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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1218, November)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to present and future, that William of Mont-Saint-Jean commended in my presence that alms which his father lord William of Mont-Saint-Jean had made … … [lacuna] gave to the prior and monks living at Saint Mary of Semur-en-Auxois, Mary the wife of the deceased Gerald Mercer. I, indeed, from whose fief said alms [came] gave my approval and consent. That this be fixed … and firm, I confirmed the present charter with my seal. That was enacted in the 1218th year of Grace, in the month of November.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis, ducissa Burgundir, notum facio presentibus et futuris quod Willelmus Montis Sancti Johannis laudavit in presentia mea elemosinam illam, quam pater suus dominus Willelmus Montis Sancti Johannis fecerat... dederat Sancte Marie Sinemuri priori et monachis ibi manentibus, Mariam, uxorem Giraudi Merceris jam defuncti. Ego vero, de cujus feodo est dicta elemosina, laudem et assensum meum adhibui. Hoc ut ratum... et firmum, presentem cartam sigillo meo confirmavi. Actum est anno Gratie millesimo ducentesimo decimo octavo mense novembri.

Historical context:

The duchess makes known that William of Mont-Saint-Jean approved a donation made by his father William to the priory of Notre-Dame of Semur-en-Auxois.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.166, #1530..


1218, November