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A letter from Philippa of Champagne (1222, May)


Philippa of Champagne



Translated letter:

I Philippa, wife of lord Erard of Brienne, make known to all, present and future that, of my own spontaneous will and with the consent of lord Erard my husband, I granted, promised, and did all those things which are contained in different letters sealed with my great seal, which lady Blanche, countess, and her son lord Thibaut, count palatine of Champagne and Brie, have in their possession. To the greater security and confirmation of all those things which are contained in said letters, the present page is enforced by the impression of my small seal, which I have used for a long time, mainly in my private affairs, after I gave them over to that countess and count, wishing, establishing, and conceding that all the letters sealed by my great seal, which that countess and count have, or either of them, or will have, from the other, should have the force of confirmation as if I only always had that great seal, nor may they be derogated by anyone at any time because of the diversity of seals. Enacted in the 1222nd year from the incarnation of the Lord, in the month of May.

Original letter:

Ego Philippa, uxor domini Erardi de Brena, notum facio universis, tam presentibus quam futuris, quod ego propria et spontanea voluntate mea, et etiam de consensu domini Erardi mariti mei, concessi, promisi et feci omnia ea que continentur in diversis litteris sigillatis sigillo meo magno, quas habent penes se domina Blancha comitissa et dominus Th. natus ejus, comes Campanie et Brie palatinus. — Ad majorem quoque eorum omnium que in dictis Iitteris continentur securitatem et confirmationem, presentem paginam sigilli mei parvuli, de quo diutius usa fueram, maxime in meis privatis negociis, impressione roboratam, postmodam eisdem comitisse et comiti tradidi, volens, statuens et concedens ut omnes littere sigillate sigillo meo magno, quas habent iidem comitissa et comes, vel alter eorum, aut habebunt de cetero, robur habeant firmitatis ac si solum illud magnum sigillum semper habuissem, neque possit eisdem ab aliquo propter diversitatem sigillorum ullo unquam tempore derogari. — Actum anno ab incarnatione Domini M° CCo vicesimo secundo, mense maio.

Historical context:

Philippa affirms the legitimacy of her letters whether sealed by her great seal, which she used for public matters, or her small seal, which she used for private affairs.

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.545-46, #1535


1222, May