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A letter from Marie of Montpellier (1209, July 28)


Marie of Montpellier



Translated letter:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the year of the Lord’s incarnation 1209, month of July. I, Marie, queen of Aragon and lady of Montpellier, [daughter] of the late William of Montpellier and of the lady empress, his wife, in my good memory and my ultimate will, I thus arrange and dispose my testament and my final will. First, I give and render my soul and my body to God and to blessed Mary. I wish my body to be buried in the cemetery of St. Mary of Valmagne, unless I arrange otherwise, to which church I bequeath a thousand sol.1. and annually one-hundred sol. for the maintenance of the monks, on the day of my death. I reserve one thousand sol. from the income of the esmer 2. to be paid in perpetuity each year at the feast of St. Michael, and from these the aforesaid hundred sol. should always be paid. By my authority the abbot of Valmagne and the prior of St. Firmin should always receive these thousand sol. on the feast of St. Michael and should distribute them as will be arranged below: to the prioress of St. Felix of Montecervio, 100 sous; to the prioress of Recluse, one hundrer sol.; to the prioress of Annonence one hundred sol.; to the abbot of Aniane one hundred sol.; to the abbot of St. William one hundred sol.; to the abbess of St. Genesee fifty sol.; to the prior of Caciano fifty sol.; to the prior of Valliscrose fifty sol.; to the hermits of Mount Arberone fifty sol.; to Bernard of Cercio, chaplain, one time immediately two-hundred sol. and as long as he lives fifty sol.; after his death the prior of the house of Cartusia, which is in the episcopate of Uzes, called Valbon, should always receive them. To the house of Valmagne, which is at Montpellier, I bequeath fifty sol. of these one thousand coins for the assistance of the banquet that they have annually for the abbots of the Cistercian order. To St. Mary of Ripa, which is near the forge, fifty sol.. To my nurse as long as she lives, fifty sol.; after her death they should be distributed by the aforesaid abbot and prior. All these should be paid in perpetuity by the aforesaid and by my and their authority they should receive these thousand pure sol. from the esmer2 of Montpellier against that which I give to them. May it be maintained by this arrangement perpetually unless I arrange otherwise. Moreover I declare this so that I may (do as follows): to St. Peter of Maguelone I bequeath a thousand sol., to St. Firmin one hundred sol.; to St. Mary of Montpellier one hundred sol. and one image, five marks of silver for the son. To the hospital of the Holy Spirit one-hundred sol.; to the hospital of Rotbert fifty sol.; to the hospice of St. William fifty sol.; to the hospice of St. Giles, which is in Montpellier, twenty sol.; to each church of Montpellier ten sol.; to the lepers who reside near the bridge of Lez, twenty sol.; to Vitalis, my chaplain, two-hundred sol.; to St. Anthony one-hundred sol.; to Valbon, which is in the episcopate of Uzes one-hundred fifty sol.; to the church of St. Mary of Castello I bequeath one-hundred sol.; and what my father arranged and established concerning this I affirm and command that it be done. To St. Mary of Doa, one-hundred sol.; to St. Roman one-hundred sol. and an ox. To St. Mary of Valvert, one-hundred sol. and an ox. I establish James, my son, as heir in all things that according to God I have or should have, and rightly, except what I will assign to others. I establish Maida, my daughter, as heir to one-hundred marks of silver, and Petrona to sixty, which they should receive from the two-hundred that their father owes to me, and with these I wish them to be content concerning all my property. From the forty that remain I bequeath twenty to the house of Feuillant and the other twenty to the abbess of Fabas. If James, my son, will die before he is of age or subsequently without children or without a will, I substitute for him Raymond Gaucelm of Lunello, and for Raymond, Raymond of Rocafolio, and for him Berengar William. In that case I wish that all the aforesaid bequeathed property and other things be doubled, specifically if there is a substitution; in that case I declare that the two thousand pure gold sous should be received and distributed by the aforesaid abbot and prior. I command that James, my heir or his substitute, should pay all my bequests and debts and those of my father. Moreover, I command that he protect the rights of all persons and religious houses and defend them to the best of his ability. To William, my brother, son of lady Agnes, I bequeath three hundred marks of silver if he does not request anything from my heir; otherwise may he have what he can have by right. I bequeath to his brother two-thousand sol.; to Adalaitia, his sister, one-hundred marks of silver. To Hermesend and Wilelma, who serve me, I bequeath to both one-thousand sol.. These for all. To Marie, my nurse, four-hundred sol.; to Anne of Porz, three-hundred sol., to Anne Faverisse two-hundred sol., to lady Petronilla one-thousand sol.. May Cecilia have beyond the esmer a thousand sol. if it is not paid out, to her an additional three-hundred sol.. To Clementia, my aunt, I bequeath and give a thousand sol. each year for all her life, and if she cloisters herself, for tribute or for baths of Montpellier, as she chooses. Also I give to her the castle of Mireval for all her life with its rights and after her to the Cistercian Order, and she may form a convent of nuns there if she can by right. To Saura, daughter of Raymond of Roquefeuil, I bequeath for (her) marriage two thousand sol.. To my goddaughter, daughter of Raymond of Sauteyrargues, I bequeath five-hundred sol.. To Esclarmunda, daughter of lady Burgundia, five-hundred sol. To Aibelina, three-hundred sol. so that she may be in an order. I ask that within nine days after my death or after the reading of my will my heir feed three thousand paupers, and within a year that he cause to be celebrated three thousand masses and that he keep a priest in office for the whole time. To Clunecheto I bequeath fifty sol.. I leave James, my son, in the guardianship of God and of blessed Mary and in the power of lord Peter, king of Aragon, his father, and I wish that the Temple receive and guard my son, until it should render him to him. I ask lord Peter, king of Aragon, that he guard his son and land in good faith and that he love the men of Montpellier for God and for his son. I ask all the abbots, priors, abbesses, rectors and prioresses of the aforesaid houses that they intercede for my soul and that of my parents and receive me in the spiritual lives of their houses; I especially ask those to whom I bequeath annually that likewise annually on the day of my death [in perpetuity] they intercede for me and that the day of my death be written in the books of all. And because my son is a child, I wish that Raymond Airad and John Lucias and Peter Lobez and B. of Montagnac and William Rossell receive all my funds and pay all my aforewritten bequests and my other debts; and Raymond Airad should guard the land by the counsel of upright men, [those namely who love the child] and of the lord king, and all should have the aforesaid thousand sol. that I declare over the value now and always be paid by the aforesaid executors, namely the abbot of Valmagne and the prior of St. Firmin, so that they are always distributed by them. I command and ask that all knights and all others of Montpellier and of all the castles that belong to Montpellier consider James, my son, as lord and truly pledge and observe faith to him as lord always. The aforesaid five, namely Raymond Airad, John Lucian, P. Lobet, B. of Montagnac, and William Rossell should render account of all my funds, bequests and debts to the abbot of Valmagne and to the Master of the militia of Montpellier, or if one is absent, to the other. The above-written things and erasures above were made for the sake of correction, not by deceit. These things were enacted the fifth kalends of August in the chamber of the abbot of Anian at Montpellier, where the lady queen dwelled. I, Bernard Richetus, sign the queen’s testament. I, Bernard Austrinus, sign the queen’s testament. I, Bernard, prior, sign the queen’s testament on behalf of William of Claremont. I, Vitalis, priest, sign the queen’s testament. [On the back:] I, Bernard, prior of Valmagne, was present at the testament of the lady Marie, queen, and sign. I, Peter of Campo, sign the queen’s testament. I, Bernard, prior, sign the queen’s testament on behalf of Raymond of Sauteyrargues. I, R. Raterra, sign the queen’s testament. I, William of Floregia, have written the testament for the lady queen and now sign. I, Peter Bruni, sign the queen’s testament.3 1209 THE TESTAMENT OF LADY MARIE, LADY OF MONTPELLIER

Original letter:

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Anno Incarnationis Domini M° CC° VIIII0, mense iulio. Ego, Maria, Aragonum Regina et domina Montispessulani, quondam Guillelmi Montispessulani et domine Imperatricis, eius uxoris, [filia], in mea bona memoria et in ultima voluntate mea, sic dispono et ordino testamentum meum sive ultimam voluntatem meam. In primis, animam meam et corpus meum Deo et Beate Marie dono et reddo. Corpus meum sepeliri volo in cimiterio Sancte Marie Vallismagne, nisi aliter ordinavero, cui ecclesie lego M sol. et annuatim C sol. ad refectionem monachorum in die obitus mei. Retineo super redditus del esmer M sol. in perpetuum solvendos singulis annis in festo Sancti Michaelis, ex quibus solvantur semper predicti C solidi. Hos M sol. accipiant auctoritate mea semper in festo. Sancti Michaelis abbas Vallismagne et prior Sancti-Firmini, et distribuant sicut infra ordinabitur: Priorisse Sancti Felicis de Montecervio, C sol; Priorisse de Recluso, C sol; Priorisse de Annonenca C sol.; Abbati Aniane, C sol; Abbati Sancti Guillelmi, C sol; Abatisse de Sancto Genesio, L sol.; Priori de Caciano, L sol; Priori Valliscrose, L sol; Heremitis de Monte Arberone, L sol; Bernardo de Cercio, capellano, semel in presenti CC sol, et quandiu vixerit L sol; post eius mortem accipiat eos semper prior domus Cartuxiensis que est in episcopatu Uceciensis, que dicitur Vallisbona. Domui Vallismagne, que est apud Montempessulanum, lego de his M solidis L sol. in adiutorium convivii quod annuatim fatiunt abbatibus Cisterciensis Ordinis. Sancte Marie de Ripa, que est prope fabricam, L. sol. Nutrici mee, quandiu vixerit, L. sol.; post eius mortem distribuantur a predictis abbate scilicet et priore. Hec omnia perpetuo solvantur a predictis et ipsi mea et sua auctoritate percipiant hos M sol. del esmer Monstispessulani super quod hoc eis dono. Hoc ordinamento servetur perpetuo nisi aliter ordinavero. Hoc enim retineo ut possim, Sancto Petro de Magalona lego M sol. Sancto Firmino, C sol; Sante Marie de Montepessolano, C sol. et unam ymaginem, V marchi argente pro filio. Hospitali Sancti Spiritus, C sol; Hospitali Rotberti, L sol; Hospitali Sancti Guillelmi, L sol; Hospitali Sancti Egidii, XX sol. quod est in Montepessolano. Singulis ecclesiis Montispessolani X sol; leprosis qui stant iuxta pontem de Les, XX sol; Vitali, capellano meo, CC sol; Sancto Antonio, C sol; Vallibone, que est in episcopatu Uceciensis, CL sol; Ecclesie Sancte Marie de Castello, lego C sol; et quod pater meus ordinavit et statuit de ea confirmo et precipio ut fiat. Sancte Marie de Doa, C sol; Sancto Romano, C sol. et unum bovem. Sancte Marie de Valleviridi, C sol. et unum bovem. Jacobum, filium meum, heredem instituo in omnibus que secundum Deum habeo vel habere debeo, et iuste, excepto quod aliis assignavero. Maiddam, filiam meam, heredem instituo in C marchis argente, et Petronam in LX, quas percipiant de CC quas pater earum mihi debet et his eas contentas esse volo de omnibus [bonis] meis. De XL que supersunt lego domui de Follencs XX et alias XX abbatisse de Favars. Si Jacobus, filius meus, impubes vel post sine liberis vel sine testamento decesserit, substituo ei Raimundum Gaucelmum de Lunello, et Raimundo, Raimundum de Rocafolio, et illi Berengarium Guillelmi. In quo casu volo ut omnia prescripta legata et alia duplicentur, scilicet si substitutio locum habuerit; in quo casu retineo super l'esmer MM sol. accipiendos et distribuendos a predicto abbate et priore. Precipio ut Jacobus, heres meus, vel ei substitutus, solvat omnia legata mea et debita et patris mei. Item precipio ut omnibus personis et domibus religiosis iura sua conservet et eos defendat pro posse suo. Guillelmo, fratri meo, domine Agnetis filio, lego CCC marchas argenti si aliud ab herede [meo] non petierit; alioquin habeat quod de iure poterit habere. Unicuique fratrem eius lego MM sol.; Adalaicie, sorori eius, C marchas argenti. Hermesendi et Guillelme, que mihi serviunt, lego cuique M sol. Hec pro omnibus. Marie, nutrici mee, CCCC sol.; Ana de Porz, CCC sol. Ana Favariza, CC sol. Domine Petronille, M sol. Cecilia habeat super l'esmer M sol. si non est solutum ei, et ultra CCC sol. Clementie, amite mee, lego et dono M sol. singulis annis in omni vita sua, etiam si se monachaverit, super leddam vel super balnea Montispessulani, prout elegerit. Item ei dono castellum de Miravalle in omni vita sua, cum iure suo, et post ipsam Ordini Cistercio, et ipsa possit ibi facere monasterium monialium si de iure poterit. Saure, filie Raimundi de Rocafolio, lego ad maritandum MM sol. Filiole mee, Raimundi de Centrairanicis filie, lego D sol. Esclarmunde, filie domine Burgundie, D sol. Aibeline, CCC sol. ut sit in ordine. Rogo heredem meum quatinus infra Villi dies post mortem meam vel post testamenti recitationem pascat tria milia pauperes et infra annum faciat celebrari tria milia missas et teneat honorifice omni tempore unum sacerdotem. Clunecheto lego L sol. Jacobum, filium meum, dimit[to] in custodia Dei et Beate Marie et in potestate domini Petri, regis Aragonum, patris sui, et volo ut Templum recipiat filium meum et custodiat, donec ei illum reddat. Rogo dominum Petrum, regem Aragonum, ut filium et terram custodiat in bona fide et diligat homines Montispessulani pro Deo et pro filio. Omnes predictarum domorum abbates, priores, abbatissas et rectores et priorissas rogo ut pro anima mea et parentum meorum intercedant et in spiritualibus domorum suarum me recipiant; specialiter rogo illos quibus annuatim lego ut similiter annuatim in die obitus mei [perpetuo] intercedant pro me et scribatur in libris omnium dies obitus mei. Et quia filius meus infans est, volo ut omnes redditus meos recipiant Raimundus Airas et Jo(hannes) Lucias et P(etrus) Lobez et B. de Montaniaco et Guillelmus Rosellus, et solvant prescripta legata mea et alia debita mea; et Raimundus Airadi custodiat terram proborum hominum consilio [eorum, scilicet qui diligunt infantem] et domini Regis, et omnes fatiant ut prescripti M sol. quos retineo super l'esmer nunc et semper solvantur predictis gadiatoribus, scilicet, abbati Vallismagne et priori Sancti Firmini, ut per eos semper distribuantur. Precipio et rogo ut omnes milites et alii omnes Montispessulani et omnium castellorum qui pertinent ad Montempessulanum teneant Jacobum, filium meum, pro domino et ei sicut domino vera promittant et observent fidelitatem semper. Predicti V, scilicet, Raimundus Airas et Jo(hannes) Lucias et P. Lobez et B. de Montaniaco et Guillelmus Rosellus, reddant rationem de omnibus redditibus meis et de Iegatis et debitis abbati Vallismagne et Magistro Milicie Montispessulani, vel, uno absente, alteri. Suprascriptiones et rasure que superius sunt, emendandi causa, non dolo facte sunt. Acta sunt hec V kalendas augusti, in camera abbatis Aniane, apud Montempessulanum, ubi domina morabatur regina. Ego, Bernardus Richetus, subscribo testamento regine. Ego, Bernardus Austrinus, subscribo testamento regine. Ego, B(ernardus), prior, subscribo pro Guillelmo de Claromonte, testamento regine. Ego, Vitalis, sacerdos, subscribo testamento regine. (Au dos) : Ego, B(ernardus), prior Vallismagne, interfui testamento domine Marie regine, et subscribo (signum). Ego, Petrus de Campo, subscribo testamento regine. Ego, B(ernardus), prior, subscribo testamento regine pro Raimundo de Cetranicis (signum). Ego, R. Raterra, subscribo testamento regine. Ego, Guillelmus de Floregia, scripsi testamentum domine Regine et nunc subscribo (signum). (Signum) Ego, Petrus Bruni, subscribo testamento regine, MCCVIIII TESTAMENTUM DOMINE MARIE, DOMINE MONTISPESSULANI.

Historical context:

This is the first of Marie's extant wills and testaments.

Scholarly notes:

1. The solidus, abbreviated as sol. has the value of 12 pennies, 1000 sol. or 12000 pennies are the equivalent of 50 melgorien pounds, according to Alan Stahl, Curator of Numismatics at the Firestone Library, Princeton. solidos melgarienses as the most common coin of Southern France, minted by the bishops of Maguelonne, a “money of account not represented by actual coins.” The melgoriens were issued by the Bishops of Maguelonne, as Counts of Melgueil. They were the official coinage of Montpellier, so successful that they supplanted other independent coinages of the Bas-Languedoc. See Peter Spufford, Money and its Uses in Medieval Europe (Cambridge: 1988), 191-2. 2. Esmer, according to J.M.Lacarra, is the right to coin money, “Les testaments de la reine Marie de Montpellier,” Annales du Midi (1978). 90.112. 3. The text and translation were provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

José Maria Lacarra et Luis Gonzalez Anton, “Les Testaments de la Reine Marie de Montpellier” in Annales du Midi: Revue de la France Meridionale, 90:137 (1978): 105-120, appendix 117-120.


1209, July 28