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A letter from Melisende, queen of Jerusalem (1160)


Melisende of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

In the name of the Holy and Individual Trinity of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, amen. I Melisende, by the grace of God queen of Jerusalem, with the consent of my beloved son king Baldwin, for my salvation and that of my [people] living and dead, give and grant to the church of the most holy mother of God, Mary of the valley of Josaphat, that is to abbot William and the monks serving God there, a certain village Casracos by name with all its appurtenances, which is situated not far from the village Aschar of said church, except for a certain small piece of land whose possession was granted to a soldier. But since the proof of love is the demonstration of action by the link of charity, they established a priest at the sepulchre of the inviolate Virgin to offer also a scarifice [mass] for me and mine, living and dead. That said church might possess this alms of mine freely and without any challenge perpetually by right, I confirm and strengthen the present page by the authority of my seal. Witnesses of this matter are: Amalric, patriarch of Jerusalem, Gerard, bishop of Laodicea, Amalric, count of Jaffa, Rohard of Nablus, Baldwin, son of the viscount of Nablus, Baldwin Bubalus, viscount of Nablus, John of Valentienes, John Vacarius, Gerard Passerellus, master Stephen, Giselbert of Funda. In the year 1160, indiction 8. Given by the hand of Guido.

Original letter:

In nomine Sancte et Individue Trinitatis Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, amen. Ego Milisendis Dei gratia Jerosolimorum regina, assensu dilecti filii mei regis Balduini, pro mea meorumque salute tam vivorum quam mortuorum, dono et concedo ecclesie beatissime Dei genitricis Marie de valle Josaphat, abbati videlicet Willelmo et monachis ibidem Deo servientibus, casale quoddam Casracos nomine cum omnibus pertinenciis suis quod non longe a casali prefate ecclesie Aschar scilicet est positum, preter quamdam particulam terre ejusdem possessionis cuidam turcopolo concesse. Sed quoniam probatio dilectionis exibitio est operis vinculo caritatis, statuerunt sacerdotem ad sepulcrum intemerate Virginis de cetero offerre Deo sacrificium tam pro me quam meis omnibus vivis ac mortuis. Ut autem prefata ecclesia hanc meam helemosinam libere et absque calumpnia jure perpetuo possideat, hanc presentem paginam sigilli mei auctoritate confirmo et corroboro. Hujus siquidem rei testes sunt: Amalricus patriarcha Jerosolimitanus; Gerardus Laodicensis episcopus; Amalricus Jopensium comes, Rohardus Neapolitanus, Balduinus vicecomitis Neapolitani filius, Balduinus Bubalus vicecomes Neapolitanus, Johannes de Valentiennes; Johannes Vacarius; Gerardus Passerellus; magister Stephanus; Gislebertus de Funda. Anno ab Incarnatione Domini MCLX, indictione VIII. Datum per manum Guidonis.

Historical context:

This gift which was confirmed in a charter of her son Baldwin III, at the request of his mother, RRH #336, Delaborde, #33, is confirmed again after Melisende’s death by her younger son, Amalric: RRH #450, Delaborde, #36, 1168, August 9, indiction 1, Jerusalem. Amalric I, king of Jerusalem, confirms the peace between the church of St. Mary of the valley of Josaphat and Baldwin, viscount of Nablus over the village of Casarcos which Melisende, queen of good memory, gave to that church with the land which descends to the water of Cavea, and other appurtenances. A gift of queen Melisende, to the deceased Baldwin, viscount of Nablus, is mentioned in #560, in 1178, by Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem.

Printed source:

Delaborde, H.F., Chartes de Terre Sainte (Paris: Thorin, 1880, Bibliothèque des Ecoles Francaises d’Athènes et de Rome, v.19.81-82m #34, RRH #359.
