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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1250, August)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

We, Alix, duchess, mother of the duke of Burgundy, and Mercator, dean of the duke’s chapel of Dijon, make known to all who will look at the present letters that as there was a disagreement between the abbess and convent of Thar of the Cistercian order on one side, and Dominic and Stephen, sons of the deceased Bonard of Eschevannes, clerics, on the other, over a certain home and piece of land pertaining to it situated in Dijon in the street of the House of God next to the house of Lambelin of Eschevannes, which said home with the land pertaining to it Dominic and Stephen sought, saying it was part of their hereditary right, with said abbess and convent asserting in opposition that they held the home with the land pertaining to it from the alms of Walter “Grasdepain” who had bought it from said Bonard, father of said Dominic and Stephen, with the consent of Aiglotte, wife of said Bonard. Finally, with good men mediating said disagreement was settled between said parties amicably in this manner: Namelythat said Dominic and Stephen released for themselves and all their heirs present and future in perpetuity to said abbess and convent and their successors said home with the land pertaining to it, and whatever of right and action they had or could claim otherwise in said home and the land pertaining to it. They promised also by oath sworn bodily they would not oppose this release or the present letters by themselves or any others. For this release and peace, they acknowledged that they had had from said abbess and convent of Thar forty Dijon sous by which they held themselves before us completely paid in cash (numbered money). In witness of which thing, at the entreaties of said Dominic and Stephen, we have had appended our seals to the present letters. Enacted in the 1250th year of the Lord in the month of August.

Original letter:

Nos Alaydis ducissa, mater ducis Burgundie, et Mercator, decanus Capelle Ducis Dyvionensis, notum facimus omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis quod cum discordia veteretur inter abbatissam et conventum de Thar, Cisterciensis ordinis, ex una parte, et Dominicum ac Stephanum, filios defuncti Bonardi de Eschevannis, clericos, ex altera, super quodam domo et manso ad eam pertinente sita Divionensi in vico Domus Dei juxta domum Lambelini de Eschevannis, quam domum supranominatam cum manso ad eam pertinente Dominicus et Stephanus petebant, dicentes eam ad se jure hereditario pertinere, dictis abbatisse et conventu in contrarium asserentibus dictam domum cum manso ad eam pertinente tenere ex elemosina Galteri Grasdepain, qui a dicto Bonardo, patre dictorum Dominici et Stephani, consentiente Aiglotta, uxore dicti Bonardi, eam emerat. Tandem bonis viris mediantibus dicta discordia pacificata inter partes predictas amicabiliter extitit in hunc modum. Videlicet quod dicti Dominicus et Stephanus pro se et omnibus eorum heredibus presentibus et futuris quittaverunt in perpetuum dictis abbatisse et conventui et earum successoribus domum predictam cum manso ad eam pertinente, et quicquid juris et actionis habuerunt vel reclamare possent de cetero in dicta domo et manso ad eam pertinente. Promiserunt quoque juramento corporaliter prestito contra quittationem istam seu contra presentes litteras de cetero per se vel per alios non venire. Pro hac autem quittatione et pace, recognoverunt se habuisse ab dictis abbatissa et conventu de Thar quadraginta solidos Divionensium de quibus se tenuerunt coram nobis in numerata pecunia penitus pro pagatis. In cujus rei testimonium, ad preces dictorum Dominici et Stephani, presentibus litteris sigilla nostra duximus apponenda. Actum anno Domini MoCCo quinquagesimo, mense augusto.

Historical context:

The duchess makes known an agreement between the nuns of Lieu-Dieu and her men of Echevannes.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.384-85, #2673.


1250, August