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A letter from Marie of Montpellier (1212, March 10)


Marie of Montpellier



Translated letter:

In the name of our lord Jesus Christ. In the year of his incarnation 1211 sixth ides of March. I, Marie, by God’s grace queen of Aragon and lady of Montpellier, impeded by many adversities, lest I appear negligent, make and establish you, Raymond Aerrad, knight, as proctor in the marriage suit which is under way between the lord king of Aragon and his proctors and me; promising that I will consider firm and established whatever is enacted by my said proctor with him in this aforenamed case, and so that no doubt can arise concerning this, I confirm the present document with my seal. All these things were enacted at Montpellier in the house of Anania in the presence and testimony of requested witnesses, namely Bernard of Montilio, P. of Verona, B. of Rochad, William his brother, B. of Canonico, John of Lattes, John Lucian, P. Lobet, Hugh of Montebeliard and many others, and Bertrand Arcolen, public notary of Montpellier, who as requested wrote this.1

Original letter:

In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Anno eiusdem incarnationis MCCXI, sexto idus Marcii ego Maria Dei gracia regina Aragonum et domina Montispessulani multis adversitatibus impedita, ne negligens videar, facio et constituo procuratorem te Raimundum Aerradum militem in causa matriraoniali, que vertitur inter dominum regem Aragonum et eius procuratores et me; promittens me habere ratum et firmum, quicquid cum eo in ista prenominata causa actum fuerit cum dicto procuratore meo, et ne aliqua dubitacio super hiis oriri possit, presentem cartulam sigillo meo corroboro. Acta sunt hec omnia apud Montempessulanum in domo Ananie, in presencia et testimonio testium rogatorum, videlicet Bernardi de Montilio, P. de Ueruna, B. de Rochadii, Guillelmi fratris eius, B. de Canonico, Johannis de Latis, Johannis Luciani, P. Lobeti, Ugonis de Montebeliardo et aliorum quam plurium. Et Bertrandi Arcolen publici Montispessulani notarii qui rogatus hec scripsit.

Historical context:

Marie appoints Raymond Aerrad as her proctor in the marriage suit between her and Peter of Aragon. Peter had been trying to have the marriage annulled for several years and the issue would not be resolved until 1213, when Innocent III finally found in her favor.

Scholarly notes:

1 Ashleigh Imus provided the text and translation.

Printed source:

Johannes Vincke, “Der Eheprozess Peters II von Aragon (1206-1213),” Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Kulturgeschichte Spaniens (Munster in Westfalen, 1935), 182-83, #16.


1212, March 10