A letter from Alix of Vergy (1248, October)
Alix of Vergy, duchess of BurgundyReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
I, Alix, duchess, mother of the duke of Burgundy, make known to all who will look at the present letters, that I have given, conceded, and handed over, for the salvation of my soul and of my ancestors in pure and perpetual alms to God and the convent of the nuns of Lieu-Dieu my wood, which is called Monteinmont, which is situated in the town of Echevronne and the granary which is called Souilley, which wood I acquired from John called “La Pique,” (the pike?) then a young noble. Truly I made said donation pure, so that I retained no right for myself and my successors. And that this be held established and firm in the future I have handed over to aforesaid nuns the present letters strengthened by the protection of my seal. Enacted in the 1248th year of the Lord in the month of October.Original letter:
Ego, Alaydis, ducissa, mater ducis Burgundie, notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis, quod ego dedi, concessi et tradidi pro remedio anime mee et antecessorum meorum in puram et perpetuam elemosinam Deo et conventui Sanctimonialium Loci Dei nemus meum quod dicitur Monteinmont, quod situm est in villa Eschavrone et grangiam que dicitur Suylley, quod nemus acquisivi a Johanne dicto La Pique, tunc domicello. Dictam vero donationem ita feci puram quod nichil juris michi et successoribus meis retinui. Et ut hoc ratum et firmum in posterum habeatur supradictis Sanctimonialibus presentes litteras tradidi sigilli mei munimine roboratas. Actum anno Domini M° CC° quadragesimo octavo, mense octobri..Historical context:
The duchess makes known her donation of a wood and granary to the nuns of Lieu-Dieu.Printed source:
E.Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v, 4.373-74, #2626