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A letter from Odoard of Aunay (1215, April)


Odoard of Aunay


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

I, Odoard of Aunay, marshal of Champagne, make known to all who will see the present letters that my lady Blanch, illustrious palatine countess of Troyes, bought from Manasser of Faveres whatever he had at Goncourt, on his part and his wife’s. All that she bought from him she gave to one of my sons, on the condition that that son of mine should be her liege man and also of her son the count of Champagne and his heirs. Similarly another son with another fief which he will hold [equally] of the lords of Champagne, ought to be the liegeman of my lady and her son the count of Champagne and his heirs, but saving allegiance to the lord Guido of Dampierre and his heirs. On these above agreements, I am held to put one hundred pounds towards my lady countess and my lord the count her son, in the purchase of said fief of Goncourt, and three hundred pounds in production of that fief or thirty pounds worth of land. So that what is noted by the letters may remain known and kept in force, I have confirmed it by the protection of my seal.

Enacted in the 1215th year of the incarnation of the Word, in the month of April.

Original letter:

Ego Odardus de Alneto, Campanie marescallus, notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod domina mea Blancha, illustris comitissa Trecensis palatina, emit a Manassero de Faverees quicquid habebat, ex parte sua et ex parte uxoris sue, apud Gooncort. — Quare omnia illa, que ab ipso emit, donavit uni filiorum meorum, tali videlicet conditione quod ipse filius meus debet esse homo suus ligius et filii sui comitis Campanie et heredum suorum. — Similiter et alter filius de quodam alio feodo, quod [pariter] tene[bit] de dominis Campanie, debet esse homo ligius domine mee et filii sui co¬mitis Campanie et heredum suorum, salva tamen ligeitate domini Guidonis de Dampetra et heredum suorum. — Super istas insuper pactiones, ego teneor, erga dominam meam comitissam et dominum meum comitem filium ejus, ponere centum libras in emendatione dicti feodi de Gooncort, et trecentas libras in crescencia ejusdem feodi vel triginta libratas terre. — Quod ut notum permaneat et ratum teneatur litteris annotatum, sigilli mei munimine roboravi. — Actum anno Verbi incarnati millesimo CC° quintodecimo, mense aprili.

Historical context:

Odoard records the terms by which his sons hold certain fiefs from the countess and her son.

Printed source:

Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.430-31, #1178.


1215, April