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A letter from Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne (1217, October)


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne


Philip, King of France

Translated letter:

To her most excellent lord, Ph[illip], by the grace of God king of the Franks, Blanche, palatine countess of Troyes, greetings and disposition to do his will whatever he please. – Your excellence should know that it pleases me that whoever among my men wish to make themselves hostages to you for the young Rassone of Gavera [do so]. – And I grant that that sum of money by which they made themselves hostages and which will be contained in their letters, be permitted to you to obtain from the fiefs which they hold from me. -- Dated in the 1217th year of grace, in the month of October.

Original letter:

Excellentissimo domino suo Ph., Dei gratia Francorum regi, Blancha, comitissa Trecensis palatina, salutem et paratam ad quecunque beneplacita vo luntatem. — Noverit excellentia vestra quod bene mihi placet ut qui voluerint de hominibus meis hostagios se constituant erga vos pro Rachone juvene de Gravera. — Et bene concedo quod de summa illa pecunie, de qua se hostagios constituerint, et que continebitur in litteris eorundem, liceat vobis eos vantare in feodis que de me tenent. — Datum anno gratie M° cc° septimodecimo, mense octobri.

Historical context:

The countess agrees to permit some of her men to give themselves as hostages to the king and to draw the related money from the fiefs they hold from her.

Printed source:

Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.451, #1244.


1217, October