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A letter from Melisende, queen of Jerusalem (1159)


Melisende of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, amen. I, Melisende, by the grace of God queen of Jerusalem, with the consent of my beloved son, by the providence of God fourth king of the Latins of Jerusalem, give and grant a certain village, Bethany by name, which is in the division of Mahomeria of King Gerald, by name, as lord Rohard of Jerusalem set the boundaries there, up to the division of brother Angeran, from this division as the road extends to the cave which is in the opposite part. To this, our alms is given so that a they may sustain a certain leper over the number of others in their house continually for the salvation of my soul and of my relatives. That this present page may remain fixed and untroubled, I confirm it with the authority of our seal and with suitable witnesses. Witnesses of this thing are: Gerard, bishop of Laodicea, Rainald of St. Valerio, Philip of Nablus, Hugo of Caesarea, Gurmond of Tyberias , Baldwin Bubalus, viscount of Nablus, Gerard Passerellus, Robert of Rigitestens, Fulk Niger, Hugo, prior of the Lord’s Temple, Marinus, canon, William the Norman, Simon, judge, Herbert Tortus, Gerald King of Mahumeria. In the year 1159, indiction 4.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, [a]men. Ego, MILISENDIS, Dei gratia Jerosolimorum regina, assensu dilecti filii mei, Dei providentia Latinorum Jerusalem regis quarti, Deo et conventui leprosorum Jerusalem, dono et concedo quamdam gastina, Bethanam nomine, que est de divisione Mahomerie GERAUDI cognomine REGIS, ut dominus ROHARDUS Jerosolimitanus metas ibi constituit, usque ad divisionem fratris ANGERANNI; ab hac enim divisione, sicut via protenditur usque ad cavam que est in opposita parte. Ad hoc autem hec nostra fit elemosina quod quendam leprosum super numerum aliorum pro salute anime mee et parentum meorum in domo sua cunctis diebus sustenient. Ut quoniam hec presens pagina rata et inconcussa permaneat, sigilli nostri auctoritate et testibus ydoneis eam confirmo. HUJUS ENIM REI TESTES SUNT: GERARDUS, Laodicensis Episcopus; RAINARDUS de SANCTO VALERIO; PHILIPPUS NEAPOLITANUS; HUGO CESARIENSIS; GUERMUNDUS TYBERIADENSIS; BALDUINUS BUBALUS, vicecomes NEAPOLITANUS; GERARDUS PASSERELLUS; ROBERTUS RIGITESTENSIS; FULCO NIGER; HUGO. Dominici Templi prior; MARINUS, canonicus; WILLELMUS NORMANNUS; SYMON, judex; HERBERTUS TORTUS; GERAUDUS REX, de Mahomeriola. ANNO AB INCARNATIONE DOMINI M.C.L. IX, INDICTIONE IIII.

Historical context:

Melisende, with the consent of her son, king Baldwin III, grants and confirms to the convent of lepers of St. Lazarus the castle of Bethany, which is in the division of Mahumeria of King Gerald, according to the boundaries set by Rohard, viscount of Jerusalem.

Printed source:

Archives de l’Orient latin, Société de l’Orient Latin (Paris: E. Leroux, 1881-84), v.2 B.28, #16, RRH #338.
