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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1247, April)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to all who will look at the present letters that I have seen and held the letters of Hugo, formerly lord of Couches, sealed with his seal, written in the form noted below, which is: “Be it known to all who will look at the present letters that I Hugo, lord of Couches, gave to God and the Cistercian St. Mary for the salvation of my soul, of that of my father, my mother and my wife, and my ancestors and descendants, with the approval of my sons, namely Guy, Hugo, Walter, and Simon, perpetual and free usage in all my woods for the work of the vineyards of the house of Meursault, and dead wood for fires at the same house. That the gift of these alms have perpetual stability, I have had the charter of the present writing strengthened by the protection of my seal. Enacted at the Cistercian [house] in the 1205th year of the Lord’s Incarnation in the month of August.” In witness of the aforesaid I have appended the impression of my seal to the present letters. Enacted in the 1247th year of the Lord in the month of April.

Original letter:

Ego Haalys, ducissa Burgandie, notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod ego vidi et tenui litteras Hugonis, quondam domini de Chochis, sigillatas sigillo suo, scriptas sub forma inferius annotatas, que talis est: Notum sit universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod ego Hugo, dominus de Cochis, dedi Deo et beate Marie Cistercii pro remedio anime mee, patris, matris et uxoris, necnon et antecessorum et successorum meorum, laudantibus filiis meis, videlicet Guidone, Hugone, Galtero et Symone, perpetuum usagium et liberum in cunctis nemoribus meis ad opus vinearum domus de Muressaut, et ligna mortua ad usum ignis ejusdem domus. Ut autem donum hujus elemosine perpetuam habeat firmitatem, cartam presentis scripti feci sigilli mei munimine roborari. Actum est hoc apud Cistercium anno Dominice Incarnationis M° CC° quinto, mense augusto. In testimonium autem predictorum presentibus litteris impressionem sigilli mei apposui. Actum anno Domini M° CC° XL septimo, mense aprilis.

Historical context:

The duchess reports that she has seen a charter of donation from Hugo of Couches to the abbey of Citeaux, dated 1205, and cites it in full.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.359, #2561.


1247, April