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A letter from Alexander III, pope (1163)


Alexander III, pope


Heloise, abbess of the Paraclete

Translated letter:

Bishop Alexander, servant of the servants of God, to his beloved daughters in Christ abbess Heloise and the others in the oratory of the Holy Spirit which is in the district of Troyes, devoted to divine service, having professed life according to the Rule. The care of the pastoral office has been committed to us by God, provider of all goods, for this purpose, that we strive to establish religion pleasing to God and to preserve what has been established with strict diligence. Therefore, beloved daughter in the Lord, we mercifully assent to your just requests and take aforesaid monastery, in which you are committed to divine service, under the protection of blessed Peter and of us, and we strengthen it by the privilege of the present writing, establishing that whatever possessions, whatever goods in fields, vineyards, meadows, woods, mills, waters, tithes, or other things that monastery presently possesses justly and canonically, or should obtain in the future by grant of the papacy, by generosity of kings or princes, by offering of the faithful, or by other just means with God’s favor, shall remain firm and unimpaired to you and those who succeed you, in which we have especially noted these: Namely, the land in which the monastery is built. The cultivations on mount Limars. Whatever you have from the sale or gift of Milo. Two acres of land in front of that monastery. Other land in the same place. The cultivation from Font-Amam. The whole land which Rainald has in the parish of Quincey, on both sides of the Aube river. The mill of Bruflet, the cultivation and certain other lands which Deacon Hilduin and his brother Seguin, and their relatives gave your monastery. Half the oven of Quincey and the vineyard of Baboel of Chalautre. Whatever Harpin of Mariac held from the fief of Milo, in that part of Seine in which the monastery sits. The land of Busseto, lands which you have at Fontenay-le-Pierreux, and at Buche-Wagon [?Bocia Vagonis] and in the Faiel valley. Four harrows of land at Ferreux, half of the whole wood and land of Furvellis. Ten acres of land at Bocenay. A third part of the milling of the mill and a sixth of the torrent, and the whole fishery/all the fishing which Mary of Balbusia had at Pontes, and the land at Pommereaux. A measure of the grain given you each year by the illustrious count Thibaut, and all the fishing in his mills at Pontes. The vineyard which Berfrid of Chalautre gave you, and the twelve pennies of rent at St. Fargeau (?Ferreol), the vineyard at Chalautre, the rent of five shillings in that place. At Monte Portarum rent of three shillings. The land of Croisum. All the land which Rainald, son of Milo, had in Murgeor, the use of the woods of Gurgiolt and of Poise, of Maceillac, of Charmey and of all the woods of Ansel of Triagnello, for pasturing sheep as well as building, or other necessities. Rent of five shillings on Pont-de-Baudement, and six shillings in the mill of Canturana, and five shillings in Theold’s hops (?oscha), at Gurgiolt, and the vineyard of Font Beton, and whatever William had in the Gandeleu meadow; the vineyard of Saldo. From the gift of Walter of Curtemaim two sixth parts of wheat each year. The land of Tilly. Whatever you have legitimately from the gift of Hervulf of L’Isle at Villeneuve/Neuville (Villam Novam) and Tranquant. The land of Epinay, the land at Gumery, the land at Somme-Fontaine, and at Tremblay. The mill of Barsam. Half the mill of Font-Amau. A part of the mill in the district of Frou. Whatever you have at Planteiz. Rent of six pennies from Hubert of Tranquant. Whatever Thehelin had in that place except men. The land of the knight Ami of Font-Somme. Whatever Ermengardius Postellus had in the mills of the canons of Villemor, and in the gardens beyond the bridge of Vana. Part of the fishery which Felix had in the water of Bucenay, and the part he had in the Scrob land, and rent of two shillings from that. The land in which your grange is and the hops (?oscham) in that place. The land which Amaldric and Hilduin gave. The meadow of Vergeron. The lands which you have at Quincey. A fourth part of the meadow of Orella. Four arpents of the meadow at Tilly. Half the mill at Quincey. All the holding of Godfrey. Half the arpent of the vineyard of Pontigny (?Pontingiatum). From the gift of Hugo Capri the vineyard of Mont Arpon, and the gift in which it resided, and the cellar. The holding of Guarin at Sancey. The vineyard at Sesana. The land between Pisy and Aisy. The mill of Bretigny. The mill, land and meadow at Marcillac. The eighth part of the woods at Pisy, another part in those woods. From the gift of Walter Rungifer, four arpents of meadow and forty shillings rent. From the gift of Heloise of Villar, the land, vineyard, and home. Whatever Rudolph Gaius had in the wood of Garde-Freinet, from the gift of aforesaid count Thibaud. Sixteen sixth parts of grain rent (annona) in the mill of Estain. The mill of Changey. Fifteen sixths of grainrent in the mill of Planche. The mill of Jutigny. Half the mill of Crevecuer and the vineyard. Half the oven of the Viscountess. Half the meadow under the church of St. Nicholas. The vineyards of Paula and Emmeline, the holding of Peter de Valle, and three pennies of rent from Ponne. The vineyards of Gauchier Cementar. An arpent of vineyard and fourteen pennies of rent from Frodemund Peregrino. The vineyard of Hugo Butar. The vineyard of Rahald. Seven measures of land (jugera) from Peter of Ponne. Four jugera from Alburg of Ponne. Two jugera and an area from said Gauchier. Seven jugera from Ada of Altomuro. An arpent of meadow and a half, and half a house from Emmelina Rebursata. An arpent of meadow and a half from Bonade Prouvino. The meadow of Theodoric. The house of Ascrana and the courtyard. The homes of Richeld, Paula, Hugo Butari, Loberius, Adan, John Tyranni and half the house of Sunbard. The house of Bonell Uvaura, and half of the other house. Three chambers and its vineyard. A measure of oats and twenty hens from Margaret, viscountess of Marrol. The mill of Roscha. A fourth part of the house from Andrea. Six jugera of land in Champsleve’, and eighteen jugera on mount Hanepon. A fourth part of the land of Villa-Cren. Half the establishment of Fuliniac. From Evrard, the vineyard and twelves pennies of rent. The holding of the wife of the saddler, Pagan, and three shillings of rent at Lisinec, and the house of the same Pagan at Pruvinum. The land of canon Ralph at Lisinec. Half the house in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. Seven shillings of rent at Chalautre. Twenty shillings at Pruvinum. Twenty shillings at Lisinec. Seven and a half from Tescia Majorissa. Seventeen from mount Hanepon. Four shillings and two pennies from Buath. Two shillings from Godefrey Monetario. Twenty shillings in the lands of Coulet. The land of Greviarum. From the gift moreover of Hato bishop of Troyes, half of every tithe from St. Albin, and half the candles in the purification of St. Mary. The whole tithe of Aneuz. Whatever St. Peter had in the oblation of the Church of Tranqueil, and a part of the tithe of that place. A third part of aforesaid oblation, and the rent of the courtyard, and a major part of the tithe of Prigniac. Whatever you have in the tithes of Balbusia and at St. Parr in the tithes of Quincey, and at Ulmell two parts of the tithe of Gurgiuolt. Whatever you have in the tithe of Villagruy. A third part of the tithe of Nogenne. The tithe which you have at Aurigniac, at Osse, and Maupigny, and St. Flavit. Whatever you have at Marigniac in tithes and oblation, and at each church of Bocenay, at Ferreux, at Chapelle, at Code, at Chalautre, at Maferey, at Bernerias. Whatever also the priest Peter of Parrigniac gave you in houses, vineyards, or other things. From the gift of Henry archbishop of Sens (?Senonensis), the tithe of Lisigny, and a part of the tithe of Cuchermey. The places indeed of Triagnello and Pomario, as they were formally granted to you with all their appendages, we confirm to you by apostolic authority, and we decree that they remain subject to you, namely that they be established and changed according to the disposition of the abbess prioress of the Paraclete and her sisters. We decree moreover should you be compelled to leave the monastery to receive a consecration or benediction or for the election of an abbess, or any other occasion, a bishop or other may not impose injury or harm on you. No man may demand tithes from you for your labors or annual income. As a token of this liberty received from the Roman church, you will pay one gold obol each year to us and our successors. Let no man dare to disturb said monastery, or to take away its possessions, or retain what has been removed, or decrease them, or trouble them with any difficulties; but all their thngs are to be preserved whole; for the sustaining and governing of which they are granted and will be in the future in rights of possession. Saving the authority of the apostolic see. If in the future any ecclesiastical or lay person, knowing this page of our disposition, should attempt to rashly oppose it and, warned a second and third [time], if he does not amend with suitable satisfaction, will lose the dignity/rank of his power and honor and be alienated from the most sacred body and blood of God and our Lord redeemer Jesus Christ, and be subject to strict punishment to the furthest extent (torture). Preserving them, on the other hand, with the intervening merits of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, will achieve the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the rewards of eternal happiness. Amen. Those places of Pomar, Troisagneaux, Leavalle, Nefort, St. Flavit, in whatever way they have been reasonably granted to you, we confirm to you by apostolic authority, etc. Dated at Paris, by the hand of Hermann, subdeacon and notary of the hol

Original letter:

Alexander episcopus, servus servorum Dei, dilectis in Christo filiabus Heloissae abbatissae, caeterisque sororibus in oratorio Sancti Spiritus, quod in pago Trecensi situm est, divino famulatui mancipatis, regularem vitam professis. Ad hoc nobis a provisore omnium bonorum Deo pastoralis officii cura commissa est, ut beneplacentem Deo religionem laboremus statuere, et stabilitam exacta diligentia conservare. Eapropter, dilectae in Domino filiae, vestris justis postulationibus clementer annuimus, et praefatum monasterium, in quo divino mancipatae estis obsequio, sub beati Petri et nostra protectione suscipimus, et praesentis scripti privilegio communimus, statuentes ut quascunque possessiones, quaecunque bona in agris, vineis, pratis, silvis, molendinis, aquis, decimis, seu aliis idem monasterium in praesentiarum juste et canonice possidet, aut in futurum concessione pontificum, largitione regum vel principum, oblatione fidelium, seu aliis justis modis Deo propitio poterit adipisci, firma vobis, eisque quae post vos successerint, et illibata permaneant, in quibus haec specialiter duximus annotanda. Terram videlicet, in qua ipsum monasterium constructum est. Culturas in monte Limarsum. Quidquid habetis ex venditione seu donatione Milonis. Duo jugera terrae ante ipsum monasterium. Aliam terram in eodem loco. Culturam de fonte Amam. Totam terram quam Rainaldus habebat in parrochia de Quinceio, ex utraque parte fluvioli Arducionis. Molendinum de Brufleto, culturam et quasdam alias terras, quas Hilduinus Decanus, et Seguinus frater ejus, et cognati eorum monasterio vestro dederunt. Medietatem furni de Quinceio, et vineam Baboel de Calestra. QuiDquid Arpinus de Mariaco tenebat de feodo Milonis, ex illa parte Sequanae in qua monasterium est. Terram de Busseto, terras quas habetis apud Fontanetum Petrosum, et apud Bociam Vagonis, et in valle Faiel. Quatuor ochas de terra apud Ferroum, medietatem totius nemoris et terrae de Furvellis. Decem jugera terrae apud Bocennaium. Tertiam partem molendini molentis et sextam terentis, et totam piscationem quam Maria de Balbusia habebat apud Pontes, et terram apud Pomerulos. Modium frumenti singulis annis ab illustri comite Theobaldo vobis donatum, et totam piscationem in molendinis suis apud Pontes. Vineam quam dedit vobis Berfridus de Calestra, et duodecim denarios census apud sanctum Ferreolum, vineam apud Calestram, censum quinque solidorum in eodem loco. Apud Montem Portarum censum trium solidorum. Terram de Croisum. Totam terram, quam Rainaldus, filius Milonis, habebat in Murgeoris, usus nemorum de Gurgiuolt et de Poiseo, de Maceilliaco, de Charmeio et omnium nemorum Anselli de Triagnello tam ad pasturam pecorum quam ad aedificia, seu alia necessaria. Censum quinque solidorum in ponte de Baldimento, et sex solidos in molendino de Canturanae, et quinque solidos in Oscha Theold. apud Gurgiuolt, et vineam de fonte Beton, et quicquid Willelmus habebat in prato Gandeleu; vineam de Saldon. Ex dono Gauterii de Curtemaim duos sextarios siliginis singulis annis. Terram de Tilliaco. Quidquid legitime habetis ex dono Hervulfi de Insula apud Villam-Novam et Tranqueil. Terram de Spineto, terram apud Gumeri, terram apud Summum-Fontem, et apud Trembleium. Molendinum de Barsam. Medietatem molendini de fonte Amau Partem molendini pagani de Frou. Quidquid habetis apud Planteiz. Censum sex denariorum ab Uberto de Tranqueil. Quidquid Thehelinus habebat in eodem loco praeter homines. Terram Amici militis de Summo-Fonte. Quidquid Ermengardius Postellus habebat in molendinis canonicorum Villae Maurorum, et in hortis ultra pontem Vanae. Partem piscationis, quam Felix habebat in aqua Bucennaii, et partem quam habebat in terra Scrobium, et censum duorum solidorum ab eodem. Terram, in qua grangia vestra est, et oscham in eodem loco. Terram quam dederunt Amaldricus et Hilduimus. Prata de Vergeron. Terras quas habetis apod Quinceium. Quartam partem prati de Orella. Quatuor arpennos prati apud Tilleium. Medietatem molendini de Quinceio. Totum tenementum Gaufridi. Dimidium arpennum vineae Ponstingiatum. Ex dono Hugonis Capri vineam de Montearpon, et domum in qua ipse manebat, et cellarium. Tenementum Guarini apud Sanceium. Vineam apud Sesanam. Terram inter Pisiacum et Aizium. Molendinum de Bretenniaco, Molendinum, terram et pratum apud Marcilliacum. Octavam partem nemoris de Pisiaco, aliam partem in eodem nemore. Ex dono Gualterii Rungifer, quatuor arpennos prati, et quadraginta solidos census. Ex dono Heloissae de Villari, terram, vineam et domum. Quidquid Rodulphus Gaius habebat in bosco Fraxineti, ex dono praefati comitis Theobaldi. Sexdecim sextarios annonae in molendino de Stagno. Molendinum de Changeio. Quindecim sextarios annonae in molendino de Planca. Molendinum de Justigniaco. Medietatem molendini de Crevecuer et vineam. Medietatem furni Vicecomitissae. Medietatem prati subter ecclesiam Sancti Nicolai. Vineas Paulae et Emmellinae, tenementum Petri de Valle, et tres denarios census de Ponne. Vineas Galcherii Cementarii. Arpennum vineae, et quatuordecim denarios census a Frodemundo Peregrino. Vineam Hugonis Butarii. Vineam Rahaldis. Septem jugera terrae a Petro de Ponne. Quatuor jugera ab Alburge de Ponne. Duo jugera et aream a praedicto Gualcherio. Septem jugera ab Ada de Altomuro. Arpennum prati, et dimidium, et medietatem domus ab Emmelina Rebursata. Arpennum prati et dimidium a Bonade Prouvino, Pratum Teodorici. Domum Ascranae et plateam. Domos Richeldis, Paulae, Hugonis Butarii, Loberii, Adan, Joannis Tyranni et dimidiam domum Sunbardi, Domum Bonelli Uvauree, et medietatem alterius domus. Tres cameras et vineam ejusdem. Modium avenae et viginti gallinas a Margareta vicecomitissa de Marrolis. Molendinum de Roscha. Quartam partem domus ab Andrea. Sex jugera terrae in Campo levato, et decem et octo jugera desuper montem Hanepon. Quartam partem terras de Villa-Cren. Dimidium plantae de Fuliniaco. Ab Evrardo, vineam et duodecim denarios census. Tenementum uxoris Pagani sellarii, et tres solidos census apucl Lisinas, et domum ejusdem Pagani apud Pruvinum. Terram Radulphi canonici apud Lizinniam. Medietatem domus in atrio Sancti Nicolai. Septem solidos census apud Calestram. Viginti solidos apud Pruvinum. Viginti solidos apud Lisinnias. Septem et dimidium a Tescia Majorissa. Decem et septem de monte Henepon. Quatuor solidos et duos denarios de Buath. Duos solidos a Godefrido Monetario. Viginti solidos in terris Couleti. Terram Greviarum. Ex dono praeterea Hatonis Trecensis episcopi medietatem omnis decimae de sancto Albino, et medietatem candelarum in purificatione sanctae Mariae. Totam decimam de Aneuz. Quidquid Petrus sanctus habebat in oblatione Ecclesiae de Tranqueil, et partem decimae ejusdem loci. Tertiam partem praefatae oblationis, ct censum atrii, et majorem partem decimae de Parigniaco. Quidquid habetis in decimis de Balbusia, et apud sanctum Parrum in decimis de Quinceio, et apud Ulmellos duas partes decimae de Gurgiuolt. Quidquid habetis in decima de Villagruis. Tertiam partem decimae de Nogennio. Decimam quam habetis apud Aurigniacum, apud Occe, et Malpigniacum, et sanctum Flavitum. Quidquid habetis apud Marigniacum in decimis et oblatione, et apud utramque ecclesiam de Bocennay, apud Ferroum, apud Capellam, et apud Codes, apud Calestram, apudd Maferial, apud Bernerias. Quidquid etiam Petrus sacerdos de Parrigniaco vobis donavit in domibus, vineis, seu aliis. De dono Henrici Senonensis archiepiscopi, decimam de Lisignis, et partem decimae de Cuchermeyo. Loca vero de Triagnello et Pomario, quemadmodum vobis rationabiliter concessa sunt, cum universis appendiciis suis auctoritate vobis apostolica confirmamus, et in vestra subjectione manere decernimus, juxta videlicet dispositionem Paraclitensis abbatissae suarumque sororum priorissae statuantur et mutentur. Decernimus autem ne propter consecrationem vel benedictionem percipiendam de monasterio exire cogamini, nec pro electione abbatissae, aut alia qualibet occasione episcopus vel alius gravamen vobis vel molestiam inferat. De laboribus etiam vestris seu annualibus nullus a vobis decimas exigat. Ad indicium itaque perceptae hujus a romana Ecclesia libertatis, unum obolum aureum singulis annis nobis nosrisque successoribus persolvetis. Nulli ergo hominum liceat praefatum monasterium temere perturbare, aut ejus possessiones auferre, vel ablatas retinere, minuere, aut aliquibus molestiis fatigare; sed omnia integra conserventur earum; pro quarum substentatione et gubernatione concessa sunt, usibus profutura. Salva sedis apostolicae auctoritate. Si qua igitur, etc. Loca vero de Triagnello, Leavalle, Neoforto, Sancti Flaviti, quemadmodum vobis rationabiliter concessa sunt, cum universis appendiciis suis auctoritate vobis apostolica confirmamus, etc. Datum Parisius, per manum Hermanni sanctae romanae Ecclesiae subdiaconi et notarii, VIII id. aprilis, ind. X, incarnationis Dominicae anno MCLXIII, pontificatus vero domini Alexandri papae III anno IV.

Historical context:

The language of this letter is the same as the letter from pope Eugene III, repeated by Anastasius IV and Hadrian IV, with the same list of added places.

Printed source:

Opera Petri Abaelardi ed. V. Cousin, 2v (Paris: A Durand, 1849, 1859), Appendix IX.x, 1.726
