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A letter from Eleanor of Aquitaine (1199)


Eleanor of Aquitaine



Translated letter:

Eleanor, by the grace of God humble queen of England, duchess of Normandy, of Aquitaine, and countess of Anjou, to the archbishops, bishops, viscounts, barons, seneschals, provosts, justiciaries, bailiffs, and all those to whom these letters come in the future as well as the present, greetings. You should know that we have granted in perpetuity and confirmed by this our present charter to our all beloved and faithful vassals of the commune of Saintes and their heirs perpetual stability and inviolate validity of the commune sworn at Saintes so that our rights as well as theirs may be better defended and kept more fully, except with our fealty retained, and with our right and that of our heirs; except also the right of the holy and venerable church of St. Peter of Saintes and all other churches; except also the rights of the bishop of Saintes; and with his privileged customs/tolls retained and observed, pertaining to the governance of the episcopacy and the freedom of the church, as they were accustomed to be observed up to now;except also the right of Godfrey Martell and his heirs. We wish, therefore, we order and establish that they hold in perpetuity, protect, maintain and defend all the free customs of the city of Saintes; and they are to be maintained, protected and defended, preserving our rights and those of our heirs, and the rights of the holy church and the episcopacy; if necessary they may exercise and apply all the power and ability of the commune against all men, except for our fealty and that of our heirs. We grant also to them and their heirs that they may give in marriage their girls and widows, as they will, and marry their young men, and be allowed to have wardships of their youth and girls or widows, without any opposition, freely and securely; and to arrange their last wills as they wish, either by their own mouth or through the minstry of friends. We order however that at the end they hold their commune according to the form and manner of the commune of Rochelle. So that they and their heirs may have this our confirmation perpetual freely and in peace, we have had this charter sealed with our seal to the power of perpetual authority. Dated at Saintes, in the year of the incarnation of the Word, 1199. With witnesses Peter Bertin, then seneschal of Poitiers, Lanno Agerio, Chalon of Rochefort, William of Mause, Godfrey Martell, lord Henry then bishop of Saintes, lord Godfrey decan, Ramnulf Barbotin then archdeacon of Saintes, Poncio canon of Saintes and many others.

Original letter:

Alienor, Dei gratia humilis regina Anglie, ducissa Normannie, Aquitanie, et comitissa Andegavie, archiepiscopis, episcopis, vicecomitibus, baronibus, senescallis, prepositis, justiciariis, ballivis et universis tam futuris quam presentibus ad quos littere iste pervenerint, salutem.—Sciatis nos concessisse in perpetuum et presenti carta nostra confirmasse dilectis et fidelibus nostris universis juratis communie Xanctonensis et eorum heredibus perpetuam stabilitatem et inviolatam firmitatem communie sue jurate apud Xanctenas, ut tam nostra quam sua propria jura melius possint defendere et magis integre custodire, salva tamen et retenta fidelitate nostra, et jure nostro et heredum nostrorum; salvo eciam jure sancte et venerabilis ecclesie Beati Petri Xanctenensis et omnium aliarum ecclesiarum; salvis eciam juribus episcopi Xanctenensis; retentisque et observatis ejus privilegiatis consuetudinibus, ad dominium episcopatus et ecclesie libertatem pertinentibus, sicut consueverunt hactenus observari; salvo eciam jure Gaufridi Martelli et heredum suorum. —Volumus igitur, precipimus et statuimus ut omnes liberas consuetudines urbis Xanctenensis teneant in perpetuum, custodiant, manuteneant et defendant; et ut ad eas manutenendas, custodiendas et defendendas, et ad jura nostra et heredum nostrorum et ad sua jura propria et sancte ecclesie et episcopatus conservanda, totam vim et totum posse communie sue, salva fidelitate nostra et heredum nostrorum, contra omnem hominem; si necesse fuerit, exerceant et apponant. — Concedimus etiam ut eis et eorum heredibus ad libitum suum puellas et viduas suas nuptui tradere, et juvenes uxorare, et ballia juvenum et puellarum sive viduarum habere, sine aliqua contradictione, libere liceat et secure; et ultima testamenta sua, prout voluerint, ordinare, sive ore proprio, sive per ministerium amicorum. — Precipimus autem ad ultimum ut communiam suam teneant secundum formam et modum communie de Rochella. — Ut autem tam ipsi quam eorum heredes hanc confirmacionem nostram imperpetuum libere habeant et quiete, nos, ad perpetue robur auctoritatis, cartam istam sigillo nostro fecimus sigillari. — Datum apud Xanctonas, anno incarnati Verbi mc° xcix°. — Testibus Petro Bertini tunc senescallo Pictavensi, Lanno Agerio, Chalone de Rochaforti, Willelmo de Mause, Gaufrido Martello, domino Henrico tunc Xanctonensi episcopo, domino Gaufrido decano, Ramnulfo Barbotin tunc archidiacono Xanctonensi, Poncio canonico Xanctonensi et multis aliys.

Historical context:

In this charter the queen confirms the privileges of the city of Saintes.

Printed source:

Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet (Paris: Henri Plon, 1863), 208-09, #507.
