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A letter from Hugo, duke of Burgundy and Matilda of Touraine


Hugo, duke of Burgundy
Matilda of Touraine



Translated letter:

We make known to all the sons of holy church that Hugo, Duke of Burgundy, and his wife Matilda and their sons, as well as Varner of Sombernon and his wife Mabilia and their son Arverius, also Albert and his wife Agnes, granted to the monks of St. Mary of the Cistercian community, whatever they had in the area which is called Vervals and the area called Civry, for the redemption of their souls.  Similarly Fromond of St.  [lacuna] and his son Elarand, and Henry of Drige, and Humbert by name Bucce, and his wife Pulchra, acted in such a way that the said monks each year would give said Fromond two sectars of yearly produce, and similarly two to Henry and one to Humbert.  Half of the produce will be wheat and half barley.  This will not be worse or better, but the average (empered mean) produce of that land.  Guido of Grosbois and his sons, Hodierius, Seguinus, Paganus acted similarly, granting the monks whatever they had in said lands and these are the witnesses:  Varner of Sombernon, Albert of that town, Hugo monk prior of Dijon, Robert chaplain, Robert of Albini.  Pons and Belin of Grosbois gave up a tenth of their lands to the monks.  Fromond and his son Hylecand, Henry of Drige and Humbert Buce [sic], and his wife Parum Pulchra, Renier also and his son Guido, and the witnesses of Renier and his son are:  Renald of Durneie, Hugo, lord of the town of Chisiach, Hemeric of Colenge, the Lady of the town of St. Baldric, in which that Renier and his son live.  Witnesses truly of the tenth of the others and the gifts of above-named lands are:  Hugo of Barney, John provost, Thibaut  Valret, Ralph, artisan [faber], Thibaut, host, Simon of Gille.

Original letter:

Notum facimus cunctis sancte ecclesie filiis, quod Hugo Dux Burgundie et uxor ejus Mataldis et filii eorum; Varnerius quoque de Sumernon et mulier ejus Mabilia, ac filius eorum Arverius, Albertus etiam et conjunx ejus Agnes, concesserunt monachis sancte Marie Cisterciencis cenobii, quidquid in fundo qui vocatur Vervals, et fundo qui vocatur Civeri, habebant, pro redemptione animarum suarum.  Similiter fecerunt Fromondus de sancto [deest] et filius ejus Elarandus, Henricus quoque de Drige, Humbertus etiam cognomento Bucce, et mulier ejus Pulchra nomine, eo tenore ut singulis annis predicti monachi pro istis terris reddant Fromondo antedicto duos sextarios annone, et Henrico similiter duos, Humberto quoque unum.  Medietas hujus annone erit frumentum et medietas hordum.  Hec annona non pejor nec melior illius terre erit, sed medie temperata.  Guido de Grosbuch et filii ejus:  Hodierius, Seguinus, Paganus etiam similiter fecerunt, concedentes monachis quicquid in predictis terris habebant, et hii sunt testes:    Varnerus de Somernum, Albertus de eodem castro, Hugo prior monachus Divionensis, Robertus capellanus, Robertus de Albini, Poncius et Belinus de Grosboc decimam harum terrarum dimiserunt monachis.  Fromondus et filius ejus Hylecandus, Henricus de Drige et Humbertus Buce, et mulier ejus Parum Pulchra nomine, Renerius etiam et filius ejus Guido, cujus Renerii et filii ejus sunt testes:  Renaudus de Durneie, Hugo dominus Castri Chisiaschi, Hemericus de Colengii, Domina castri sancti Baldrici, in quo ipse Renerius et filius ejus habitant.  Testes vero de decima aliorum et de donis supradictarum terrarum sunt:  Hugo de Barney, Johannes prepositus, Thebaldus Valret, Radulphus faber, Thebaldus hospitalis, Symon de Gilli.


Historical context:

This charter lists a number of donations to the Cistercians by different families, beginning with the duke and duchess.  The names of witnesses and donors are somewhat jumbled in the document.  I have tried to unscramble the punctuation.

Printed source:

Ernest Petit, Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne de la Race Capetienne (Dijon, 1885, 1887) 1.478-79, #196.