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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1220/1219, March 8)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to all that when the abbot of Saint-Seine, on one side, and William and Odo, brothers and young men of Lamarche [on the other], disputed before me at length over the fiefs of Turcey with its appurtenances and Villote, and they complained over this in the two towns and appurtenances, and a day was assigned to said abbot to test his position. The abovementioned brothers did not appear on that day for themselves or through another: but they appeared on the following day, saying that that the day they came was the date assigned to them. But it was said by my court and recorded that that day on which they came was not assigned to them, but the preceding day in which said abbot appeared as he should have. In witness of which thing, I had the present letters sealed with my seal. Enacted in the 1219th year of the Lord, in the month of March, on the Sunday on which Rejoice Jerusalem is sung [the fourth Sunday of Lent].

Original letter:

Ego Alaidis, ducissa Burgundie, omnibus notum facio quod cum abbas Sancti Sequani, ex una parte, et Willelmus et Odo, pueri et fratres de Marchia, coram me diu litigassent super feodis de Turce et appendiciis, et de Vilote, et super hoc quod in istis duabus villis et appenditiis querelabantur, et dies fuisset assignata dicto abbati ad probandam intentionem suam. Supradicti fratres ad diem illam non comparuerunt per se nec per alium: sed sequenti die comparuerunt, dicentes quod dies illa quam venerant sibi fuit assignata. Sed dictum fuit a curia mea et recordatum quod dies illa ad quam venerant non fuit eis assignata, sed dies precedens in qua dictus abbas comparuit, sicut debuit. In cujus rei testimonium presentes Iitteras sigillo meo feci sigillari. Actum anno Domini M°CC° nono decimo, mense marcio, dominica quam cantatur letare Jerusalem.

Historical context:

The duchess makes known that William and Odo of Lamarche, summoned to court for a matter with the abbot of Saint-Seine, relative to Turcey and Villote, did not present themselves on the assigned day, but only the day after.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.180, #1604..


1220/1219, March 8