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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1206, August)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix (Alaydis), by the grace of God duchess of Burgundy, make known to present and future that lord Odo, duke of Burgundy, my husband, gave to God and Blessed Mary and the Cistercian brothers, in pure and perpetual alms, 40 sesters of oats at Rouvre, in those customs and rents in which lord Hugo, his father, gave and assigned in perpetual alms another 40 sesters of oats to said brothers while he lived as is fully contained in that charter. And that this remain firm and stable in perpetuity, I, A[lix], duchess of Burgundy, commend and approve and grant and confirm this alms which is from my dowry; I wish to enforce it in perpetuity by the protection of this writing and the appending of my seal. Enacted in the 1206th year of the Lord’s incarnation, in the month of August.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis, Dei gratia ducissa Burgundie, notum facio presentibus et futuris quod dominus Odo, dux Burgundie, maritus meus, dedit Deo et Beate Marie et fratribus Cistercii, in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, XL sextarios avene apud Rovram, in illis costumis et redditibus in quibus dominus Hugo, pater ejus, alios XL sextarios avene, dum adhuc viveret, predictis fratribus in perpetuam elemosinam dederat et assignaverat, sicut in ipsius carta plenius continetur. Et ut hoc firmum et stabile in perpetuum permaneat, ego A., ducissa Burgundie, hanc elemosinam que de dote mea est, laudo et approbo, et concedo et confirmo, presentis que scripti patrocinio ac sigilli mei appositione volo in perpetuum roborari. Actum anno incarnationis Dominice M°CC° VI0 mense Augusto.

Historical context:

The duchess attests to a donation her husband made to Citeaux.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 3.406, #1131.


1206, August