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A letter from Ermengard of Narbonne, viscountess of Narbonne (1157, March 21)


Ermengard of Narbonne, viscountess of Narbonne



Translated letter:

In the name, etc.. I Ermengard viscountess of Narbonne give to God and the abbot of St.Mary and Vitalis and his successors, etc., the site of Fontfroide with all its appurtenances; and the boundaries of said place are from Altano on the road of Rushes which goes out to the hill of Garde-Freinet, from the hill of Garde-Freinet as crosses are placed there up to the new Merchants road which goes to Roussillon, which road I ordered to be made, etc. This charter of this donation was made on 12 kalends of April, in the year of the lord 1157, in the reign of king Louis. S[ign] of me, Ermengard viscountess of Narbonne, who ordered this charter written, I approved, strengthened and asked [it] to be strengthened. S[ign] of lord Berengar archbishop of the country of Narbonne. S[ign] of Ermengaud of Leucate, S. of Raymond of Castriis, S. of Raymond of Salles, S. of Raymond of Bidano, S. of Berengar of Narbonne, S. of Bermond of Sejan. William as requested wrote [this] in the day and year as above.

Original letter:

IN nomine, &c. Ego Ermengardis vicecomitissa Narbonensis dono Deo & beatae Mariae & Vitali abbati & successoribus ejus, &c., locum Fontis-Frigidi cum omnibus pertinentiis suis; & termini hujus praedicti loci sunt de Altano in via de Junqueriis quae exit usque ad collum Fraxinelli, a collo autem Fraxinelli sicut cruces ibi positae sunt usque ad viam novam Mercadeiram quae vadit ad Vossellionem, quam viam ego jussi facere, &c. Facta fuit haec carta hujus donationis XII kalendas aprilis, anno dominico MCLVII, regnante Ludovico rege. S. mei Ermengardis vicecomitissae Narbonae, quae hanc cartam scribere jussi, laudavi, firmavi firmarique rogavi. S. domini Berengarii archiepiscopi patriae Narbonensis. S. Ermengaudi de Leocata. S. Raymundi de Castriis. S. Raymundi de Salis. S. Raymundi de Bidano. S. Berengarii de Narbona. S. Bermundi de Sejano. Guilhermus rogatus scripsit die & anno quo supra.

Historical context:

Donation by Ermengard to the abbey of Fontfroide

Printed source:

Devic and Vaissette, Histoire Generale de Languedoc (Toulouse: Privat, 1875) 5.1204, #615.


1157, March 21