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A letter from Archbishop Humbert, Boniface and others (1060)


Archbishop Humbert, Boniface and others


Agnes of Poitiers, empress

Translated letter:

To the most serene empress Agnes, archbishop Humbert and Boniface of Albano with other cardinal bishops, service of most harmonious loyalty. For a long time now, the Roman church has not owed more to imperial majesty than to your glory from whose zeal of holy devotion it received many and great benefactions so that by right you are called daughter of St. Peter prince of apostles and faithful handmaid of almighty God in the regime committed to you. If therefore your magnificence asks the Roman church something which is against canonical rules, we ascribe it not to malice, [God] forbid, but rather to the ignorance of your counsellors. For you asked that a pallium be sent to the lord elect of Mainz which without doubt is against the sanctions of the holy fathers. The pontiffs, indeed, by the usage of ancient tradition have to take themselves to the threshhold of the apostles to receive this sign of their dignity, without which they can not be metropolitans/ archbishops. If perhaps one were to make the objection to this assertion that the pallium was often transmitted by Roman pontiffs to various places by messengers, this is the reason for it: that legates of that time were appointed by the Roman church to function in the place of the pope through the provinces. They examined those who were promoted to the apex of the episcopacy so the pallium was obtained from the apostolic see through messengers. Beyond this, let one example suffice to declare what we say: Brunhild, queen of the Franks was not able to obtain the pallium for her brother Syagrius, bishop of Autun, from blessed Gregory although he was good and just unless he went to be examined by the defender Candidus who performed the office of apochrisary [papal official] in those parts, so that he showed worthy reverence to the Roman pontiff in his legate when he accepted the pallium.(1) Emperor Maurice, though he entreated that same Gregory for a long time, was also unable to get the pallium he asked for without the bishop, Maximus Solonitan coming to Ravenna and clearing himself with due satisfaction on those chapters which were put to him before those who had been charged with this judgment. For truly pope Damasus determined this, that any metropolitan who put off expounding his faith to the Roman pontiff and soliciting the pallium beyond three months after his ordination would lose the office. For that reason let the lord you have chosen for Mainz not delay coming to the threshold of the apostles, so his appointment may be accomplished canonically and in proper order. For neither we nor our lord doubt that we can carry out for the glory of your highness whatever is necessary for mortals to do.

Original letter:

Serenissimae imperatrici A[gneti], Humbertus archiepiscopus et B[onifacius] Albanensis cum caeteris cardinalibus episcopis concordissimae fidelitatis obsequium. A longo iam tempore nulli prorsus imperiali maiestati aecclesia Romana plus debuit quam vestrae gloriae, ex cuius videlicet sanctae devotionis studio multa beneficia et magna suscaepit, ita nimirum, ut iure dicaris beati Petri apostolorum principis filia et Dei omnipotentis in commisso tibi regimine fidelis ancilla. Si quid ergo magnificentia vestra Romanam petit aecclesiam, quod canonicis obviet regulis, non malitiae, quod absit, asscribimus, sed consiliatorum vestrorum potius ignorantiae deputamus. Petistis enim, ut domno Maguntino electo palleum mitteretur, quod proculdubio sanctorum patrum sanctionibus probatur adversum. Ipsi siquidem pontifices ex antiquae traditionis usu ad apostolorum debent limina properare, et hoc sine quo metropolitani esse non possunt, signum consumandae suae dignitatis accipere. Quod si huic assertioni fortassis obicitur, a Romanis pontificibus palleum ad plurima loca sepe per nuntios fuisse transmissum, hoc negotium tali videtur ratione distingui, quia tunc temporis legati Romanae aecclesiae vice papae fungebantur per provincias constituti. Illi igitur eos, qui ad episcopatus apicem promovebantur, examinabant, sicque palleum ab apostolica sede per nuntiosa impetrabant. Porro autem ut uno sufficiat exemplo declarare quod dicimus: Brunichildis regina Francorum Siagrio fratri suo, Augustudimensi videlicet episcopo, a beato Gregonio impetrare palleum alia ratione non potuit, nisi ille, quamvis bonus esset et iustus, Candidum defensorem, qui in illis partibus apochrisarii fungebatur officio, ab eo examinandus adiret, sicque accipiens palleum dignam in legato suo Romano pontifici reverentiam exhiberet. Mauricius etiam imperator ab eodem Gregorio per longa tempora supplicans, aliter quod de palleo petierat, non implevit, nisi quia Maximus Solonitanus episcopus Ravennam usque pervenit, seque ex his kapitulis, quae sibimet obiecta fuerant, coram his quibus hoc iudicium iniunctum fuerat, digna satisfactione purgavit. Enimvero et beatus papa Damasus hoc decernit, ut quisquis metropolitanorum ultra tres menses post ordinationem suam Romano pontifici fidem suam exponere et palleum flagitare distulerit, commissa careat dignitate. Quapropter ipse domnus Maguntinus electus vester ad apostolorum limina venire non differat, sicque perfectio suae dignitatis canonice et ordinabiliter fiat. Sive enim nos, sive dominus noster, quicquid pro quolibet mortalium necesse est agere, pro vestrae celsitudinis gloria non dubitamus implere.

Historical context:

The letter acknowledges Agnes’s devotion to the church and her many benefactions but refuses to send the pallium she had requested for a bishop. The issue is one of lay investiture, whether the secular ruler or the pope can invest (and choose) the bishop.

Scholarly notes:

(1) See the letter from Gregory I to Brunhild, ep.8.4 (Epistolae 329.html).

Printed source:

Die Briefe des Petrus Damiani, ed. Kurt Reindel, MGH BDKz4, ep.71, 2.323-25
