A letter from Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine (1102, June 4)
Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of LorraineReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name of the Lord. Of brief record, how in the presence of these, lady and countess Matilda, daughter of late Boniface, who was duke and marquis, conducted a meeting with the abbess Imelda of the monastery of Saints Sixtus and Fabian, which was built at Piacenza by name, concerning a castle and court at Guastalla, as divided by the diocese of Cremona beyond Padova yet near, and as divided between the court of Luzzara and through the whole course of the Gorgo and its watercourses in Bondeno, also as divided from the diocese of Parma through the river Distisi(?) and Bondeno with its watercourse up to the place of the cross, so that from this hour forward the said monastery should have the aforesaid castle and court thus mentioned with all pension and production that will come forth from that castle for the investiture of the castle and for the courts. And if anyone will offend within that castle by theft or betrayal of that castle, the abbess or her successor will have power of correction; but if anyone will offend otherwise in that castle and court, if he is from the outside, the lady Matilda or her representative shall correct. Moreover, in the castle no violence should be done to the abbess, but that abbess or her successor or their representative will correct. The aforesaid monastery should have the court and all fiefs from those who are from the outside, men and other things completely after my death. Further, it was agreed between them that from this day forward the said lady Matilda should give nothing of this castle or court, from what she holds in her dominion or court, to any other person. This was done in the year of our Lord’s incarnation 1102, fourth day of the month of June, tenth indiction in the place that is called Mirandola. Opizo of Parpanese, Aluard, John Engelbard, Sigezo from the monastery, Belencione, Lanfranc, John Bono [the good?] and John the son of John the deacon, Martin Bivino, were there. + (I) Matilda, by God’s grace, if she is anything, signed below. (S.N.) I, John, judge of the sacred palace, as requested, signed below.1Original letter:
(S.N.) In nomine domini. Brevis recordationis, qualiter vel in quorum presencia domina et comitissa Matildis, filia quondam Bonifacii, qui fuit dux et marchio, fecit conventionem cum abbatissa Imelda de monasterio sancto rum Xisti et Fabiani, quod est hedificatum Placencie, nominative de castro et curte Wadestalle, sicut dividitur ab episcopatu Cremonesi ultra Padum et citra, et sicut distinguitur inter curtem Luciarie et per totum decursum Gurgi et eius decursiones in Bundinum, item sicut dividitur ab episcopatu Parmensi per flumen Distisi et Bundini cum eius decursione usque ad locum crucis, ut ab hac hora inantea habeat iam dictum monasterium predictum castrum et curtem ita prefatam cum omni pensione et conditione, quod de ipso castro exierit pro investitura ipsius castri et curtis. Et si aliquis offenderit in ipso castro de furto vel traditione ipsius castri, abbatissa vel eius successor habeat potestatem emendandi; si vero aliquis aliter offenderit in ipso castro et curte, si de foris habuerit, ipsa domina Matildis vel suus missus emendet. In castro autem nulla violencia abbatisse fiat, sed ipsa abbatissa vel eius successor aut illorum missus emendet. Curtem vero et omnia feuda de his, qui sunt de foris, hominibus et cetera in integrum post meum decessum habeat iam dictum monasterium. Etiam hoc convenit inter eos, ut nulli alii ab hac die inantea aliquid ipsius castri vel curtis dare debeat iam dicta domina Matildis de hoc, quod habet in suo domnicato vel curte. Factum est hoc anno dominice incarnationis MC secundo, IIII die mensis iunii, indictione decima, in loco, qui dicitur Mirandula. Ibi fuerunt Opizo de Parpanese, Aluardus, Iohannes Engelbardi, Sigezo de monasterio, Belencionus, Lanfrancus, Iohannes Bonus et Iohannes filius Iohannis diaconi, Martinus Biuinus. + [Ego] Matilda dei gratia, si quid est, subscripsi. (S.N.) Ego Iohannes iudex sacri palacii rogatus subscripsi.Historical context:
The countess offers property and her protection to Imelda, abbess of Saints Sixtus and Fabian.Scholarly notes:
1 Ashleigh Imus provided this translation.Printed source:
Die Urkunden und Briefe der Markgräfin Mathilde von Tuszien, ed. Elke Goez and Werner Goez (Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998), ep. 70.