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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1224, December)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess, mother of the duke of Burgundy, make known to all who will look at the present letters that Martin, called “The Wolf of Chevre,” sold to the abbess and convent of Lieu-Dieu freely, peacefully, and absolutely, with the approval and consent and will of his nephews namely Garner, Guinet, and Moisson, and of William, carpenter of Meulle, his field which is above the bridge of Meulle, beside the thicket after the nuns’ field of Lieu-Dieu for one hundred sous of Dijon money, for which said Martin held himself in my presence as paid fully and wholly in numbered money, and divesting himself altogether from said manse in my presence, invested said abbess and convent corporally. Moreover, said Martin, Garner, Guinet, Moissons, and William promised on themselves and all their goods wherever they might be, that they would not oppose or cause, consent or permit another to oppose said sale, but would guarantee it in good faith to said nuns in perpetuity against everyone. And I at [their] prayers and request had my own seal appended to the present letters in witness and protection of this thing. Enacted in the 1224th year of the lord, in the month of December.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis, ducissa, mater ducis Burgundie, notum facio omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis quod Martinus.dictus Le Lous de Chevre, vendidit abbatisseet conventui Loci Dei libere, quiete et absolute, laude et consensu et voluntate nepotum suorum, videlicet Garnerii, Guieneti, et Moisson, et Guillelmi, carpentarii de Meulle, campum suum, quod est desuper pontem de Meulle, juxta brullium post campum monialium Loci Dei pro centum solidis Divionensium monete, de quibus dictus Martinus coram me in numerata pecunia se tenuit plenarie et integre pro pagato, et de dicto manso coram me se omnino devestiens, dictam abbatissam et conventum corporaiiter investivit. Promiserunt autem dicti Martinus, Garnerus, Guienetus, Moissons et Guillelmus super se et omnia bona sua ubicumque sint, quod contra dictam veuditionem de cetero non venient, nec venire facient, consentient, aut permittent, sed eam bona fide dictis monialibus in perpetuum guarantient contra omnes. Et ego ad preces et peticionem proprium sigillum meum apponi feci presentibus litteris, in hujus rei testimonium et munimen. Actum anno Domini MoCCo quadragesimo quarto, mense decembri.

Historical context:

The duchess witnesses a sale to the nuns of Lieu-Dieu.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.215, #1790..


1224, December