A letter from Walter of Vignory (1216, May)
Walter of VignoryReceiver
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagnePublic
Translated letter:
I, Walter lord of Vignory, make known to all, in the present and the future, that I have sworn in good faith to my dearest lady, B[lanche] the illustrious countess of Troyes, and to my dearest lord her son T[hibaut], count of Champagne, that the fortresses which I built at Blois and Lille, I would give to said count and his heirs or their agent, in great and small force, whenever I shall be asked. My heirs are also held to this whenever they shall be asked. Said countess and count caused to be sworn to us in good faith on their souls that within forty days after they shall be freed from their commitment, they would give back said fortresses to us in that state and point in which they received them from us.So that what is noted by these letters may remain known and held in force, I have confirmed it with the protection of my seal.
Enacted in the one thousand two hundred sixteenth year of the Lord, in the month of May.
Original letter:
Ego Galterus dominus Wangionis-rivi notum facio universis, tam presentibus quam futuris, quod karissime domine mee B. illustri comitisse Trecensi, et karissimo domino meo Theobaldo, filio ejus, comiti Campanie, bona fide juravi quod fortericias illas, quas feci apud Bloisam et apud Insulam, reddam dicto comiti et heredibus ejus vel eorum mandate, ad magnam vim et ad parvam, quandocumque inde fuero requisitus. Hoc idem facere tenebuntur heredes mei quotienscumque inde fuerint requisiti. — Predicti vero comitissa et comes in animas suas bona fide nobis jurari fecerunt quod, infra quadraginta dies postquam ab exonio eorum fuerint liberati, reddent nobis forterecias predictas in eo statu et puncto in quo eas receperunt a nobis. — Quod ut notum permaneat et ratum teneatur litteris annotatum, sigilli mei munimine roboravi. — Actum anno Domini Mo ducentesimo sextodecimo, mense maio.Historical context:
Walter promises the countess and her son that he or his heirs will give two of their fortified castles over to them as needed, but will expect them back intact forty days after the need is filled.Printed source:
Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.431, #1181.