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A letter from Ubaldo, bishop of Mantova ()


Ubaldo, bishop of Mantova


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine

Translated letter:

[Another letter of Ubald bishop of Mantova to Matilda] 56. I desire to present to your notice certain miracles either forgotten or hitherto unknown which have truly now been discovered. The Brescians, returning joyfully, which I wrote you about recently . . . 63. What I learned from count Wilfred and his knight, Siegfried of Beredo, I write to you. To you and those staying with the abbess of St. Paul of Parma at Mantova . . .

Original letter:

[Epistola altera Ubaldi episcopi Mantuani ad Mathildam] 56. Miraculorum quaedam vel oblivioni tradita vel antea incognita nunc vero comperta notitiae vestrae praesentare cupio. Remeantes cum gaudio Brixienses, de quibus nuper scripsi vobis . . . 63. Sicut a comite Guifredo et a Sigefredo de Beredo eius milite modo didici, vobis scribo. Vobis et abbatissa Sancti Pauli de Parma Mantuae manentibus . . .

Historical context:

Ubaldo’s letters are apparently in response to a request from Matilda for accounts of Anselm’s miracles; they are included in the life she commissioned from Bardone. There is nothing to indicate that they are separate letters except the heading between them, and a reference in the second to something he had recently written to her, but Bardone apparently saw two letters though virtually the only text he cites is the one describing the miracles which is not included here.

Printed source:

Bardone/Bardo, Vita Anselmi Episcopi Lucensis, MGH SS 12, ch.56-64, p.28-31.