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A letter from Hugo, lord of Antigny (1219, July)


Hugo, lord of Antigny


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

I, Hugo lord of Antigny, make known to the present and the future that I have become the liege man of my dearest lady Blanche, countess of Troyes, and my dearest lord count Thibaut, her son, excepting the allegiance of the duke of Burgundy and count William and count Stephen, and excepting the allegiance to those lords whose man my father is, when I shall hold the land of my father. – Indeed because of this said countess gave me one hundred fifty Provins pounds, and twenty pounds in fief which she assigned to me and my heirs in the market-days of Bar-le-Duc. – I gave my faith and swore to said countess and count that I will help them and their heirs in good faith myself and with my people and my fortresses, against Erard of Brienne and his wife Philippa, and against the queen of Cyprus and their heirs and against their supporters. – Enacted in the 1219th year of the Lord, in the month of July.

Original letter:

Ego Ugo dominus Antigniaci notum facio tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego deveni homo ligius karissime domine mee Blanche, comitisse Trecensis, et karissimi domini mei Th. comitis nati ejus, salva ligeitate ducis Burgundie, et comitis Willelmi, et comitis Stephani, et salva ligeitate dominorum illorum quorum pater meus homo est, quando terram patris mei tenebo. — Dicta vero comitissa propter hoc dedit mihi centum quinquaginta libras Pruviniensium, et viginti libras in feodum, quas mihi et heredi meo in nundinis Barri assignavit. — Fiduciavi siquidem et juravi dictis comitisse et comiti quod ipsos et eredes ipsorum bona fide juvabo de me et de gentibus meis, et de meis forteritiis, contra Erardum de Brena et Philippam uxorem ejus, et contra reginam Cypri, et heredes eorum, et contra adjutores eorumdem. – Actum anno Domini Mo Cco nonodecimo, mense julio.

Historical context:

The charter records the terms by which Hugo became Blanche's man, while still bearing allegiance to the duke of Burgundy and others.

Printed source:

Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet (Paris, Plon, 1863), 1..486-87, #1356


1219, July