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A letter from Ferdinand/Ferrand of Portugal, Count of Flanders (1214, April)


Ferdinand/Ferrand of Portugal, Count of Flanders
Joan of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

I, Ferrand, count of Flanders and Hainaut, and countess Joan my wife wish it to be known to all who will see the present letters that Gerard of Jaucea and [his] great-uncle William, and G. castellain of Beaumont, and Arnulph of Oudenaarde, and [his] father Baldwin of Comines, and Gilbert of Borghella, declare on oath that what lord Bouchard of Avesnes ought to have in Flanders or Hainaut, from heredity or the escheats of his wife, we should permit him to have without opposition; and we promised by pledge that we would observe this. Dated at Ghent/Gand, on the Thursday after Easter, in the 1214th year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Ego Fernandus, comes Flandrie et Hainonie, et Johanna comitissa uxor mea notum esse volumus universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod hoc quod Gerardus de Jaucea, et Willelmus patruus, et G. castellanus de Bellomonte, et Arnulphus de Audenarde, et Balduinus de Comminis pater, et Gilebertus de Borghella, dicent pro jure quod dominus Bouchardus de Avesnis habere debeat, sive in Flandria sive in Hainoia, pro hereditate vel excantiis uxoris sue, non eum sine contradictione habere permittemus; et hoc fide interposita promisimus nos observaturos. – Datum Gandavi, feria quinta post diem Pasche, anno Domini Mo CCo quarto decimo.

Historical context:

The count and countess accept the testimony of several lords on the rights of Bouchard of Avesnes to lands in Flanders and Hainaut.

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.398-99, #1067.


1214, April