A letter from Alix of Vergy (1251/1250, February)
Alix of Vergy, duchess of BurgundyReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
We, Alix duchess, mother of the duke of Burgundy, make known to present and future that Simon and Nichola, formerly children of Hugo of Nuits, called Dean, standing in our presence sold to the abbess and convent of St. Mary of Lieu-Dieu three parts of a piece of land situated in the town of Nuits next to the oven, in the midst of said nuns on one side and the home of Morete on the other, a thing from their own heritage, for the price of thirty five Dijon pounds, and handed it over and released it altogether in perpetuity; divesting themselves from said land they invested said nuns corporally and renouncing for themselves and their heirs over this with the exception not of cash (numbered money) and the privilege of blessed Hadrian, and with all help of canon and civil law and the custom of whatever land or province might advantage said men or their heirs and disadvantage said abbess and convent. Moreover they promised for themselves and their heirs, under the pledge of all their goods moveable and immoveable, never to oppose said sale but to defend and guarantee it to said nuns against all persons. Which sale, since the things sold are from our rents, we held and hold pleasing and established. In witness of which at the entreaties and urging of said men, we had the present writing strengthened by the protection of our seal. Enacted in the 1250th year of the Lord in the month of February.Original letter:
Nos Alaydis ducissa, mater ducis Burgundie, notum facimus presentibus et futuris, quod Symon et Nichola quondam liberi Hugonis de Nuyz, dicti Decani, in nostra presentia constituti, abbatisse et conventui beate Marie de Loco Dei tres partes unius mansi siti in villa de Nuys, juxta furnum, in medietate dictorum monialium, ex una parte, et domum Marete ex altera, tanquam rem et hereditatem propriam, precio triginta quinque librarum Divionensium vendiderunt, tradiderunt et in perpetuum penitus quitaverunt, se ipsos de dicto manso devestientes, predictas moniales corporaliter investiverunt, renunciantes super hoc pro se et suos heredes exceptioni et non numerate pecunie et privilegio divi Adriani, nec non omni juris auxilio canonici et civilis, et cujus libet terre seu provincie consuetudini, que dictis hominibus vel eorum heredibus posset prodesse, et dictis alibatisse et conventui obesse. Insuper promiserunt pro se et suos heredes, sub ypotheca omnium bonoram suorum mobilium et immobilium, predicte venditioni nunquam contra venire, sed contra omnes personas predictis monialibus deffendere et guarantire. Quam venditionem, cum res vendita de nostra existent censa, gratam et ratam habuimus et habemus. In quorum omnium testimonium ad preces et instantiam predictorum hominum presens scriptum nostri sigilli munimine fecimus roborari. Actum anno Domini M°CC° quinquagesimo, mense februarii.Historical context:
The duchess makes known a sale to the nuns of Lieu-Dieu by the children of Hugo of Nuits.Printed source:
E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.391, #2686.