A letter from Alix of Vergy (1238, July)
Alix of Vergy, duchess of BurgundyReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
I, Alix, mother of the duke of Burgundy, make known to present and future that when there was a disagreement between Peter Cementary and his wife Marie, our people, on one side, and the venerable abbot and convent of Saint-Seine on the other, over what said P. and M. sought from said abbot and convent, the whole bordage at Turcey of Hugo of Turcey, formerly dean of Saint-Seine, moveables as well as immoveables, they promised to abide in all matters by the arbitration of these, namely the lord Arnulph of Lantenay, curate of Troalet, master Jacob, curate of Mont Bellardin, Guy, knight of Maulain, and Addo Masquelin, townsman of Dijon, under penalty of twenty pounds and with an oath that they would abide by the arbitration in peace or by the judgment of those who having heard arguments and confessions of both sides and received testimony produced on the part of the church of Saint-Seine, and according to the ancient customs of Turcey and the land of Saint-Seine. Judging in all things with the order of right preserved, said arbiters pronounced from the confession of prudent men against Peter Cementary and Maria, his wife, that they had no right to the said things nor could they restore one, and they adjudged all the above to the church of Saint-Seine to be possessed quietly and peacefully in perpetuity , and said P. and Maria swore to hold this fixed as it was judged in perpetuity and to observe it faithfully. In witness of which I have strengthened the present charter with the protection of my seal. Enacted in the year 1238 in the month of July.Original letter:
Ego Alaydis, mater ducis Burgundie, notum facio tam presentibus quam futuris quod cum discordia verteretur inter Petrum Cementarium et Mariam, uxorem ejus, homines nostros, ex una parte, et venerabilem abbatem et conventum S.Sequani, ex altera, super hoc quod dicti P. et M. petebant a dictis abbate et couventu totam eschaturam apud Turceium Hugonis de Turceio, quondam decani S.Sequani tam de mobilibus quam de immobilibus, ipsi compromiserunt super omnibus in arbitrio talium, videlicet in dominum Arnulphum de Lantenay, curatum de Troalet, magistrum Jacobum, curatum de Monte Bellardini, Guidonem, militem de Maulain, et Addonem Masqueliu, burgensem Divionensem, sub pena vigenti librarum et juramento interposito quod starent arbitrio ipsorum pace vel judicio mediante, qui auditis rationibus et confessionibus utriusque partis, et testibus receptis ex parte ecclesie S. Sequani.productis, et secundum antiquas consuetudines Turcei et terre S. Sequani, in omnibus ordine juris conservato judicando dicti arbitri pronuntiaverunt de confessione prudentum contra Petrum Cementarium et Mariam, uxorem ejus, in rebus supra dictis nichil juris habere vel posse restaurare, et omnia supradicta adjudicaverunt ecclesie S. Sequani in perpetuum quiete et pacifice possidenda et hoc ratum, prout judicatum fuit juraverunt dicti P. et Maria tenere in perpetuum ac fideliter observare. In cujus testimonium presentem cartam sigilli mei munimine roboravi. Actum anno Domini M CC XXX VIII mense julio.Historical context:
The duchess makes known an agreement between the abbey of Saint-Seine and a family of Turcey.Printed source:
E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.305, #2295.