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A letter from Gregory I, pope (600, March)


Gregory I, pope



Translated letter:

Glorious daughter, know that Amandus the priest has been elected by the Sorrentinians to the office of bishop. Since we have written that he must be transferred there, you must not be saddened by his absence, because he who is with you in mind is not believed to depart. And since he who once pleased you is beloved by those seeking a shepherd, bless almighty God and with Christian devotion rejoice rather in this, and joyfully see to it that he who will benefit others come more swiftly to us, because it shows true charity to exult when he who is loved is called to this so that he may thrive.1

Original letter:

Amandum presbyterum Sorrentinis ad episcopatum, gloriosa filia, electum esse cognoscas. Quem quia huc scripsimus debere transmitti, contristari de eius absentia non debetis, quia nec abscedere creditur qui mente vobiscum est. Et quoniam pastorem quaerentibus is qui vobis olim placuit gratus est, omnipotentem Deum benedicentes christiana magis in hoc devotione gaudete et, ut ad nos celerius aliis profuturus venire debeat, hilariter studete, quia sincerae caritatis est exultare, quando is qui diligitur ad hoc vocatur, ut crescat.

Historical context:

In this letter, Gregory urges Clementina to send a newly elected bishop from her district to him. In a related letter, ep.10.7, Gregory writes to Anthemius, subdeacon of Campania, ordering him to send Amandus, recently elected bishop, to him quickly, and to investigate whether there is anything against him. He should also urge “our glorious daughter Clementina” not to impede his taking up his new position.

Scholarly notes:

1. Ashleigh Imus provided this translation.

Printed source:

Gregorii Papae Registrum Epistolarum, ed. P. Ewald and L. M. Hartman, MGH, (Berlin: Weidmann 1887-91, repr. Munich, 1978), ep.10.6


600, March