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A letter from Melisende, queen of Jerusalem (1151)


Melisende of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. let it be known to all present and future, that I, Melisende, by the providence of God queen of Jerusalem, desiring to provide an entrance for the use of the gate of David, ordered to be destroyed a certain mill, very harmful to the gate and tower because of the place where it was situated; because everyone desires to preserve what is his, I give over to the leper brothers of St. Lazarus and their servants for the mill which was demolished by my order, a certain vineyard which is in the plains of Bethlehem containing five carrucatas of land, without any charge, to be possessed in perpetuity as exchange and alms; on this condition that George and Salomon, cultivators of said vineyard, receive half of their labor from it. So that the present page containing the mode of exchange may remain stable and undisturbed, I had it strengthened by the affixing of my seal. Witness of this matter are: Andreas, butler of the soldiers of the Temple, Gilbert of Lisuncort, Ralph Strabo, viscount of Jerusalem, Nicholas chamberlain, Bencellinus. In the year 1151, indiction 14.

Original letter:

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, amen. Notum sit omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego MILISENDIS, Dei providentia Jerosolimorum regina, utilitati Davitice porte introitus providere cupiens, quendam molendinum porte et turri nimis noxium a loco ubi situs fuerat precepi penitus aboleri, ea propter unicuique quod suum est conservari desiderans, Sancti Lazari leprosis fratribus et eorum servientibus pro molendino, meo jussu destituto, quandam vineam que est in planis Bethleem quinque terre carruatas in se continentem, absque omni calumpnia perpetuis temporibus possidendam in commutatione et elemosina trado; tali vero conditione quod GEORGIUS et SALOMON, prefate vinee cultores, laborum suorum medietatem ex ea recipiant. Ut autem ista presens pagina modum commutationis continens rata et inconvulsa permaneat, sigilli mei appositione corroborari fatio. Hujus siquidem rei testes sunt: ANDREAS, militum Templi dapifer; GILBERTUS de LISUNCORT; RADULFUS STRABO, Jerusalem vicecomes; NICHOLAUS, camerarius; BENCELLINUS. Anno ab Incarnatione Domini MCLI indictione XIIII.

Historical context:

Melisende, queen of Jerusalem, grants and confirms to the lepers of St. Lazarus the vineyard in the plain of Bethlehem and five carrucatas (a carrucata is about 35 hectars) of land containing it, so that George and Salomon, cultivators of said vineyard, receive half, in exchange for destroying the mill and the tower at the gate of David.

Printed source:

Archives de l’Orient latin, Société de l’Orient Latin (Paris: E.Leroux, 1881-84), v.2 B.130-31m #10, RRH #269
