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A letter from Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine (1100)


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine



Translated letter:

Matilda, by the grace of God if she is anything. It is just and pious that we offer help to the places consecrated and dedicated to god, it is holy that we defend them, who implore the remission of sins by the intercession of the saints. Recently when we were in the city of Pisa, [a case] was brought to the audience of our power that some agents of trade and shore of that city had imposed an assessment/toll on the men of the monastery of St. Benedict at Monte Cassino for some clothes bought for the use of the brothers. When this was brought to our attention we took it seriously and had it emended. And lest anyone presume to do the same against that congregation, we, out of love of our holy father Benedict whose memory we sweetly embrace, whose name we hear with delight, and out of reverence for the brothers who serve god in that monastery, concede and confirm by the writing of this page, that it is permitted to the men of that foresaid monastery to buy in the city of Pisa and Lucca and in every land in our power whatever will seem useful for the time being to said congregation, without their having to pay a toll or anything in the name of any municipal official. Whoever should presume to impose a toll against this order or attempt to do harm will incur the punishment of our bad will and pay a hundred pounds to our court. So that this be truly believed and firmly held, we confirm it by signing the present page with the impression of our seal.

Original letter:

Matilda dei gratia, si quid est. Sacratis et deo dicatis locis iustum et pium est nos auxulium[sic] prebere, sanctum est nos defensionem exhibere, que remissionem peccatorum imploramus sanctorum intercessione. Nuper presentia nostra in civitate Pise posita delatum ad nostre potestatis est audientiam aliquos procuratores mercati et ripe eiusdem civitatis abstulisse hominibus monasterii sancti Benedicti in Monte Cassino positi theloneum pro aliquot pannis ad utilitatem fratrum emtis. Quod ad notitiam nostram delatum graviter accepimus et emendari ilico fecimus. Et ne de cetero quisquam contra memoratam congregationem aliquid tale presumat, amore sancti patris nostri Benedicti, cuius memoriam dulciter amplectimur, cuius nomen cum suavitate audimus, et ob reverentiam fratrum, qui in predicto monasterio deo serviunt, concedendo concedimus et per presentis pagine scriptum confirmando confirmamus, ut in civitate Pisa et in Luca et in omni nostre potestatis terra liceat hominibus predicti monasterii libere emere, quecumque utilitati congregationis quidem predicte expedire vedebuntur pro tempore, ita vero, ut nec theloneum nec curature nomine alicui quicquam exhibeant. Quicumque autem contra precepti nostri paginam quicquam eis auferre thelonei nomine presumpserit vel molestias inferre temptaverit, et nostre male voluntatis penam incurrat et insuper curie nostre centum libras componat. Ut autem hoc verius credatur et firmius teneatur, presentem paginam sigilli nostri impressione signando firmamus.

Historical context:

Matilda finds for the monks of Montecassino in their dispute with merchants and frees them from restrictions and customs assessments anywhere in her territories.

Manuscript source:

Montecassino, Archivio abbaziale, Diplomatico aula III, capsula XIII, #38

Printed source:

Die Urkunden und Briefe der Markgräfin Mathilde von Tuszien, ed. Elke Goez and Werner Goez, MGH Laienfürsten und Dynasten Urkunden der Kaiserzeit (Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998), 188-90, ep.62.
