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A letter from Baldwin of Ramleh


Baldwin of Ramleh


Constance of France, countess of Toulouse

Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity, father and son and holy spirit, amen.  Let it be known to all, future as well as present, that I, Baldwin lord of Ramleh, with the counsel and will of my brother Balian, and also the consent of my daughters Eschive and Stephanie, and of their husbands, Hemeric and Amalric, viscount of Naples, at the request also of John Arrabit and his brothers, Peter and Henry, and particularly with the grant of my lord Baldwin, sixth king of the people of Jerusalem, [I] grant, approve, and confirm, and strengthen with the impression of my seal the sale to lady Constance, sister of the king of France, countess of St. Giles, of the village of Bayt Daras, which John Arrrabit made to said countess for 5,800 besants.  Which village I held from the lord king Baldwin in fief, and my brother Balian held from me, and John Arrabit held in fief from my brother Balian; from all of whom by legitimate sale that village was transferred to the right and dominion of said lady Constance, to do all her will with it, giving [it] to whomever she wished, or selling or mortgaging, or whatever she wished to do with it, with no dominion or service retained there by the king or me or mine, except for the secretarial function of George of Bayt Daras.  And I Baldwin, for me and my heirs, and my brother Balian for himself and his heirs, and John Arrabit for himself and his heirs, [we] have fixed said village to lady Constance, countess of St. Giles, and are guarantees for it to all men and keep it always free from any disturbance or charge.  This was composed and done in the presence of the lord Baldwin, sixth king of the Latins.  Present were Heraclius, archbishop of Caesarea; Letard, archbishop of Nazareth; Bernard, bishop of Lydda, and Joscio, bishop of Acre.  Similarly present, Odo, master of the Knights Templar; Josbert, master of the Hospital; Berenger, seneschal of the Knights Templar.  This was done in the 1176th year from the incarnation of the Lord, ninth indiction.  Witnesses of this are:  Peter, prior of the Lord’s Sepulchre; prince Reynaud; count Joscelin; Humfred, constabulary; Rohard, castellan of Jerusalem; Guido of Caesarea; Garner, preceptor of the Hospital; Hugo of Gibelet (Byblos); Hugo Mimarz; Rainier of Naples.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis, patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Notum sit omnibus, tam futuris quam presentibus, quod ego Balduinus, Ramatensis dominus, consilio et voluntate Baliani, fratris mei, nec non et assensu filiarum mearum Eschive et Stephanie, et virorum earum Hemerici et Amalrici, vicecomitis Neapolitani, ex peticione tandem Johannis Arrabiti, et Petri et Henrici, fratrum suorum, maximeque concessione domini mei Balduini, regis Jerosolimitani Latinorum sexti, concedo, laudo et confirmo, et mei sigilli impressione corroboro domine Constancie, sorori regis Francie, S. Egidii comitisse, venditionem casalis Bethduras, quam Johannes Arrabitus predicte comitisse fecit pro v milia et dccc bizantios. Quod casale ego a domino rege Balduino in feudo habebam, et Balianus, frater meus, a me illud tenebat, et Johannes Arrabitus a meo fratre Baliano in feudo habe­bat; a quibus omnibus legitima venditione translatum est illud casale in jus et do­minium prefate domine Constancie, ad faciendum de illo omnem suam voluntatem, dando cuicumque voluerit, vel vendendo sive impignorando, sive quicquid voluerit ex eo faciendo, nullo domino regi vel michi aut meis ibi retento dominio vel servitio, preter scribanagium Georgii de Betheri. Et ego Balduinus pro me et meis heredibus, et frater meus Balianus pro se et suis heredibus, et Johannes Arrabitus pro se et suis heredibus pepigimus jam dictum casale domine Constancie, S. Egidii comitisse, et omnibus hominibus pro ea garantire, et ab omni inquietatione et calumpnia semper acquietare. Hoc autem in presentia domini regis Balduini Latino­rum sexti compositum est et factum. Astantibus Eraclio, Cesariensi archiepiscopo; Letardo, Nazareno archiepiscopo; Bernardo, Liddensi episcopo; Joscio, Acconensi episcopo. Assistentibus similiter Odone, magistro militie Templi; Josberto, magistro Hospitalis; Berengerio, militie Templi senescalco. Factum est hoc anno ab incarnatione Domini m c lxx vi, indictione ix. Hujus rei sunt testes: Petrus, prior Dominici Sepulchri; princeps Renaudus; comes Joscelinus; Humfredus, constabularius; Rohardus, castellanus Jerusalem; Guido Cesariensis; Garnerius, pre­ceptor Hospitalis; Hugo de Gibeleto; Hugo Mimarz; Renerius de Neapoli.

Historical context:

Baldwin, lord of Ramleh, confirms the sale by John Arrabit of the village of Bayt Daras to the countess.  John held the village from Baldwin’s brother, who held it from Baldwin, who held it from the king.  Baldwin of Ibelin came of a modest family which became powerful among Palestinian nobility.  Ibelin was given to Hospitallers but Baldwin inherited Ramleh, his younger brother Balian married queen Maria Comnena, lord of Nablus (her dower-town).

Printed source:

Delaville Le Roulx, J., Cartulaire General de l’Ordre des Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem 1100-1310 (Paris:  Leroux, 1894).  1.341 #495, 1176. 
