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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1233)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, mother of the duke of Burgundy. make known to all that the abbot and convent of Saint.Seine, for the love of God and at the intervention of our brothers, gave and conceded to lord Arnulph, the chaplain of my chapel at Lantenay, six measures of grain, half wheat and half oats from their rents at Lantenay, to be possessed peacefully as long as he lives, but on the condition that if said abbot and convent provide to said Arnulph any other suitable benefice, said six measures of grain would go back to the church of Saint Seine and said church would have them back quietly and without any claim. In witness of which thing, at the request of each party, I have had my seal appended to the present letters. Enacted in this 1233rd year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis, mater ducis Burgundie, omnibus notum facio quod abbas et conventus S. Sequani, amore Dei et fratrum nostrorum interventu, dederunt et concesserunt domino Arnulpho, capellano capelle mee de Lantenay, sex minas bladi medietatem frumenti et medietatem avene in redditibus suis de Lantenay, quamdiu vixerit pacifice possidendas, tali tamen conditione apposita quod si dictus abbas et conventus dicto Arnulpho providerent in aliquo alio beneficio competenti, dicte sex mine bladi ad ecclesiam S. Sequani redirent et eos quiete et sine aliqua reclamatione dicta ecclesia rehaberet. In cujus rei testimonium ad petitionem utriusque partis, presentibus litteris sigillum meum feci apponi. Actum est hoc anno Domini MoCCoXXXoIII.

Historical context:

The duchess, who here styles herself “mother of the duke” makes known a concession from the monks of Saint-Seine to her chaplain.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.272, #2109.
