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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1246, April)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

We, Alix, mother of Hugh the duke of Burgundy, make known to all present and future that lord Aymon of Magny, knight, and his lady Adelina, wife of that knight, sold and conceded to the abbess and convent of Lieu-Dieu of the Cistercian order, near Vergy, one measure of vineyard situated in the territory of Magny, between the vineyard of said nuns on one side and the vineyard of lady Mahot of Cussigne on the other, as said knight and his wife, standing in our presence acknowledged in good memory they had sold to said nuns for 25 Dijon pounds, from which they held themselves paid in cash (numbered money), claiming nothing in that vineyard from then on, and their sons, namely Guy, Renald, Liesbald, and Peter approved this sale and held it acceptable and firm. And said father and mother as well as said sons promised to guarantee said sale against all in good faith and peacefully and they are held to defend completely said nuns over all they possess, moveable as well as immoveable, from all damages of said sale in perpetuity. In witness of which thing we A[lix] mother of Hugo, duke of Burgundy, at the entreaties and request of said Aymon, knight, and Adelina, his wife, have handed over to said abbess and convent of Lieu-Dieu the present charter fortified by the protection of our seal. Enacted in the 1244th year of the Lord in the month of April.

Original letter:

Alaydis, mater Hugonis ducis Burgundie, universis tam presentibus quam futuris notum facimus quod dominiis Aymo de Maigne, miles, et domina Adelina, uxor ejusdem militis, vendiderunt et concesserunt abbatisse et conventui de Loco Dei Cisterciensis, ordinis, prope Virgeium, unam petiam vinee sitam in finagio de Maigne, inter vineam dictarum monialium, ex una parte, et vineam domino Mahot de Cussigne, ex altera, sicut predicti miles et uxor ejusdem in nostra presentia constituti in bona memoria recognoverunt dictam vineam predictis monialibus vendidisse pro XXV libris divionensium, de quibus tenuerunt se pro pagatis in numerata pecunia, nichil in ea vinea deinceps reclamantes, et hanc venditionem laudaverunt, et gratam et firmam habuerunt filii eorum, videlicet Guido, Renaudus, Liesbaudus et Petrus. Et tam pater et mater predicti quam filii supradicti predictam venditionem contra omnes bona fide et pacifice garantire promiserunt, et super omnia que possident tam mobilibus quam immobilibus omnia dampna dicte venditionis dictis monialibus ommino tenentur in perpetuum rexarcire. In cujus rei testimonium nos A. mater Hugonis, ducis Burgundie, ad preces et ad petitione predictorum Aymonis, militis, et Adeline, uxoris ejusdem, presentem cartam sigilli nostri munimine predictis abbatisse et conventui Loci Dei tradimus roboratam. Actum anno Domini M° CC° XL° sexto, mense.aprili.

Historical context:

The duchess makes known a sale of a vineyard to the nuns of Lieu-Dieu by a knight and his wife.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.352-53, #2535.


1246, April