caramagna and Pairola, or at the said third part of that same court, third of Salucia, except from the castle and from that thing that was placed before, above, and the said half of that half, that we now retain in the aforesaid valley Magrana, or with those same ten dwellings in the same place of Mombarcaro, or with all the said things conceded to that same monastery, small or found largest, as read above, which as measured above through this our testament as will be affirmed below, we offer to God, so that following it the nuns of the same monastery will have and firmly possess for their use and expense, and the share of the same monastery should do whatever they will concerning both those things that are read above and that which will be from here on, with God assisting, conferred on it both by us and from whatever persons (as) was said. And let us say again the said things that we concede for the use and expense of those nuns, who will be in the same monastery, not only plots of the castle beyond the fortress and grounds, churches and other plots, forums, castles and vineyards with their grounds, but also arable lands, meadows, grasses, pastures, woods, mills, fisheries, rocks, cliffs and marshes cultivated and uncultivated, divided and undivided, accesses and uses of waters and watercourses with servants and handmaids as read above entirely, but also we wish this and confirm strongly through this our testament that in no way should that monastery remain under the rule of any bishop or monastery nor of those persons, except of almighty God, whom we make heir for the same, and following that let it be commanded as will be affirmed below, and as long as both or one of us will exist in this world, let life consist in us following God and the rule of his saints, but after both of our deaths, if a daughter from our marriage will be widowed, who may be endowed or may desire to assume the robe and veil of religious life in the same monastery, and may have the sense and intellect to be ordained in the same monastery, if after the death of the abbess she will want to be abbess, we wish and command through this our testament that she have license and power of receiving ... over the altar of the same monastery, and according to our will we wish that she be consecrated and ordained in the same monastery by whichever bishop she will wish. Likewise we wish that this be done concerning our granddaughter who will be widowed, from our son or daughter. But if those same persons will be lacking we confirm through this our testament that if a son from our marriage will be widowed, that monastery should be of his ordination, not to weaken it, nor for the abbess to receive payment for the ordination, to govern and defend it, and to be ordained freely by the abbess. (If) that son will be lacking, the eldest daughter born from our marriage, widowed as above, from a son, we establish that she should do thus concerning the same monastery. But if an eldest daughter will be lacking, the next oldest to her should likewise receive that ordination. And thus always the one after the eldest born, following subsequently as long as one of them will be alive in this world. And we wish and judge that it be done in this way with all sons and daughters of those who will not be there: the eldest grandson born from our son should receive the same ordination. If there will be no grandson from our son, or if there will be (a time) then when a grandson from our daughter is lacking, whoever will be older should have that ordination, and however many will be born one after another the elder should always have the power to receive the same ordination. But when grandsons of our daughters are lacking, if there will be a granddaughter widowed from those (daughters), as above, let her receive that ordination as read above. Further, after the grandsons and granddaughters of our deceased (people), let that ordination come to their children, male and female. But when they will be lacking, we wish and through this our testament we command that the ordination should come, as read above, for the same monastery in the power of two of our next of kin, of the above spouses, one from my side of the above Oldric, marquis, the other from my side, of the above Bertha, countess, who will have appeared at that time. And let it happen such that whoever is next of kin to us up to the fifth degree will appear, but after the fifth degree of relationship has been exhausted, let it occur in the ordination of the same monastery such that whenever it happens that the abbess from the same monastery dies, let it happen for the ordination by the election of the nuns of the same monastery so that she may become abbess, who will be chosen by those of their congregation, let her receive the staff above the altar of the same monastery, she who will be appointed from one of them through consensus of others. Further we wish and establish that she be ordained and consecrated abbess. However, if in electing the abbess there will be contention among them and they will not agree, and some choose one, another part chooses another, then we wish that she who will be chosen by the greatest part of those nuns should receive the staff as above and be made abbess. And she should advance to be consecrated by whichever bishop she will wish, as we consider it established concerning this consecration of the abbess who, as read above, will be chosen by the greater part of those nuns, also to make and receive the consecration by whichever bishop she will wish. Thus concerning all others who will be ordained in the same monastery, thus we wish that it happen and as said above, that the monastery endure perpetually. But concerning the aforesaid halves and the third of the same courts, as read above, and concerning the aforesaid other things that we hold, granted, as read above, to the same monastery, let it happen that, as it will be fitting, it be divided among us and our sons and daughters and the same nuns, and as it will be divided let the division endure thus for all time, and as said we hold from the present day and hour the same God the creator our heir; we have established and we make according to law our legitimate transfer and investiture to him by the small knife, knotted straw, glove and by a piece of earth and by branch of tree,1 for the abbess of the same monastery to do whatever she will for the usefulness of the nuns for their use and expense, for reward of our soul, of those above, spouses, and of our sons and daughters and the said lord Adelric, bishop, and the aforesaid Adelbert, marquis, our most beloved fellow brothers, and our other relatives living and deceased. But if it should happen that any person great or small will presume to violate this our will and the ordering which has been declared above concerning the ordination of the same monastery or will not allow the monastery to endure in that condition as read above, then we judge and wish firmly that the monastery with all its continuous integrity should come to the power of two relatives of ours, one from my side, as above of Oldric, marquis, the other from mine, as above Bertha, countess, who will appear at that time not for ownership but for governing and defense, and let (that person) remain in governing of those for as long as that person, who has committed this and willingly or unwillingly refuses to fulfill our will as read above. And concerning all these things as read above that should be fulfilled we establish through this testament, you, almighty God, creator of all, as our heir, but the aforesaid Richilda, devoted to the Virgin and God, whom we have chosen as abbess, should be entrusted with care of everything that is in this universal testament of our faith. But we give and leave to you, most holy church, where for the same we have established the monastery, everything as said above for the use and expense of the nuns as declared above, and for those things to come that we cannot see we make obligation insofar as we can. But if, which we do not believe will occur, we as above spouses, God forbid, or any of our heirs or representatives of heirs or any person opposed will seek at any time to go against this our testament or seek to infringe it through any contrivance, then let us impose on the part of the same monastery great penalty, that is one-hundred ounces of pure gold, two-hundred pounds of silver and we will renew what we cannot vindicate. But let this present testament remain firm and stable for long duration and let it endure unshaken with stipulation supported. Moreover the aforesaid thing will be improved or valued twofold as it will have been improved at that time or be valued in similar places by judgment about the aforesaid servants and handmaids. And we have embossed the parchment with ink from the earth, (and) delivered this testament to Herenzo, notary and judge of the holy palace, to be written and requested that it be done; we offered it to be strengthened by witnesses confirming below, whence two testaments were written with one meaning. Enacted happily in the aforesaid place of Caramagna before the door of the same monastery. This is the sign + of the aforesaid lord Oldric, marquis, who requested that this testament be made, and of the same Bertha, countess, his spouse, who consented as above. Sign + of the hand of lady Bertha, aforesaid countess, who requested that this testament be made with the aforesaid consent of the marquis, her husband, as above. + Alric, bishop by God’s grace, was present. Sign +++ by the hands of Guido and Tendoni, and Almanus and Adelric, witnesses living under Salic law. + Alfred, judge of the holy palace, as requested, I signed below. + Gerolnus, judge of the holy palace, as requested, I signed below. + Autengerius, judge of the holy palace, as requested, I signed below. I, as above, Herenzo, notary and judge of the holy palace, writer, completed and gave this document, subsequently delivered.2

Original letter:

In nomine domini dei et saluatoris nostri Ihu Xpi Chunradus gratia dei imperator augustus. anno imperii eiusdem deo propitio secundo. quinto kalendas iunias. indictione undecima. Nos in Dei nomine Odelricus. qui misericordia Dei Maginfredus Marchio sum nominatus. filius quondam itemque Maginfredi similiterque Marchionis et Berta auxiliante Deo Cometissa iugalibus filia quondam Autberti itemque Marchionis. qui professi sumus ambo lege uiuere salica. ipso namque iugale meo mihi consentiente et subter confirmante. presentibus presens dicere uolumus quomodo per testamentum nostrum de quasdam nostras res ordinare et disponere desideramus. et qualiter Omnipotentem Deum cui omnia uisibilia et inuisibilia subiecta sunt, de eas haeres nostrum constituimus. ut pro eius amore atque timore monasterium puellarum construere uolumus. et abbatissa in eo ordinare. quae die noctuque tam pro nobis et domni Adelrici sanctae astensis ecclesiae Episcopi seu domini Adelberti. itemque Marchionis confratris nostris. seu filiis filiabus. et caeteris parentibus nostris. quam pro omnibus fidelibus uiuis. atque defunctis efundant praeces ad Creatorem nostrum. ut ipse propter suam clementiam nostra deleat scelera. et in bonis operibus perseuerare nos faciat et ad uitam aeternam cum Sanctis suis participes nos faciat. scimus ueraciter Christum et Ecclesiam unam esse personam, quae Ecclesiae sunt. Christi sunt, quaecumque Ecclesiae offeruntur. Christo offeruntur. ea in sanctis scripturis insertum est iusta auctoris uocem. quisquis ad Deum uel in Sanctis suis. ex suis aliquid contulerit rebus in hoc saeculo centuplum accipiet. insuper quod melius est uitam possidebit aeternam et ideo notum omnibus sit quia habemus et detinemus ad nostram proprietatem Basilica una quae in loco et fundo Caramania infra Castro eiusdem loci est constructa. ubi nunc quatuor Altaria sunt consecrata. Maius in nomine Domini Saluatoris. seu eiusque Genitricis et Virginis Mariae. sanctique Ioannis Apostoli. et Euangelistae. omniumque Sanctorum. Secundum in honore sancti Petri Apostolorum Principis et caeterorum Apostolorum. seu sancti Ioannis Praecursoris. et Baptistae. Tertium in honore sancti Stephani Prothomartiris. sanctique Laurentii seu sanctorum Cosmae et Damiani. Quartum in honorem sancti Archangeli Michaelis. et in ea Basilica conditae sunt reliquiae sanctorum Hosterii. Longini. Blastii atque Demetrii. siue Abundii martirum nec non et sancti Mauri, siue sancti Caesarii. atque sanctorum Viti. Georgii. Mauricii. et ea uolumus. et iudicamus. et per hunc nostrum testamentum confirmamus. ut nunc, et in futurum usque in perpetuum monasterium fiat puellarum. in quo annuente Christo quae monachae quae inibi ordinatae fuerint secundum regulam sancti Benedicti. diuina subministrantes officia. uitam faeliciter ducant beatam. de quo etiam nunc elegimus consecrandum ad Abbatissa quamdam uirginem et Deo deuotam nomine Richildam. quae ab infantia eiusdem doctrinae uitam consequens bene doctam. et nutritam esse uidetur. et ad husum et sumptum monacharum in eodem monasterio constituimus de nostram proprietatem iamdictum Castrum in integrum eiusdem loci Caramania. ubi praefata Basilica est constructa. sicut in circuitu ipsum Castrum. de tolimen fossatumque est circumdatum. seu medietatem de eadem corte Caramania. et de eius pertinentia tenet in ipso territorio. quamque in quamcumque locis et uocabulis semper medietatem eiusdem corte pertinentis. eidem concedimus monasterium una cum dote praefatae basilicae seu eiusdem cortis. omnia ex integro. et medietatem de seruis et ancillis. quos nunc in eadem Caramania habitatores sunt, una cum medietatem de illis rebus omnibus quae eidem corti pertinent in loco et territorio Pollentia. quae iuris nostris esse uidentur. seu in locis qui uocati sunt Colonne. Casale. unde medietas eiusdem cortis et de eius pertinentia. excepto de praefata Ecclesia et de iam dicto Castro in nostra proprietate reseruamus atque medietatem de corte altera, et de eius pertinentia. quae est iuxta mare positam in comitatu Albinganensis. qua duplicis nominibus est nuncupata eiusdem concedimus monasterium Pradarolio et Carmaniola cum medietatem de Castro, et capellas. seu turre constructis in ea. unde reliqua medietas pertinere uidetur. Itemque monasterio iamdictae sanctae Mariae. sanctique Martini confessoris Christi. quae est constructam in insula, quae uocata est Gallinaria. siue tertia pars de corte tertia. et de eius pertinentia. quae Salucia est uocata. excepto de Castro qui in eodem loco est posito sicut de tolimen. fosatumque est circumdatum. et anteposito illis rebus quae nos in aliam partem datis habemus. quae ipsum castrum cum partes duas eiusdem corte. Ego qui supra Berta comitissa in mea proprietate reseruo. atque nostram portionem de Ecclesia sancti Hilarii. et de omnibus casis. sediminas. caeterisque rebus eiusdem Ecclesie pertinentis. quae esse uidetur prope Vico qui uocatur Reuello constructa. nec non Ecclesia Sancti Viti constructa in territorio de Vico Cauallario. qui uocatur VVitberto cum omnibus rebus ad ea pertinentibus. seu omnibus rebus illis. quae uocatae sunt sancti Mauritii in eodem loco Cauallario et in eius territorio positis. et item ecclesia. quae in honore eiusdem Sanctae Mariae est constructa in eodem territorio de prefato Cauallario Witberto locus, qui uocatus est Pece. cum omnibus rebus ad ea pertinentibus. siue etiam medietatem de illa medietas de casis. caeterisque omnibus rebus, quas nunc abemus. et detinemus in ualle. quae uocatur Magrana. in locis et fundis seu territoriis Zurzana. sancto Damiano. Pagliario. Stroppo. Prada. sancto Michaelo. Cilio Paderno. Rocabruna. Insuper petiam unam de terra cum edifficio salae super abente intra tauriuensem ciuitatem positam iuxta forum eiusdem ciuitatis. quae fuit iuris quondam Vuidoni subdiaconi filii quondam Pedelprandi iusta mensura et cohaerentias quae in cartulis inde acquisitionum sicut detinemus. atque rebus illis omnibus quae eiusdem quondam Vuidonis subdiaconi sui iuris fueruut. quae sunt positis in locis et fundis Ciuicioni. Cambiano. sicut in illas cartulas declarantur. quae ab boniza faemina. et ab Agitruda itemque faemina in nobis emissasunt. seu etiam mansos decem cum omnibus rebus ad eas pertinentibus positas super fluio Tanagro in loco qui uocatur Montebarcario sicut nunc rectas laboratasque sunt per illis Massariis. quorum nomina et appellationes sunt Ruffinus de turre salsa. Ioannes Bataglia. Geso de Monterodundo. Albertus Boxo. Richizo qui habitare uidetur iusta eo. Item Ioannes Bruno. et Bono filio eius consoprino. Petrus Asgodo. Item Ioannes Auzello. Andrea Caluo. et sunt ipsis rebus omnibus, quae eidem monasterii concedimus ad husum et sumptu praefatis monacharum per mensuram super totum in eisdem locis et territoriis. quae supra legitur inter sedimina. castris. areisque. ecclesiis seu caeteris sediminis et uineis cum areis suarum. terris arabilis. pratis. ierbis. siluis tam maioribus quam minoribus. cum areis suarum. iugera decem millia. et si amplius de nostro iure rebus ad praefatas medietas de easdem cortes duas Caramania. Pradariolo. seu ad iamdicta tertia pars de eadem corte. tertia Salucia. excepto de Castro et de illa res quae supra antepositum est. atque ad iamdicta medietate de illa medietas, quae nunc detinemus in praefata ualle Magrana. seu ad easdem decem mansos de eodem loco Montebarcario. siue ad iamdictis omnibus rebus quae supra legitur. quas eidem monasterii concessis abemus parum. uel maximum inuentum fuerit. quam ut supra mensuratae per hunc nostrum testamentum sicut subtus adfirmatum fuerit ad Deum offerimus. ut sequente eo habeant monachas eidem monasterii ad eorum usu et sumptu. et firmiter possideant. et pars eiusdem monasterii quidquid uoluerint faciant. tam de illas res quae supra legitur. quam de illa quae in eo de hic in antea. auxiliante Deo. tam a nobis quam a quibuscumque fuerint collatis personis dictum est. et iterum dicamus iamdictas res quae concedimus ad husum et sumptum earum monacharum. quae in eodem fuerint monasterio non solum sedimina castri extra arcem. et areis. ecclesiis. uel caeteris sediminis. foris. castris et uineis. cum areis suarum. sed etiam terris arabilis. pratis. ierbis. pascuis. siluis. molendinis. piscationibus. rupis. rupinis ac paludibus cultis et incultis. diuisis et indiuisis. accessionibus et usibus aquarum aquarum que decursibus. cum semis et ancillis quae supra legitur in integrum, sed et hoc uolumus et firmiter per hunc nostrum testamentum confirmamus. ut nullo modo permaneat ipsum monasterium in regimina ullius episcopo uel monasterio. nec illarum personarum. nisi in Dei omnipotentis. quem eodem facimus haeredem. et sequente eo sit ordinatum sicut subter fuerit adfirmatum. uel quamdiu in hoc saeculo ambo. uel unus ex nobis fuerit uita sit in nostra sequente Deo. et sanctis eius regimina. post uero amborum nostrorum decessum. si filia ex nostro coniugio fuerit relicta. quae ueste et uelamine religiositatis induta sit in eodem monasterio. uel induere cupiat. et sensum intellectumque habeat ordinandi eodem monasterio si post mortem abbatissae uoluerit esse abbatissa. uolumus et per hunc nostrum ordinamus testamentum. ut habeat licentia et potestate..desuper altario eidem monasterio accipiendi. et secundum uoluntatem nostram uolumus a quocumque uoluerit episcopo se consecrandi. et eodem ordinandi monasterio. similiter uolumus ut fiat de nepta nostra quae de filio uel filia nostra fuerit relicta. Si uero easdem persouas defuerint confirmamus per hunc nostrum testamentum. ut si filio masculino ex nostro coniugio fuerit relicto. fiat ipsum monasterium in eius ordinamentum. non ad minuandum. nec ad praemium propter ordinationes Abbatissae recipiendum, uel ad gubernandum et deffensandum. et gratis Abbatissae ordinandum. illo masculino defuerit filia maior nata ex nostro coniugio relicta sicut supra de filio masculino statuimus ipsa ita de eodem monasterio faciat. Si uero maior filia defuerit. sequente ea maior ipsam ordinationem similiter recipiat. et sic semper una post altera maior nata. sequente postea quamdiu una ex eas in hoc seculo fuerit uita. ita fiat, et uolumus seu iudicamus cum omnes filios et filias ipsarum defuerint. nepus maior ex filio nostro nato eodem recipiat ordinamento. Si ex filio nepus nobis non fuerit. aut si fuerit tunc quando defuerit nepus ex filia nostra. qui maius fuerit ex nationem abeat ipsam ordinationem. et quanticumque fuerint unum post alterum maior nato semper habeat uigorem ad accipiendam eadem ordinationem. Cum uero nepotes ex nostrarum filiarum defuerint. si nepta ex eas super eos fuerit relicta. accipiat ipsum ut supra legitur ordinamentum. Post autem nepotes. neptesque nostrorum decessum ueniat ipsam ordinationem in liberis eorum. uel earum. quando uero ipsis defuerint. uolumus. et per hunc nostrum ordinamus testamentum ueniat ipsam ordinationem quae supra legitur de eodem monasterio in potestate duorum de propinquioiibus nostris quorum supra iugalibus. unus ex parte mea parte qui supra Odelrici marchionis, alterum ex mea qui supra Bertam cometissae. qui tunc temporis apparuerint. et sic fiat quousque nobis propinqui usque quinto apparuerint genuculo. post quinto uero genuculo transacto fiat ordinamento de eodem monasterio. ita ut quandocumque contingent, uel Abbatissa eodem monasterio obierit fiat in ordinamento. et in electione Monacharum eidem monasterii ut ipsa fiat abbatissa. quae ab eas de eorum congregatione fuerit electa, et accipiat baculum desuper altario eodem monasterio, qui ab una earum per consensu caeterarum fuerit posita. ipsam namque uolumus et constituimus ut fiat sacrata et abbatissa de eo ordinata. Sin autem ad eligendum abbatisse inter eos contensio fuerit et non concordauerint. et elegerint una. alia pars altera, tunc uolumus ut illa quae a maiori parte earum monacharum fuerit electa, accipiat baculum ut supra, et fiat abbatissa. et uadat se consacrari a quocumque uoluerit episcopo. sicut de hac consecratione de illa abbatissa quae sicut supra legitur a maiori parte earum monacharum fuerit electa constitutum habemus. consecrationem quoque facere. et accipere a quocumque uoluerit episcopo. ita de omnes alias quae in eodem monasterio fuerint ordinatas . sic uolumus ut fiat, et sicut supra dictum est permaneat ipsum monasterium usque in perpetuum. sed de praefatas medietates siue de tertia de easdem cortes quae supra legitur. atque de iam dictis caeteris rebus quae in eodem monasterio sicut supra legitur concessis habemus . fiat sic . ut sicut inter nos. uel filios aut filias nostras et easdem monachas conuenerit ita diuidatur. et sicut diuisa fuerit sic omni tempore diuisio permaneat. et sicut dictum habemus a praesenti die et ora eundem Deum Creatorem nostrum haeredem constituimus et iusta lege nostram legitimam ad eum facimus tradationem et uestituram per cultellum fistucam nodatum uuantonem et per uuasonem terrae atque per ramum arboris faciente Abbatissa eidem monasterii ad utilitate monacharum. eorum husu et sumptu concessum est quidquid uoluerit. tam pro animae nostrae eorum supra iugalibus. nostrorumque filiis ac filiabus . seu iamdictis domini Adelrici antistiti et praefati Adelberti marchionis dilectissimis confratribus nostris. quam caeterorum parentum nostrorum uiuis. atque defunctis mercede. quod si contingent ut qualibet persona magna paruaque hanc nostram uoluntatem et ordinationem quae supra de ordinatione eidem monasterii declarata est uiolare praesumpserit uel in ipso statu quae supra legitur ipsum monasterium permanere non dimiserit. tunc firmiter iudicamus et uolumus ut ipsum monasterium cum omni sua iutegritate continuo deueniat in potestate duorum parentum nostrorum. unus ex mea parte qui supra Odelrici marchionis. alterum ex mea quae supra Bertam cometissae. non in proprietate. sed in gubernatione et defensione qui tunc temporis apparuerit. et tamdiu in eorum gubernatione persistat. quamdiu illa persona, qui hoc perpetrauerit uolente nolenteque nostram uoluntatem quae supra legitur implere dimittat. et de haec omnia quae supra legitur adimplendi tu Dens omnipotens creatorem omnium constituimus in hunc testamentum haeredem esse nostrum, iamdicta uero Richilda Virginis et Dei deuotam. quae ad abbatissa habemus electa sit super totum. hoc est uniuersalem in hunc testamentum nostra fidei commissaria. tibi uero Sanctissima Ecclesia ubi eodem monasterium constitutum habemus ea res omnia qualiter supradicta est ad usu et sumptu monacharum sicut supra declaratum est, damus. legamus. et pro eo. quod ea quae uentura sunt uidere nequimus in quantum possumus obligationem facimus. si quis uero . quod futurum esse non credimus. si nos corum supra iugalium . quod absit. aut ullus de heredibus ac proheredibus nostris. seu quislibet opposita persona contra hunc nostrum testamentum ire quandoque tentauer .. eum per quocumque ingenio infringere quaesierimus. tunc inferramus pars eidem monasterii. multa quae est poena auro obtimo uncias centum argenti ponderas duocenti. et quod repetierimus uendicare non ualeamus. sed praesens hunc testamentum diuturnis temporibus firmum stabilitumque aripermaneat. atque persistat inconuulsum cum stipulacione subnixa. Insuper iamdicta res in duplum sicut pro tempore fuerit meliorata. aut ualuerit in consimilibus locis una cum aestimatione de praefatis seruis et ancillis. et bergamena cum hactramentario de terra eleuauimus Herenzoni noti et iudici sacri palatii hunc testamentum tradamus ad scribendum et ei fieri rogauimus. in qua subter confirmantibus testibus. obtulimus roborandum. unde duo testamenta uno tenore scripti sunt. Actum in praefato loco Caramania ante hostium eidem monasterii feliciter. Hoc est signum + iamdicti Domni Odelrici marchionis qui hunc testamentum fieri rogauit. et eidem Bertani cometissae conius suae consensit ut supra. Signum + manus Domnae Bertani praefatae cometissae qui hunc testamentum consentiente iamdicto Marchionis uiri sui fieri rogauit ut supra.+ Alricus gratia Dei episcopus interfuit. Signum +++ manibus VVidoni Ettendoni. seu Almani atque Adelrici lege uiuentes salicha testes.

Historical context:

Countess Bertha and her husband, Oldric Manfred found a convent at Caramagna and establish the order of succession of the abbesses to be their descendants and, failing those, relations from her paternal and maternal relations.

Scholarly notes:

1 These are traditional symbolic objects handed over at the transfer of property. I am grateful to Adam Kosto for this explanation. 2 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Manuscript source:

Ecclesia Augustinus, series Episcoporum, etc. cap.xx.

Printed source:

Historiae Patriae Monumenta, (Augustae Taurinorum ex Officina Regia: 1853), Chartarum T.I,c.463-69, doc.272.
