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A letter from Matilda, duchess of Burgundy


Matilda of Touraine



Translated letter:

I G[uillelma] Matilda, duchess, make manifest to all by these letters the gift which I make for my lord of good memory, Duke Hugo of Burgundy to the holy protomartyr Stephen and those serving him.  I grant to them in the Villa of Asnieres the manses of that saint, and the men living in them, free and clear of all custom and charge or request from me and ducal ministers.   I confirm to them and their men that they hold the land of that saint, in woods as well as open country , as it is known now or may become known, in that freedom.  If anyone from our manses wished to cross over to their manses to live, he might cross and love freely and without claim.  This was done in the chapter of Dijon on the third Sunday of Lent, by the hand of Abbot Herbert, with [the following] present:  Garner, provost, and other canons with knights and servants; William of Orgiul and Wido of Nucher, Guido of Moreil and his brother Cavino, and Huon of Echirey, William, provost of the viscount, Walter and Pagano toll-takers, Natali, and William, cleric, Hugo Follen, and Migeo.  He did this first and reinvested it by the staff [baculum] , with [the following] present:  Raynald Bigot, Cavino Bornot of Asnieres, Raynald and Oldemar of Asnieres.

Original letter:

Ego G. Matilda Ducissa donum quod pro me & pro Domino meo bonae memoriae Hugone Duce Burgundiae Beato Protomartyri Stephano & ei famulantibus facio, hiis literis omnibus manifesto.  Concedo eis in Villa Asneriis mansos ejusdem Sancti liberos & francos, & homines in eisdem manentes ab omni mea & ministralium Ducalium consuetudine atque exactione seu rogatione; terramque ejusdem Sancti tam in nemore quam in plano, ut jam cognita est, sive amodo cognosci poterit, ipsis & eorum hominibus in eodem libertate confirmo tenere.  Siquis autem de nostris mansis ad eorum mansa, causa manendi, transire voluerit, libere & absque reclamatione transeat & maneat.  Factum est in capitulo Divionensi Dominica tertia quadragesimae, in manu Abbatis Herberti, praesentibus Garnerio Praeposito & aliis canonicis cum Militibus & famulis, Guillelmo de Orgiul & Widone de Nucherio, Guidone de Moreil & fratre ejus Cavino  & Huone de Echirei, Villermo Praeposito Vicecomitis, Galterio & Pagano Ventariis, Natali, & Willermo Clerico, Hugone Follen, & Migero.  Fecerat hoc primum & per baculum revestiverat, praesentibus Raynaldo Bigot, Cavino Bornot de Asneriis, Raynaldo & Oldemaro de Asnariis.

Historical context:

The duchess gives dwellings and men of a village to the church of St. Stephen, for the soul of her dead husband, Duke Hugo.  Though the document is not dated, the G. before Matilda’s name, according to Fyot, suggests that she is Matilda of Touraine, the wife of Hugo II, whose grandson, Hugo III,  referred to her as Guillelmam Ducissam. 

Printed source:

Fyot de la Marche, Histoire de L’Eglise Abbatiale et Collégiale de Saint Estienne de Dijon (Dijon, 1696), Preuves de l’Histoire, p.98, #156.