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A letter from Alix of Vergy (1219)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to all who will look at the present letters that I gave and conceded in perpetual alms, for the salvation of my soul and that of my lord Odo, duke of Burgundy, my husband, and my ancestors, to God and the church of St. Denis of Vergy and the canons serving God there, a hundred Dijon sous in market-stallage at the market of Nuits, to be paid annually on the octave of St. Denis. So that whoever should hold said stalls, will pay those 100 sous to the canons of St. Denis of Vergy annually at the appointed time. And that this be held firm, I have handed over these letters sealed with my seal to the canons. Enacted in this year of the Lord 1219.

Original letter:

Ego Aalaix Ducissa Burgundiae. Notum facio omnibus praesentes litteras inspecturis, quod ego dedi & concessi in perpetuam elemosynam pro remedio animae meae, & domini mei Odonis Ducis Burgundiae mariti mei, & antecessorum meorum, Deo & Ecclesiae S. Dionysii Vergeii, & Canonicis ibi Deo servientibus centum solidos Divionenses in astalgiis fori de Nuys, annuatim persolvendos in octavis S. Dionysii. Ita quod quicumque dicta stalagia tenuerit, persolvat illos C. solidos Canoniciis S. Dionysii Vergeii annuatim termino praetaxato. Et ut hoc firmum habeatur, litteras istas sigillo meo sigllatas tradidi Canonicis. Actum est hoc anno Domini MCCXIX.

Historical context:

The duchess gives a rent from the market stalls of Nuits to the canons of St. Denis for the repose of her soul and her husband’s and ancestors’.

Printed source:

A. Duchesne, Preuves de l'Histoire de la Maison de Vergy (Paris: Cramoisy, 1625), p.156.
