A letter from Alix of Vergy (1220/1219 March 22)
Alix of Vergy, duchess of BurgundyReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
I Alice duchess of Burgundy make known to all that when Odo, the lord duke and my husband, the duke of Burgundy of good memory, conferred on the chapter of Langres ten Dijon pounds on the toll of Chatillon to be paid annually on Palm Sunday, I gave and granted to that chapter a hundred sous on the toll for celebrating the anniversary of said Odo my husband, to be paid annually on Palm Sunday. Enacted in the year 1219.Original letter:
Ego Alaydis Ducissa Burgundiae omnibus notum facio quod cum Odo Dux Dominus et maritus meus bonae memoriae Dux Burgundiae contulisset CapituloLingonensi in Pedagio Castellionis decem libras Divionensum annuatim reddendas in Ramis palmarum, ego in eodem pedagio dedi et concessi eidem Capitulo centum solidos pro anniversario dicti Odononis mariti mei faciendo, annuatim persolvendos in Ramis palmorum. Actum anno 1219.Historical context:
Alix, duchess of Burgundy, makes known that her husband, Eudes III, had given ten Dijon pounds to the chapter of Langres, which ten pounds were assized on the toll of Chatillon; she adds one hundred sous rent on the same toll for the anniversary of duke Eudes.Printed source:
Urbain Plancher, Histoire generale et particuliere de Bourgogne (Dijon: Antoine de Fry, 1739), 2.12.